Abstract | Samopregled dojke označava pojam za pregled vlastitih dojki te upoznavanje njihova izgleda i uočavanje promjena na istim. U današnje vrijeme velik broj ljudi ne provodi isti kao mjeru prevencije karcinoma dojke. Važno je pravovremeno uočiti promjene koje se mogu javiti na dojkama. Neke od njih su crvenilo, naboranje kože, asimetrija, izražene vene, uvlačenje bradavice, opipljive kvržice. Potrebno je provoditi samopregled na mjesečnoj bazi te kontaktirati liječnika ukoliko se uoče iste.
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati koliko je opća populacija informirana o važnosti samopregleda u prevenciji karcinoma dojke te ispitati razlike u znanju provođenja samopregleda dojke ovisno o sociodemografskim karakteristikama sudionika. U statističkom programu IBM SPSS 23 napravljena je kvantitativna deskriptivna obrada podataka koja uključuje frekvenciju odgovora te deskriptivnih podataka upitnika znanja.
Istraživanje je provedeno na 548 ispitanika putem Interneta i anketnog upitnika napravljenog u Google obrascu u svrhu ovog istraživanja. Anketa je bila anonimna, a ispitanici su pristupali dobrovoljno.
Od 548 ispitanika njih 515 je bilo ženskog spola, 33 muškog spola, prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 29,96 +/- 9,63 godine, dok je najmlađi imao 18, a najstariji 71 godinu. Srednju stručnu spremu imalo je 252 ispitanika, preddiplomski njih 218 i magisterij 78. U upitniku o informiranosti o karcinomu dojke i samopregledu postavljeno je 10 pitanja gdje su ispitanici označavali ponuđene odgovore. Od 548, 513 ispitanika upoznato je s pojmom samopregled dojke dok 35 nije, a 537 anketiranih smatra da je isti bitan kao mjera prevencije karcinoma dojke. Najveći broj ispitanika smatra kako bi radionice u školama bile dobra mjera za smanjenje pojavnosti karcinoma dojke, njih 282, dok najmanji broj, njih 15, smatra da bi to bile brošure i knjige.
Statistički nije pronađena nikakva razlika u informiranosti o samopregledu dojke s obzirom na dob, spol i mjesto stanovanja. Međutim, statistički značajna razlika u informiranosti o samopregledu dojke postoji prema obrazovanju ispitanika. Najmanju informiranost pokazuju osobe koje imaju završenu srednju stručnu spremu, a najveću osobe koje imaju završen preddiplomski studij. Takvi rezultati pokazuju važnost obrazovanja. |
Abstract (english) | Breast self-examination is a term used for examination of your own breasts and getting to know their look and changes that might occur. Nowadays, a large number of people do not perform breast self-exam as a preventive measure for breast cancer. It is important to notice the changes that may occur on the breasts. Some of them are redness, skin dimpling, asymmetry, veins, inverted nipples, lumps. It is necessary to carry out breast self-examination monthly and contact doctor if you notice some of the mentioned changes.
The aim of the research was to examine how much of the general population is informed about the importance of breast self-examination in breast cancer prevention and to review the differences in the knowledge of self-examination of the breast depending on the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. In the statistical program IBM SPSS 23, quantitative descriptive dana processing was made, which includes response frequency and descriptive data of the questionnaire.
The survey was conducted on 548 respondents via the Internet and a questionnaire made in the Google form for the purpose of this research. It was anonymous, and respondents approached voluntarily.
Of the 548 subjects, 515 were female gender, 33 male gender, the average age of the respndents was 29.96 +/- 9.63 years, the youngest had 18 and the oldest 71 years. 252 graduated from high school, bachelor 218 and masters's degree 78. In the breast cancer information and self-examination questionnaire, 10 questions were posed where respondents indicated offered responses. Of the 548, 513 respondents are familiar with the concept of breast self-examination while 35 are not, and 537 respondents believe that self-examination is key measure to prevention of the breast cancer. The largest number of respondents, 282, believe that workshops in schools could be a good measure to reduce incidence of breast cancer, while the smallest number, 15, thought it would be brochures and books.
No statistical differences were found in the information of breast self-examination, considering age, gender and place of residence. However, a statistically significant difference in information of breast self-examination exists according to the education of the respondents. The minimum level of information is shown by persons with completed high school, and the highest level persons with bachelor's degree. Such results show the importance of education. |