Title Uloga medicinske sestre kod dojenja
Title (english) The role of nurses in breastfeeding
Author Maja Mandić
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Melita Sajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Veronek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-05-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Dojenje predstavlja prirodan način kojim se djetetu pruža nutritivno bogata, adekvatna i sigurna hrana potrebna za njegov rast i razvoj. Brojna istraživanja potvrđuju kako dojenje ima izrazito važnu biološku, psihosocijalnu i ekonomsku dobrobit za dijete i majku. Tijekom laktacije dolazi do promjena u sastavu majčinog mlijeka koje je svojim sastavom i količinom uvijek prilagođeno potrebama djeteta. U prvih šest mjeseci djetetova života majčino mlijeko pruža sve potrebne nutrijente bez potrebe za dohranom koju je potrebno uvesti nakon šest mjeseci isključivog dojenja s obzirom da samo majčino mlijeko više nije dovoljno da ispuni energetske potrebe djeteta. Uspoređujući mliječnu formulu sa majčinim mlijekom, mliječna formula je samo hrana, dok je majčino mlijeko kompleksna, živa hranjiva tekućina koja sadrži antitijela, enzime i hormone od kojih svaki pozitivno pridonosi zdravlju. Dojenje pokazuje kratkoročne i dugoročne zdravstvene te ekonomske prednosti kod djece, majki i društva u cjelini. Procjene su da se godišnje zbog ne dojenja u svijetu gubi oko 302 milijarde dolara. Djeca koja nisu hranjena majčinim mlijekom zahtijevaju više novčanih sredstava pri odrastanju, dijelom zbog sredstava za kupnju hrane za dojenčad, a dijelom zbog bolesti koje se javljaju češće ili su težeg oblika u usporedbi s djecom koja su dojena majčinim mlijekom. Preporuke Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) i UNICEF-a značajno su evoluirale kroz brojne rasprave. U razdoblju od 1991. do 1995. godine SZO i UNICEF preporučuju započinjanje dohrane između 4 i 6 mjeseci. 1996. godine donosi se nova rezolucija sa preporukom za početak dohrane sa 6 mjeseci. SZO 2002. godine preporučuje dohranu započeti sa 6 mjeseci. Neke od međunarodnih stručnih organizacija i dalje prihvaćaju ovo stajalište SZO-a i UNICEF-a s izvjesnim oprezom te preporučuju da se dohrana ne uvodi prije 17. tjedna i ne kasnije od 26. tjedna života. Inicijative „Rodilišta – prijatelji djece“ i „Rodilišta – prijatelji majki i djece“ neke su od globalnih strategija kako bi se potaknulo i omogućilo isključivo dojenje, dok postoji još mnogo načina za poticanje i promociju dojenja kroz trudničke tečajeve, grupe za potporu dojenja i sl. Tijekom dojenja može doći do određenih komplikacija kao što su uvučene, ispucale i bolne bradavice, zastojna dojka, mastitis, začepljeni kanalići i infekcija što zahtijeva intervencije medicinske sestre kako bi se pravovremeno omogućio normalan tijek i održavanje dojenja.
Abstract (english) Breastfeeding presents a natural way which can provide a child nutritionally rich, adequate and safe food needed for his growth and development. Numerous studies ratified how breastfeeding has particularly important biological, psychological and economic wellbeing for the child and the mother. During lactation, there are changes in the composition of mother’s milk which is with its structure and volume always adjusted to the needs of a child. In the first six months of child’s life, mother’s milk offers all needed nutrients without the need for complementary food which is necessary to introduce after six months of exclusive breastfeeding considering that only mother’s milk isn’t sufficient enough anymore to meet energetic needs of a child. Comparing formula milk with mother’s milk, formula milk is just a food, whereas mother’s milk is a complex living nutritional fluid that contains antibodies, enzymes and hormones, all of which have health benefits. Breastfeeding shows short term and long term health and economic advantages among children, mothers and entire society. Estimates are that globally there is a loss of about 302 billion of dollars per year just because of the lack of the breastfeeding. Children who aren’t fed by mother’s milk require more financial means at growing up, partially because of the means for buying food for infants, and partially because of the diseases that occur more often or are more difficult in comparison with children that are breastfed. Recommendations by World health organization (WHO) and UNICEF have significantly evolved through many discussions. In the period from 1991. to 1995., WHO and UNICEF recommend the inception of complementary food between 4th and 6th month. A new resolution is brought in 1996. that recommended introduction of complementary food with the 6 months. In 2002. WHO recommends the same. Some of the other international professional organizations still accept recommendations this point of WHO and UNICEF with certain caution and advise not to bring in complementary food before the 17th week and not after 26th week of life. Initiatives “Baby-friendly Hospital” and “Mother − baby friendly birthing facilities” are some of global strategies to encourage and make exclusive breastfeeding possible, while there exist many more ways for encouragement and promotion breastfeeding through pregnancy course, breastfeeding support groups, etc. During breastfeeding, there are risks of certain complications like recessed, chapped and painful nipples, plugged ducts, mastitis, clogged milk ducts and infection which requires medical interventions of a nurse to timely enable normal course of breastfeeding.
prednosti dojenja
majčino mlijeko
komplikacije dojenja
Keywords (english)
advantages of breastfeeding
mother’s milk
complementary food
breastfeeding complications
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:175664
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-06-13 13:30:53