Title Operativni zahvat kod starijih osoba - rizici sigurnosti i specifičnosti skrbi
Title (english) Surgical procedure in the elderly - safety risks and specificity of care
Author Sanja Franc
Mentor Melita Sajko (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Bradić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Veronek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2018-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Stariju životnu dob prate brojne fizičke i kognitivne promjene što za operacijsku sestru predstavlja brojne izazove u radu, a za stariju osobu mnogo rizika u intraoperativnom periodu. Kakvu će kvalitetu intraoperativne skrbi starije osobe dobiti, ovisi o razini stručnog znanja operacijske sestre te njezinim kompetencijama, a posebno njezinom samopoštovanju. Komunikacija predstavlja važan dio u svakom segmentu rada i organizacije pa tako i u intraoperativnom periodu, a podrazumijeva prenošenje poruka, razmjenu i obradu informacija, izdavanje i primanje naloga među sudionicima operacijskog tima, te kontakte s drugim profesijama. Sve navedeno čini poseban sustav komuniciranja bez kojeg operacijski tim ne bi mogao funkcionirati. Rizik predstavlja mogućnost da se dogodi nešto što može narušiti zdravlje starije osobe, pogoršati bolest ili neke druge neželjene posljedice. Brojni su rizici u intraoperativnom periodu koji mogu umanjiti sigurnost starije osobe, a kao najčešći navode se: postoperativne infekcije, zaostajanje stranog tijela (gossypiboma) te oštećenje integriteta kože uzrokovano brojnim čimbenicima. Aseptičan način rada uključuje brojne protokole i smjernice, a najvažniji protokol odnosi se na pravilno kirurško pranje ruku, što je povezano sa smanjenim rizikom od postoperativnih infekcija i najvažnija je intervencija za prevenciju intrahospitalnih infekcija kod osoba starije životne dobi. Uvođenjem kirurške kontrolne liste trebala bi se poboljšati sigurnost starije osobe u intraoperativnom periodu, a cilj liste je smanjiti pogreške te poboljšati komunikaciju i rad unutar operacijskog tima. Prezentizam se pojavio kao važan fenomen unutar radnih organizacija, a povezan je s negativnim ishodima u radu na način da operacijska sestra radi posao ispod svojih mogućnosti. Apsentizam se isprepliće sa prezentizmom, a može se jednostavno objasniti kao ne dolazak na posao iz raznih razloga što može utjecati na smanjenu kvalitetu intraoperativne skrbi za stariju osobu. Operativni zahvat u starijoj životnoj dobi povezan je s morbiditetom i povećanom stopom mortaliteta. Mortalitet je u znatnom porastu kod starijih osoba nakon hitnih operativnih zahvata te čak i kod kirurških stanja koja obično imaju nižu stopu mortaliteta u starijoj životnoj dobi.
Abstract (english) Elderly people have numerous physical and cognitive changes, which presents a number of challenges in the work of the operating nurse, and for the elderly person there, are many risks in the intraoperative period. The quality of the intra-operative care of an elderly person depends on the level of professional knowledge, competence and self-esteem of the operating nurse. Communication is an important part in every segment of work and organization, even in an intraoperative period, which means transmitting messages, exchanging and processing information, issuing and receiving orders among the operating team participants, and contacts with other professions. All of this makes a special communication system and without it, the operating team could not work. The risk is that there is the possibility of something that can endanger the health of the elderly person, make the disease worse or make some other unnecessary consequences. There are numerous risks in the intraoperative period that can reduce the safety of the elderly people, and the most common are postoperative infections, foreign object (gossypiboma) and damage of the skin integrity caused by many factors. An aseptic technique includes a number of protocols and guidelines, and the most important protocol refers to proper surgical hands washing, which is associated with reduced risk of postoperative infections and the most important intervention for the prevention of intrahospital infections in older persons. The introduction of a surgical checklist should improve the safety of the elderly people in the intraoperative period, and the goal of the list is to reduce the errors and to improve communication and work within the operating team. Presentism has emerged as an important phenomenon within work organizations and is associated with negative outcomes in work, so the operating sister does work which is below it's capabilities. Apsentism is intertwined with presentism, and can simply be explained as not coming to work for various reasons, where the consequence is a reduced quality of intraoperative care for an older person. Operative surgery in older age is associated with morbidity and increased mortality rate. Mortality is significantly increased in elderly people following emergency surgery and even in conditions that usually have a lower mortality rate in older age.
starija osoba
operativni zahvat
rizici sigurnosti
Keywords (english)
elderly person
risk of safety
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:384715
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-21 06:32:38