Title Zdravstveni djelatnici na prvoj liniji obrane od pandemije bolesti COVID-19: istraživanje stavova, mišljenja i utjecaja na mentalno zdravlje
Title (english) Healthcare professionals on the first line of defense against the COVID-19 pandemic: a study of attitudes, opinions and mental health impacts
Author Barbara Samvik
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Hećimović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Infectology
Abstract Brzo širenje pandemije COVID-19 postalo je glavni razlog zabrinutosti kako za cijelu
populaciju tako i za zdravstvenu struku. Od prosinca 2019. godine svijet se suočava sa dosad
neviđenom infekcijom koju uzrokuje novi soj koronavirusa pod nazivom SARS-CoV-2.
Izazivajući hitne, drakonske javnozdravstvene mjere u mnogim zemljama diljem
svijeta došlo je do velike neizvjesnosti i nepredvidljivosti u kojem će smjeru borba s novom
zaraznom bolesti ići. Borba s COVID-19 infekcijom još uvijek do danas nije potpuno
razjašnjena. Ono što je kobno kod svake nove pojave bolesti je društvena ranjivost. Cijeli
svijet je svjedočio prizorima prenapučenosti zdravstvenog sustava uslijed pandemije, nestašici
zaštitne opreme, respiratora i dezinfekcijskih sredstava, nepredvidivom tijeku bolesti,
slučajevima sa smrtnim ishodom te ostalim potresnim prizorima. Nagli preokret u
zdravstvenom sustavu stavio je zdravstvene djelatnike na “čelo borbe” protiv COVID-19
infekcije. Zdravstveni djelatnici na prvim linijama obrane izloženi su izravnom kontaktu s
potvrđenim ili suspektnim slučajevima COVID-19 infekcije. Neprestane izmjene bolničkih
protokola, reorganizacije rada, priljev pacijenata, rad u intenzivnim uvjetima i ostali novi
izazovi prilagodbe na novonastalu situaciju utječu kako na fizičko tako i na psihičko to jest
mentalno zdravlje zdravstvenih djelatnika. Ozbiljnost najviše predstavlja mentalno zdravlje
zdravstvenih djelatnika jer ostavlja duže i trajnije posljedica kako na samog pojedinca tako i
na profesionalni život ubuduće. Zdravstveni djelatnici su općenito zbog same prirode posla
skloniji sindromu sagorijevanja, a posebice su u većem riziku za vrijeme pandemije COVID-
19 kada su zahtjevi posla povećani i složeniji.
U ovom radu ispitani su stavovi, mišljenja i utjecaj na mentalno zdravlje zdravstvenih
djelatnika na prvoj liniji obrane od pandemije COVID-19 putem anonimne ankete. Rezultati
provedenog istraživanja ukazuju na to da su sudionici doživljavali loša opća stanja poput
fizičke, psihičke iscrpljenosti, velik radni pritisak i slično za vrijeme mobilizacije zbog
COVID-19 infekcije. Veća zabrinutost od toga da će sami oboljeti je to da će zarazu prenijeti
članu obitelji ili negativnim pacijentima. Najveći broj sudionika je povremeno pomišljao kako
više ne može izdržati, osjećali su se „istrošeno“, nisu imali energije za obitelj i prijatelje u
slobodno vrijeme, bili više zaboravljivi te burno reagirali na uobičajene situacije. Upravo
ispitanici koji su se lošije osjećali su razmišljali o davanju otkaza. Nezadovoljni rasporedom
rada također manje od polovice ispitanika smatra da nije dovoljno zaštićena u radu s
suspektnim ili pozitivnim pacijentima na COVID-19 upravo zbog odjela na kojem trenutno
rade i profesije zdravstvenog usmjerenja. Zbog toga je važno ulagati u ljudske resurse u zdravstvu u vidu edukacija i same
zaštite mentalnog zdravlja djelatnika od strane sustava kako bi u svakom trenutku bili spremni
pacijentima osigurati najadekvatniju skrb.
Abstract (english) The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has become a major cause for concern
for the entire population and the health profession. Since December 2019, the world is facing
an unprecedented infection caused by a new strain of coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.
Challenging urgent, draconian public health measures in many countries around the
world has created great uncertainty and unpredictability in which direction will the fight
against the new infectious disease go. The battle against COVID-19 infection has not yet been
fully clarified. However, what is disastrous with each new outbreak of the disease is social
vulnerability. The whole world has witnessed scenes of health system overcrowding due to
pandemics, lack of protective equipment, respirators and disinfectants, unpredictable course
of the disease, fatal cases and other shocking scenes. A sudden turnaround in the health care
system has put health professionals at the forefront of the “fight” against COVID-19 infection.
Healthcare professionals on the front lines of defence are exposed to direct contact with
confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 infection. Constant changes in hospital protocols,
reorganization of work, influx of patients, work in intensive conditions and other new
challenges of adaptation to the new situation affect both the physical and mental health of
health professionals. Seriousness is mostly the mental health of health professionals because it
leaves longer and more lasting consequences for both the individual and professional life in
the future. Healthcare workers are generally more prone to burnout syndrome due to the very
nature of their work, and are particularly at higher risk during a COVID-19 pandemic when
job demands are increased and more complex.
This thesis examines the attitudes, opinions and impact on the mental health of health
professionals on the first line of defence against the COVID-19 pandemic with the use of an
anonymous survey. The results of the study indicate that participants experienced poor
general conditions such as physical, mental exhaustion, high work pressure and similar things
during mobilization due to COVID 19 infection. Greater concern than that they would
become ill themselves is that they would transmit the infection to a family member or
negative patients. Most of the participants occasionally thought that they could not stand it
anymore, they felt “worn out”, they didn't had energy for family and friends in their free time,
they were more forgetful and overreacted to common situations. It was the respondents who
felt worse who were thinking about quitting. Dissatisfied with the work schedule, less than
half of the respondents also believe that they are not sufficiently protected in working with suspected or positive patients with COVID-19 precisely because of the department in which
they currently work and the health profession.
Therefore, it is important to invest in human resources in health care in the form of
education and in the protection of mental health of employees by the system in order to be
ready at all times to provide patients with the most adequate care.
zdravstveni djelatnici
mentalno zdravlje
Keywords (english)
healthcare workers
mental health
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:260666
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-10-29 14:25:57