Title Percepcija studenata sestrinstva o utjecaju mentorskog rada u programu obrazovanja prvostupnika/ca sestrinstva
Title (english) The perception of nursing students about the impact of mentoring in the curriculum of the bachelor's nurse
Author Mateja Lukšić
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Uršulin-Trstenjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-08-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Jedan od najvažnijih oblika nastave u procesu obrazovanja prvostupnika/ca sestrinstva, nepobitno je provođenje kliničke nastave, a kod njenog provođenja esencijalna je uloga medicinske sestre - mentora kliničke nastave. U istraživanju provedenom u svrhu izrade ovog rada sudjelovalo je 172 studenata preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva na Sveučilištu Sjever. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja kreiran je anketni upitnik od 10 pitanja, te je isti proveden u periodu od 25. svibnja do 1. lipnja 2017. godine, elektronskim putem. Ciljevi navedenog istraživanja: ispitati percepciju i mišljenja studenata biomedicinskih znanosti (Sveučilište Sjever), o utjecaju mentorskog rada u programu obrazovanja prvostupnika/ca sestrinstva, te dobiti uvid u njihova mišljenja o važnosti provođenja i aktivnog sudjelovanja tijekom provođenja vježbovne nastave. Nastojalo se saznati mišljenje o osobinama mentora koje smatraju poželjnima u kontekstu rada sa studentima. Uočljivo je da najviši rezultat postižu karakteristike poznavanja materije i jasnoće izražavanja, dok su najniže ocjene prisutne kod karakteristika entuzijazma u radu sa studentima i organiziranosti na radnom mjestu. Studenti u prosjeku procjenjuju važnost provođenja vježbovne nastave izrazito visokom ocjenom, te otprilike tri četvrtine studenata na vježbovnoj nastavi sudjeluje samostalno i u većini aktivnosti. Većina studenata nije sigurna jesu li tijekom studija stekli naviku autoedukacije, te sposobnost zadržavanja iste, od preostalih sudionika, više ih smatra da su stekli naviku autoedukacije, dok manji broj smatra da nisu. Nadalje, najveći dio studenata smatra da je prakticiranje usmenog i/ili praktičnog dijela potrebno pri ispitivanju i ocjenjivanju, no na ovom pitanju prisutno je najmanje međusobno slaganje studenata. Provedenim t-testovima utvrđeno je da studentice procjenjuju razvijenost cilja stjecanja teorijskog znanja na vježbovnoj nastavi statistički značajno višom nego studenti. Postoji trend da sve nastavne ciljeve ženski spol procjenjuje razvijenijima, moguće je da bi se razlike pokazale statistički značajnima uz veći uzorak. Sudionici ukupno procjenjuju razvijenost nastavnih ciljeva srednjim do visokim ocjenama, što upućuje na postojanje mogućnosti za poboljšanje. Najbolje razvijenim procijenjen je opći cilj usvajanja vještina dok je cilj stjecanja teorijskog znanja procijenjen kao najmanje razvijen.
Abstract (english) One of the most important methods of learning in the process of bachelor's education is undeniably the implementation of clinical teaching, where the role of a medical nurse as a mentor-clinician is essential. In the research carried out for the purpose of this work the main participations were 172 students of the undergraduate Study of Nurses at North University. For the purposes of this study a questionnaire of 10 questions was created and it was conducted in electronic form in the period from May 25th to June 1st 2017.Main objectives of the research: to examine the perception and views of students of biomedical studies (University of North) on the impact of mentoring work in the bachelor's education program, and to gain insight into their views on the importance of attending and actively participating during the practice lessons. In this research the main focus was on getting the information about the students’ opinions on the desirable characteristics of mentors, in the context of their work with students. It is noticeable that the highest score is given to the characteristics of showing the knowledge of content and clarity of expression, while the lowest scores are given to the characteristics of enthusiasm in working with students and in the workplace organization. On average, students evaluate the importance of conducting practical classes with very high grades, and approximately three-quarters of the students do actively participate in most activities. Most of the students declared ''not sure'' in acquiring habits of self-educating during the education program, while out of the remaining ones majority claims to have acquired these habits. Furthermore, majority of the students consider the oral or/and practical part of the exam to be necessary for correct evaluation, but it is important to notice the mutual disagreement among students related to this question. The conducted tests show that female students evaluated the development of the goal of acquiring theoretical knowledge in the practical class statistically significantly higher than the male students. The given results show a trend of female students to evaluate teaching goals as more developed and it is possible that those sex-related differences would have shown statistically important if using bigger sample. Participations general evaluate the development of teaching goals with medium to high grades, thus pointing to the room for improvement. The general goal of adopting skills is estimated to be the best developed, while on the other side the goal of acquiring theoretical knowledge is estimated to be the least developed one.
klinička nastava
Keywords (english)
clinical teaching
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:980088
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-09-11 12:09:10