Abstract | Leukemija je zloćudna bolest koja nastaje proliferacijom (bujanjem) bijelih krvnih stanica, limfocita. Zahvaća koštanu srž i limfno tkivo, slezenu te dovodi do oslabljene funkcije leukocita. Mnogi ljudi smatraju leukemiju rakom krvi. Ustvari, to je rak koštane srži – ‘tvornice’ u kostima gdje se stvaraju krvne stanice. Leukemija se pojavljuje u svakoj životnoj dobi, praktički od rođenja pa do smrti. Uzrok većine vrsta leukemija nije poznat. Međutim, nekoliko čimbenika utječe na njihov razvoj: genetički čimbenici, radijacija, kemikalije, virus. Većina simptoma ovisi o broju malignih stanica leukemije te gdje se primarno nalaze. U bolesnika s leukemijom najčešće se opažaju ovi simptomi: zimica, temperatura, slabost i nemoć, infekcije, gubitak apetita i težine, spontana pojava modrica po tijelu, bljedilo kože i sluznica, bezbolno povećanje limfnih čvorova, povećanje slezene i/ili jetre, noćno znojenje, bolovi u kostima. Dijagnoza leukemije postavlja se pomoću dva testa – analizom krvi i punkcijom koštane srži. Također, leukemije se mogu razlikovati po tijeku bolesti. Neke se razvijaju brzo i agresivno, ugrožavajući život bolesnika, a druge sporije. Postoje četiri opća oblika leukemije: akutna limfocitna (limfoblastička) leukemija, kronična limfocitna leukemija, akutna mijeloična leukemija i kronična mijeloična leukemija. Terapija ovisi o tipu leukemije, dobi pacijenta, stupnju bolesti i općem stanju organizma. Akutne leukemije je potrebno početi liječiti čim prije, dok kronične ne zahtijevaju brz postupak liječenja, ali je izlječenje jako rijetko. Glavnu ulogu u borbi protiv zloćudnih bolesti ima kemoterapija. Ostale metode su transfuzija krvi i krvnih preparata, zračenje SŽS, transplatacija koštane srži. Osim liječenja usmjerenog na borbu protiv same zloćudne bolesti često je potrebno lijekovima spriječiti ili olakšati podnošenje simptoma bolesti ali i smetnji koje se javljaju uslijed primljene terapije.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je procijeniti koliko je stanovništvo informirano o simptomima, uzrocima, udrugama za oboljele i samome liječenju leukemije. Istraživanje je provedeno na području Međimurske županije putem društvene mreže „Facebook“. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 163 ispitanika, životne dobi od 18 do 68 godina i više. Za istraživanje je korištena anketa gdje je navedeno 11 pitanja. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je polovica stanovništva dovoljno educirano o leukemiji, a druga polovica nešto manje. Rezultati istraživanja su prikazani tablično i grafički. |
Abstract (english) | Leukemia is a malignant disease that is caused by the proliferation (overgrowth) of white blood cells, lymphocytes. It affects bone marrow and lymphoid tissue, spleen and leads to impaired leukocyte function. Many people consider leukemia as blood cancer. In fact, it is bone marrow cancer - 'factory' in the bones where blood cells are created. Leukemia occurs at every age, virtually from birth to death. The cause of most leukemia types is not known. However, several factors affect their development: genetic factors, radiation, chemicals, viruses. Most of the symptoms depend on the number of malignant leukemia cells and where they are primarily found. In leukemia patients most frequently observed symptoms are: chills, temperature, ailment and weakness, infection, loss of appetite and weight, spontaneous appearance of bruising on the body, fading of skin and mucous membrane, painless enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen and / or liver enlargement, night sweats, bone pain. Leukemia diagnosis is established by two tests - blood analysis and bone marrow puncture. Also, leukemia may differ depending on the course of the disease. Some develop rapidly and aggressively, endangering patient life, and others more slowly. There are four general forms of leukemia: acute lymphocytic (lymphoblastic) leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, and chronic myelogenous leukemia. The therapy depends on the type of leukemia, the age of the patient, the degree of disease and the general condition of the organism. The types of acute leukemia should be treated as soon as possible, while chronic types do not require rapid treatment, but their healing is also very rare. Chemotherapy has the main role in fighting malignant diseases. Other methods include blood transfusion and transfusions of blood products, MRI radiation, bone marrow transplantation. In addition to the treatment aimed at fighting malignant disease, it is often necessary to prevent or relieve the onset of symptoms of the disease but also the disorders occurring due to the treatment received.
The aim of this study was to evaluate how much the population is informed about the symptoms, causes, associations of leukemia patients and the treatment of leukemia itself. The research was conducted in the area of Međimurje through the social network "Facebook". There were 163 respondents involved in the study, aged 18 to 68 and over. For our research we used a questionnaire containing 11 questions. The obtained results show that half of the population is adequately educated about leukemia and the other half slightly less. The results of the research are presented graphically and by using tabulation. |