@mastersthesis{fzsri:2813, author = {{Miletić, Klementina}}, title = {{ZNAČAJ SCINTIGRAFIJE S 99mTc-PERTEHNETATOM U DIJAGNOSTICI MECKELOVA DIVERTIKULA}}, } @article{medri:8391, author = {{Lučin, Pero and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana}}, title = {{Cytomegaloviruses reorganize endomembrane system to intersect endosomal and amphisome-like egress pathway}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:923, author = {{Brkić, Valentina}}, title = {{Imunopatogeneza anafilaktičke reakcije}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:2309, author = {{Mitrović, Hana}}, title = {{ZNAČAJ TROETAPNE SCINTIGRAFIJE SKELETA I SCINTIGRAFIJE S 99mTc-HMPAO OBILJEŽENIM LEUKOCITIMA U RAZLIKOVANJU UPALE OD ASEPTIČKOG LABAVLJENJA ENDOPROTEZE ZGLOBA KUKA I KOLJENA TE DOPRINOS HIBRIDNE TEHNIKE SPECT/ niskodozni CT}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:879, author = {{Krtić, Sara}}, title = {{Patogeneza autoimune hemolitičke anemije}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:7932, author = {{Lazarić, Leandra}}, title = {{Celijakija}}, } @article{medri:7515, author = {{Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lukanović Jurić, Silvija and Marcelić, Marina and Štimac, Igor and Viduka, Ivona and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Lisnić, Berislav and Ruzsics, Zsolt and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Membraneless Compartmentalization of Nuclear Assembly Sites during Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection}}, } @misc{medri:7812, author = {{Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana}}, title = {{Reorganizacija sučelja između ranih endosoma i endosomalnog reciklirajućeg odjeljka u ranoj fazi infekcije citomegalovirusom: plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima}}, } @misc{medri:7443, author = {{Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Karleuša, Ljerka and Viduka, Ivona and Jug Vučko, Natalia and Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{BIG, GBF AND BRAG ARF GEFS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE PROGRESSION OF IMMEDIATE-EARLY AND EARLY PHASE OF MCMV INFECTION}}, } @misc{medri:7445, author = {{Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Gulić, Tamara and Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lukanović Jurić, Silvija and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Activation of Arf GTPases during murine cytomegalovirus infection}}, } @misc{medri:7444, author = {{Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lukanović Jurić, Silvija and Lučin, Pero and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana}}, title = {{Arf1 and Arf6 GTPases are required for intracellular transport of cytomegalovirus virions}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:759, author = {{Prevedan, Barbara}}, title = {{Imunopatogenetski mehanizmi HIV-1 infekcije}}, } @article{medri:6890, author = {{Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Marcelić, Marina and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Host Cell Signatures of the Envelopment Site within Beta-Herpes Virions}}, } @misc{medri:7440, author = {{Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lučin, Pero and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana}}, title = {{Arf1 and Arf6 Are Required for the Establishment of Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection}}, } @misc{medri:7442, author = {{Marcelić, Marina and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Jurak Begonja, Antonija and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Viduka, Ivona and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Endosomal Phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate is Essential for the Final Assembly of CMV Virions}}, } @misc{medri:7441, author = {{Viduka, Ivona and Štimac, Igor and Gulić, Tamara and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Suppression of Early Endosomal Sorting Nexins Affects Murine Cytomegalovirus Envelopment and Egress}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:1616, author = {{Karić, Elma}}, title = {{Perfuzijska tomografija miokarda s farmakološkim opterećenjem tijekom COVID-19 pandemije}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:1617, author = {{Bačić, Lovro}}, title = {{TERANOSTIKA U NUKLEARNOJ MEDICINI: DIJAGNOSTIKA I