Title Anemija u dječjoj dobi
Title (english) Anaemia in childhood
Author Marija Perčinlić
Mentor Štefanija Munivrana (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Štefanija Munivrana (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Veronek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2016-11-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Anemija najčešće nastaje zbog smanjenja crvenih krvnih stanica (eritrocita) i/ili
smanjene koncentracije hemoglobina koji je bitan za prenošenje kisika u organizmu.
Anemija nije sama za sebe bolest, već opisuje stanje organizma, odnosno postojanje te
bolesti. Od mnogih vrsta anemija najčešća je sideropenična anemija, a uzrok joj je
nedostatak željeza u organizmu za održavanje normalnih fizioloških funkcija. U
sideropeničnoj anemiji nedostatak željeza može nastati i zbog povećane potrebe za
... More njim
(trudnoća, dojenje, ubrzani rast), smanjenje apsorpcije u crijevima (dijareja, atrofija
crijevnih resica) ili zbog krvarenja. Simptomi koji ukazuju na anemiju uzrokovane
nedostatkom željeza mogu biti: umor, bljedoća, netolerancija hladnoće gubitak apetita,
pika, pagofagija, krhki nokti. Nedostatak željeza se u dojenčadi manifestira zaostankom
u rastu i razvoju. Željezo je vrlo bitan element koji sudjeluje u razvoju i funkcioniranju
neurološkog i imunosnog sustava djece. Starija dojenčad i djeca u 2. ili 3. godini života
najčešće oboljevaju od sideropenične anemije zbog nedovoljne ili nepravilne prehrane
bogate željezom. Željezo životinjskog podrijetla se dvostruko bolje apsorbira od željeza
iz biljnog podrijetla. Uzimanjem voća i sokova koji su bogati vitaminom C pospješuje
se bioiskoristivost željeza iz hrane. Prehrana koja sadrži mlijeko, mliječne proizvode,
fitate i tanine smanjuju apsorpciju željeza. Od prve pa do pete godine djetetovog života
treba izbjegavati unošenje mlijeka u velikim količinama. Da bi se poboljšala apsorpcija
željeza potrebno je odvojiti pijenje čaja od obroka, uključiti u obrok voćne sokove, a
mlijeko, sir i druge mliječne proizvode između obroka. U stanjima povećane potrebe za
željezom često je potrebno davati željezo i u obliku famakološkog pripravka. Neki
preparati zahtijevaju istovremenu primjenu C vitamina koji pospješuje apsorpciju, dok
se drugi daju samostalno. Liječenje traje nekoliko mjeseci kako bi se zalihe željeza
popunile. Tijekom uzimanja preparata željeza djetetu se poboljšava apetit, što je dobra
prilika za korekciju prehrane. Less
Abstract (english) Anemia usually occurs due to a reduction of red blood cells (RBCs) and / or
reduced hemoglobin, which is essential for oxygen transport in the body. Anemia is not
itself a disease, but describes the condition of the body, or the existence of the disease.
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when your
body doesn’t have enough of the mineral iron to maintain normal physiological
functions. In iron deficiency anemia, iron deficiency may be due to the
... More increased need
for it (pregnancy, lactation, rapid growth), reducing absorption in the gut (diarrhea,
villous atrophy) or because of bleeding. Symptoms suggestive of anemia caused by iron
deficiency may include fatigue, paleness, cold intolerance loss of appetite, dot,
pagophagia, brittle nails. Iron deficiency in infants manifests delays in growth and
development. Iron is an essential element that is involved in the development and
functioning of the neurological and immune system of children. Older infants and
children in the second or third year of life most often suffer from iron deficiency anemia
due to insufficient or incorrect diet rich in iron. Iron animal origin is twice as better
absorbed than iron from plant origin. Taking fruits and juices are rich in Vitamin C
enhances the bioavailability of iron from food. Food containing milk, milk products,
phytates and tannins reduce iron absorption. From the first to the fifth year of a child's
life it is necessary to avoid the introduction of milk in large quantities. In order to
enhance absorption of iron, it is necessary to separate the portions of drinking tea, the
meal should include fruit juices, but milk, cheese and other dairy products, it is
preferred to include between meals. In conditions of increased need for iron it is often
necessary to provide iron in the form of pharmacological composition. Some products
require concomitant use of vitamin C, while others are provided independently. The
treatment lasts several months in order to meet the iron stores. When taking iron
preparations, child improves appetite, which is a good opportunity for correction of
diets. Less
simptomi anemije
Keywords (english)
symptoms of anemia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:107326
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2016-12-20 11:45:51