Abstract | Motivacija je skup tehnika i utjecaja koji zaposlenike pokreću i usmjeravaju na izvršavanje zadataka
i određeno ponašanje. Organizacijske i individualne karakteristike te karakteristike posla su faktori
koji utječu na motivaciju zaposlenika. Kod motivacije zaposlenika koriste se različite motivacijske
strategije od kojih su najčešće materijalne i nematerijalne strategije. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenika
možemo definirati kao posljedicu mnogih karakteristika pojedinca te njegovog radnog okruženja.
Zaposlenici koji su zadovoljni na radnom mjestu manje su odsutni na poslu, produktivniji su te su
samim time i zadovoljniji životom. Vrlo je važno znati razinu motivacije i zadovoljstva zdravstvenih
zaposlenika na radnom mjestu jer ono ne samo da utječe na zaposlenike, nego i na radnu
organizaciju. Motivirani i zadovoljni zaposlenici ključni su u radu i napredovanju svake
organizacije. Organizacije bi trebale razvijati strategije za što bolju motivaciju svojih zaposlenika jer
zaposlenici koji imaju veće zadovoljstvo i motivaciju produktivniji su, učinkovitiji, bolje su
raspoloženi te postižu više ciljeva. Zdravstvenim djelatnicima ključni čimbenici za rad su motivacija
i zadovoljstvo. Njihovo zadovoljstvo radom utječe na kvalitetu zdravstvenih usluga, njihovu
dostupnost i učinkovitost. Tijekom rada provedeno je istraživanje kojim se željelo saznati koliko su
zdravstveni radnici motivirani i zadovoljni te koji čimbenici utječu na njihovu motivaciju i
zadovoljstvo. Parametre koje su ocijenili najvišom ocjenom su: radna okolina (dobro radno vrijeme,
dobar odnos s nadređenima i suradnicima, dobar način organizacije), mogućnost napredovanja i
obrazovanja, sigurnost na radnom mjestu, redovna mjesečna primanja te visina plaće. Od ukupno
482 sudionika, njih 247 (51.2%) je ocijenilo parametar visina plaće vrlo bitnim, ali su nematerijalni
faktori: uvjeti rada (78,9%), slobodni dani (71,4%), pohvale (54,6%), samostalnost (71,4%), osjećaj
postignuća i uspjeha (67,4%), ostvarivanje osobnih ciljeva (64,9%) ocijenili važnijim motivirajućim
čimbenicima. U otvorenom pitanju gdje su sudionici navodili parametre njima bitne za motivaciju i
zadovoljstvo na radnom mjestu, istaknuli su: nedovoljna pravna zaštita, iskrenost suradnika,
poštivanje od strane kolega i pacijenata, suvremenija oprema te dovoljan broj djelatnika za
obavljanje posla. |
Abstract (english) | Motivation is a set of techniques that impacts how the employees works and focus on performing
tasks to obtain certain behaviors. Organizational and individual characteristics and characteristics of
the job that affects employee and patient care and motivation. In the motivation of the employee,
different strategies that are used, most of which are material and tangible strategies. We can define
the satisfaction of employees as a conglomerate of many characteristics that of the individual and
the working environment. Employees who are happy in the workplace are less absent at work, are
more productive and are therefore more satisfied with their life and the passion for caring. It is very
important to know the level of motivation of health employees in the workplace. As it does not only
affect employees, but also their work and level of care. Motivation of a satisfied employee are key to
the work environment and advancement of their personal goals and the goals of the organization.
Organizations are developing strategies for better motivation of their employees who then will have
a greater satisfaction with employer and are more productive, more efficient, in a confidence to
achieve their own goals and the goals of the organization. Healthcare professionals are key factors to
achieving work strategies for patient level care. This satisfaction will affect the level of health
services, their ability and effectiveness to have the patient’s best interest at heart and that of their
employer. During a study that was conducted to find out how much health care professionals
where motivated, satisfied and what factors influence their lives. It was found that the level of care
they provide and motivation impacted their career. The parameters that were evaluated by the
highest rating are: Working environment (good working hours, good working relationship with
superiors and associates, the ways of the organization), possibility of advancement and education,
workplace safety, regular monthly income. Out of the total of 482 participants, 247 (51.2%)
assessed a parameter of the salary very important, but tangible factors are: working conditions
(78.9%), free days (71.4%), praise (54.6%), independence (71.4%), sense of achievement and
success (67.4%), achieving personal objectives (64.9%) have been motivated by more important
factors, patient care and the need to be a care giver. In an open question period where the
participants cited the most relevant motivation and satisfaction in the workplace was, and stressed:
insufficient legal protection, honesty of associates, respect by colleagues and patients, contemporary
equipment and sufficient number of employees to perform their passion. |