RADIONUKLIDNO LIJEČENJE NEUROENDOKRINIH TUMORA POMOĆU OBILJEŽENIH ANALOGA SOMATOSTATINA}}, } @mastersthesis{unin:4797, author = {{Bogdanović Crnoja, Tamara}}, title = {{Transplantacija fekalne mikrobiote}}, } @article{medri:6290, author = {{Marcelić, Marina and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Jurak Begonja, Antonija and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Early Endosomal Vps34-Derived Phosphatidylinositol-3-Phosphate Is Indispensable for the Biogenesis of the Endosomal Recycling Compartment}}, } @article{medri:6734, author = {{Ružić, Tina and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lenac Roviš, Tihana and Železnjak, Jelena and Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja and Vrbanović, Ana and Oreb, Deni and Kveštak, Daria and Gotovac Jerčić, Kristina and Borovečki, Fran and Lučin, Pero and Adler, Barbara and Jonjić, Stipan and Lisnić, Berislav}}, title = {{Characterization of M116.1p, a Murine Cytomegalovirus Protein Required for Efficient Infection of Mononuclear Phagocytes}}, } @phdthesis{medri:6631, author = {{Šustić, Marko}}, title = {{Odgovor CD8 limfocita T u miševa cijepljenih rekombinantnim citomegalovirusnim vektorom koji izražava NKG2D ligand RAE-1γ}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:1916, author = {{Poljaković, Alen}}, title = {{SCINTIGRAFIJA SKELETA – DOPRINOS HIBRIDNE TEHNIKE SNIMANJA (SPECT/CT)}}, } @misc{medri:7438, author = {{Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Jug Vučko, Natalia and Lučin, Pero and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana}}, title = {{Arf proteins and their GEFs are generally excluded from outer part of murine cytomegalovirus assembly compartment in the late phase of MCMV infection}}, } @mastersthesis{unin:4585, author = {{Čehok, Lucija}}, title = {{Učestalost smrtnog ishoda u bolesnika s ishemijskim i hemoragijskim moždanim udarom liječenih na odjelu za neurologiju OB "Dr. Tomislav Bardek" u Koprivnici u razdoblju od 2015-2020}}, } @misc{medri:7439, author = {{Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Gulić, Tamara and Jug Vučko, Natalia and Lučin, Pero and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana}}, title = {{MCMV induces activation and accumulation of Arf6 GTPase on membranes of virion assembly compartment}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:633, author = {{Miseta, Marina}}, title = {{Učinak mišjeg citomegalovirusa na izražaj staničnih proteina za regulaciju endosomalne tubulacije}}, } @misc{medri:7436, author = {{Pavišić, Valentino and Jug Vučko, Natalia and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Karleuša, Ljerka and Lučin, Pero and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana.}}, title = {{Cytomegaloviruses induce massive reorganization of Arf proteins in the early phase of infection}}, } @article{medri:6389, author = {{Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Arf GTPases Are Required for the Establishment of the Pre-Assembly Compartment in the Early Phase of Cytomegalovirus Infection}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:4578, author = {{Šilec, Lea}}, title = {{UPALNE BOLESTI CRIJEVA}}, } @misc{medri:7437, author = {{Pavišić, Valentino and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Lučin, Pero and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana}}, title = {{Arf proteins accumulate in the citomegalovirus assembly compartment during the early phase of infection}}, } @phdthesis{medri:4329, author = {{Vičić, Marijana}}, title = {{CITOTOKSIČNI MEHANIZMI POSREDOVANI GRANULIZINOM I PERFORINOM-2 U PATOGENEZI PSORIJAZE I LIHEN PLANUSA}}, } @mastersthesis{unin:3707, author = {{Baričević, Nikolina}}, title = {{Anoreksija i bulimija kao rezultat iskrivljene slike o vlastitom tijelu}}, } @mastersthesis{unin:3695, author = {{Trandler, Kristina}}, title = {{Magnetska rezonanca u ranom otkrivanju raka dojke}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:4178, author = {{Grozaj-Hranić, Romina}}, title = {{HERPESVIRUSI I IZBJEGAVANJE IMUNOLOŠKOG ODGOVORA DOMAĆINA}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:4179, author = {{Cuissot, Corentin Pavao Andre}}, title = {{Utjecaj mišjeg citomegalovirusa na biologiju membranskih proteina i ispoljavanje staničnog prionskog proteina PrPC}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:1161, author = {{Bosilj, Damira}}, title = {{DINAMIČKA SCINTIGRAFIJA S 99mTcMAG3 KOD TRANSPLANTIRANOG BUBREGA}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:4096, author = {{Brusar, Lidija}}, title = {{SRČANO ZATAJENJE}}, } @article{medri:4250, author = {{Lučin, Pero and Jug Vučko, Natalia and Karleuša, Ljerka and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Lisnić, Berislav and Pavišić, Valentino and Marcelić, Marina and Grabušić, Kristina and Brizić, Ilija and Lukanović Jurić, Silvija}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus Generates Assembly Compartment in the Early Phase of Infection by Perturbation of Host-Cell Factors Recruitment at the Early Endosome/Endosomal Recycling Compartment/Trans-Golgi Interface}}, } @article{medri:4362, author = {{Karleuša, Ljerka and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Cytoplasmic virion assembly compartment of betaherpesviruses}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:609, author = {{Kunštek, Matea}}, title = {{LIMFOSCINTIGRAFIJA KOD LIMFEDEMA}}, } @article{medri:2748, author = {{Lučin, Pero and Kareluša, Ljerka and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana and Pavišić, Valentino and Jug Vučko, Natalia and Lukanović Jurić, Silvija and Marcelić, Marina and Lisnić, Berislav and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Cytomegaloviruses Exploit Recycling Rab Proteins in the Sequential Establishment of the Assembly Compartment}}, } @phdthesis{medri:2782, author = {{Karleuša, Ljerka}}, title = {{UČINAK MIŠJEG CITOMEGALOVIRUSA NA REMODELIRANJE SUSTAVA ENDOSOMA FIBROBLASTA U RANOJ FAZI INFEKCIJE}}, } @inbook{medri:2498, author = {{Mahmutefendić, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Maćešić, Senka and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Rapid endosomal recycling}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:2142, author = {{Aničić, Josip}}, title = {{MEHANIZMI AUTOFAGIJE U INFEKCIJI MIŠJIM CITOMEGALOVIRUSOM}}, } @article{medri:5457, author = {{Karleuša, Ljerka and Mahmutefendić, Hana and Ilić Tomaš, Maja and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Landmarks of endosomal remodeling in early phase of cytomegalovirus infection}}, } @article{medri:5473, author = {{Mahmutefendić, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Grabušić, Kristina and Karleuša, Ljerka and Maćešić, Senka and Momburg, Frank and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Late Endosomal Recycling of Open MHC-I Conformers}}, } @article{medri:1685, author = {{Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Mahmutefendić, Hana and Mačešić, Senka and Karleuša, Ljerka and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Quantitative analysis of endocytic recycling of membrane proteins by monoclonal antibody-based recycling assays}}, } @article{medri:2096, author = {{Lučin, Pero and Mahmutefendić, Hana and Blagojević Zagorac, Gordana and Ilić Tomaš, Maja}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus immune evasion by perturbation of endosomal trafficking}}, } @article{medri:8095, author = {{Veljković Vujaklija, Danijela and Dominović, Marin and Gulić, Tamara and Mahmutefendic, Hana and Haller, Herman and Saito, Shigeru and Rukavina, Daniel}}, title = {{Granulysin expression and the interplay of granulysin and perforin at the maternal–fetal interface}}, } @article{medri:8163, author = {{Sotošek Tokmadžic, Vlatka and Laškarin, Gordana and Mahmutefendic, Hana and Lučin, Pero and Mrakovčić-Šutic, Ines and Župan, Željko and Šustić, Alan}}, title = {{Expression of cytolytic protein–perforin in peripheral blood lymphocytes in severe traumatic brain injured patients}}, } @article{medri:8174, author = {{Mrakovčić‐Šutić, Ines and Sotošek Tokmadžić, Vlatka and Laškarin, Gordana and Mahmutefendic, Hana and Lučin, Pero and Župan, Željko and Šustić, Alan}}, title = {{Early Changes in Frequency of Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Severe Traumatic Brain‐Injured Patients}}, } @article{medri:7525, author = {{Blagojević, Gordana and Mahmutefendić, Hana and Kučić, Natalia and Ilić Tomaš, Maja and Lučin, Pero}}, title = {{Endocytic Trafficking of Cholera Toxin in Balb 3T3 Cells}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:3291, author = {{Mahmutefendić Lučin, Hana}}, title = {{Sortiranje konformiranih i nekonformiranih glikoproteina u membranske mikrodomene}}, }