Abstract | Karcinom grlića maternice, drugi po učestalosti, najčešća je zloćudna bolest žena reproduktivne dobi između 25 i 45 godina. Razlikujemo preinvazivni i invazivni stadij, a simptomatska obilježja ovise o stadiju razvoja bolesti. Postoje različiti rizični čimbenici koji doprinose nastanku malignoma, no najznačajniji uzrok je HPV infekcija. Osnovna metoda probira jest PAPA test na koji bi se trebale pozivati sve žene između 25. i 64. godine života. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postojeće znanje žena nezdravstvenih usmjerenja o karcinomu grlića maternice u Hrvatskoj. Nadalje, ispitati načine informiranja o prevenciji te značajnost medicinske sestre/ tehničara u ulozi edukatora, pritom dajući ženama razumljive informacije. Istraživanje je provedeno nestandardiziranim anketnim upitnikom preko Google obrasca na društvenim mrežama u periodu trajanja mjesec dana. Sudjelovalo je 835 ispitanica ženskog spola, dobi između 15 i 98 godina. Analiza podataka uključivala je računanje: aritmetičke sredine ( ), standardne devijacije (SD), minimalni (min) rezultat, maksimalni (max) rezultata, Cronbachov koeficijent pouzdanosti unutarnje konzistencije (α) i izračun frekvencija za deskriptivne podatke. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju zavidno znanje žena o karcinomu grlića maternice, bez obzira na dob i stupanj obrazovanja. Žene srednje životne dobi zbog svoje reproduktivne dobi i aktivnog spolnog života, redovitije odlaze odabranom ginekologu radeći PAPA test. No, kada je riječ o načinima informiranja i razumljivosti informacija od strane medicinskih sestara, rezultati pokazuju zabrinjavajuće činjenice. Medicinske sestre / tehničari ne provode dovoljno vremena educirajući i informirajući žene o prevenciji karcinoma grlića maternice. Naime, samo 5 minuta, znatno manji broj medicinskih sestara odvoji vrijeme educirajući, no zbog korištenja stručne terminologije informacije su često nerazumljive. Najveći broj ispitanica nikada nije bilo educirano/informirano o prevenciji karcinoma grlića maternice od strane medicinske sestre odabranog ginekologa. Kako bi se povećala informiranost pacijentica o samoj prevenciji najviše ispitanica navodi kako bi razgovor medicinske sestre i odabranog ginekologa sa pacijenticom u ambulanti značajno tome doprinio. Medicinska sestra/tehničar ima ulogu edukatorice u adolescenata, mladih spolno aktivnih žena, žena rizičnih skupina, ali i žena oboljelih od karcinoma grlića maternice. Dostupnost informacija putem brošura, letaka i plakata pomogla bi ženama da se osvijeste o ovom problemu. Time bi se redovitost odlazaka odabranom ginekologu povećala, a strah od malignog oboljenja znatno smanjio. |
Abstract (english) | Cervical cancer, the second most frequently occurring cancer among women, is the most common malignant disease in women of reproductive age between the ages of 25 and 45. We distinguish the preinvasive and invasive stage, and the symptomatic characteristics depend on the stage of development of the disease. There are various risk factors that contribute to the onset of malignancy, but the most significant cause is HPV infection. The basic method of screening is the Pap test, and all women between the ages of 25 and 64 should be invited for cervical screening. The aim of the research was to examine the existing knowledge of women of non-medical education about cervical cancer in Croatia. Furthermore, the aim was to examine ways of informing about prevention possibilities and the significance of nurses in the role of educators, while providing women with clear information. The research was conducted through a non-standard questionnaire through Google forms, on social networks over a period of one month. The study included 835 female subjects, between the ages of 15 and 98. The data analysis included computation of: arithmetic mean ( ), standard deviation (SD), minimum (min) result, maximum (max) result, Cronbach's internal consistency reliability coefficient (α) and calculation of frequency for descriptive data. Research results show enviable knowledge of women about cervical cancer, regardless of age and degree of education. Middle-aged women, because of their reproductive age and active sex life, regularly go to their chosen gynaecologist for a Pap test. However, when it comes to ways of informing and understanding information provided by nurses, the results are worrying. Nurses do not spend enough time educating and informing women about the prevention of cervical cancer. In fact, for only 5 minutes, a significantly smaller number of nurses take time to educate, but because of the professional terminology the information is often incomprehensible or unclear. Most respondents have never been educated/ informed about the prevention of cervical cancer by nurses of their chosen gynaecologist. In order to increase the patient's awareness of the prevention possibilities, the majority of respondents state that talking to the nurses and their chosen gynaecologist at the clinic would significantly help patients to be well-informed. The nurse has the role of an educator for adolescents, young sexually active women, women in risk groups, as well as women who have cervical carcinoma. Availability of information through brochures, flyers and posters would help women to become aware of this issue. This would increase the regularity of visits to their chosen gynaecologist, and the fear of malignancy would be significantly reduced. |