Title Informiranost roditelja o pokazateljima razvojnih poremećaja kod djece
Title (english) Parental familiarity indicators of developmental difficulties in children
Author Ivana Olivari
Mentor Jurica Veronek (mentor)
Committee member Andreja Brajša-Žganec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Veronek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2019-12-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Smatra se da su poremećaji iz autističnog spektra, kako se danas nazivaju, ili kratko autizam, najčešći razvojni poremećaji koji se pojavljuju u prvim godinama života i traju cijeli život. Također podatci govore da je stopa pojavnosti autizma 1 na 150 novorođene djece što je vrlo zabrinjavajuće te podatak da se svaku 21 minutu u svijetu rodi dijete kojemu će biti dijagnosticiran jedan od poremećaja iz autističnog spektra. Danas se autistični poremećaji smatraju pervazivnim razvojnim
... More poremećajima, za što je karakteristično i pervazivno oštećenje većeg broja razvojnih područja, primjerice socijalne interakcije i komunikacije ili javljanje stereotipnih oblika ponašanja, interesa ili aktivnosti. Takav obrazac ponašanja utječe na mogućnost zadovoljavanja osnovnih ljudskih potreba, te posljedično i na samu kvalitetu života.
Od iznimne je važnosti što ranije prepoznavanje poremećaja i postavljanje dijagnoze, kako bi se dijete na vrijeme uključilo u sustav pravilne i kontinuirane rehabilitacije i edukacije.
Provedeno je istraživanje među roditeljima djece u starosti od 12 do 18 mjeseci. Instrument provedbe istraživanja bio je M-CHAT upitnik kojim se željelo ispitati pokazatelje koji dovode do razvojnih poremećaja. Ispitivanje je provedeno putem društvenih mreža, glavni cilj bio je ispitati koliki broj djece na istraženom uzorku ima više od tri rizična faktora nastanka poremećaja u razvoju, dok su sekundarni ciljevi usmjereni bili na to je li dob roditelja i spol djeteta povezana s brojem rizičnih faktora za oboljenje od razvojnih poremećaja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 94 roditelja djece u dobi između 12 i 18 mjeseci. Dobivenim rezultatima možemo zaključiti kako 28,7% djece ima više od tri rizična faktora za nastanak poremećaja u razvoju, nadalje nije dobivena značajna povezanost dobi roditelja i broja rizičnih faktora za nastanak poremećaja, te nema značajnih razlika u broju rizičnih faktora ovisno o spolu djeteta.
Zbog svoje kompleksnosti PSA zahtijevaju više pozornosti kako od strane stručnjaka tako i od stane okoline. Potrebno je podizati znanje i svijest društva o samom problemu poremećaja autističnog spektra ali i njegovoj ranoj dijagnozi i simptomima. Intenzivna rana intervencija kod djece omogućuje bolji napredak, usvajanje osnovnih vještina, komunikacije, razumijevanja, prihvaćanja same dijagnoze. Stoga pri prvim znakovima poremećaja potrebno je uključiti dijete u individualizirane edukacijske programe. Less
Abstract (english) Autism spectrum disorders, as they are known by today, or shortened autismare considered to be the most common developmental disabilities that appear at an early age and are a lifelong condition. Data also shows the alarming fact that the prevalence of autism is 1 in 150 children, meaning that every 21 minutes a child is born that will be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Today autism spectrum disorder is labeled under the term pervasive developmental disorders, which are
... More characterised by the pervasive impairment of a larger number of developmental areas, such as social interaction and communication or the appearance of stereotypical forms of behaviour, restricted interests and repetitive activities. Behaviour patterns such as these affect the ability to satisfy basic human needs and in consequence affect the very quality of life. The early recognition of the disorder and proper diagnosis are of immense importance, so that the child may start an apppropriate and continuous system of rehabilitation and education.
The study was conducted with the parents of children aged 12 to 18 months. The M-CHAT questionnaire was the instrument used in the study to examine the indentifiers of pervasive disorders. The questionnaire was filled out via social networks, the main goal being to identify how many children in the questioned sample possess more than three risk factors for developing a developmental disorder, while the secondary objective was focused on whether the age of the parent and sex of the child was linked to the number of risk factors in developing a developmental disorder. 94 parents of children between the ages of 12 and 18 months participated in the study. The end results showed that 28,7% of children had more than three risk factors to develop a developmental disorder, furthermore there was no correlation between the age of the parents and the number of risk factors, as well as no correlation between the sex of the child and number of risk factors.
Due to it's complexity autism spectrum disorder deserves more attention from specialists as well as more concern from the community. It is necessary to educate and increase awareness in the community about autism spectrum disorder and the need for early diagnosis and recognition of symptoms. Intensive early intervention in children enables better progress, acquiring basic skills, communication, comprehension and better acceptance of the diagnosis. The reforewhen a child shows the first signs of the disorder it should be integrated into individualized educational programmes. Less
poremećaji spektra autizma
uloga medicinske sestre
Keywords (english)
autism spectrum disorder
role of nurse
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:644215
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-01-31 15:31:15