Abstract | Tumori maternice najčešće se javljaju kod žena u pedesetim godinama života. Postoje brojni rizični čimbenici koji imaju utjecaj na pojavu tumora. U njih se ubrajaju: dob iznad četrdeset godina, anamneza infertilnosti, pretilost, estrogenska nadomjesna terapija bez progesterona, dijabetes, hipertenzija, HPV te genetski faktori. Tumori se dijele na dobroćudne (benigne) i zloćudne (maligne) tumore. Najčešći dobroćudni tumor maternice je miom koji čini 4-5% od ukupnog broja ginekološke patologije. U dobroćudne tumore maternice pripadaju i endometrioza, adenomioza te polipi endometrija. Karcinom endometrija se nalazi na četvrtom mjestu najčešćih sijela karcinoma kod žena u Republici Hrvatskoj (6%). Početak svake dijagnoze tumora, bilo da je dobroćudni ili zloćudni, čini detaljna anamneza. Uz anamnezu u dijagnosticiranju tumora maternice koristi se ultrazvuk, histeroskopija, klinički ginekološki pregled i frakcionirana kiretaža. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze odlučuje se koji će se terapijski postupak provesti. Odabir terapijskog postupka ovisi o razvojnom stadiju karcinoma. Kirurški zahvat, radioterapija, kemoterapija i hormonska terapija progestinima su terapijski postupci koji se primjenjuju u liječenju tumora maternice. U procesu dijagnosticiranja i liječenja tumora maternice važan je timski rad. Članovi multidisciplinarnog tima su mnogobrojni, a medicinska sestra je jedan od njih. Ona najviše vremena provodi uz pacijenticu i zadaća joj je pacijenticu psihički i fizički pripremiti za dijagnostičke i terapijske postupke, prevenirati moguće poteškoće i komplikacije te pružiti skrb nakon njih. Važno je da medicinska sestra bude podrška pacijentici u najtežim trenucima. Danas u Republici Hrvatskoj postoji nekoliko udruga koje pružaju psihološku pomoć ženama oboljelima od malignih bolesti. Jedna od poznatijih je Udruga SVE za NJU. |
Abstract (english) | Uterine tumors most commonly occur in a woman in her fifties. There are a number of risk factors that influence the appearance of tumors. These include: age over forty years, history of infertility, obesity, estrogen replacement therapy without progesterone, diabetes, hypertension, HPV and genetic factor. Tumors are divided into benign (malignant) and malignant (malignant) tumors. The most common benign tumor materials are fibroids, which make up 4-5% of the total number of gynecological pathologies. Benign uterine tumors include endometriosis, adenomyosis, and endometrial polyps. Endometrial cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women in the Republic of Croatia (6%). The onset of any tumor diagnosis, whether benign or malignant, constitutes a detailed medical history. In addition to the anamnesis, ultrasound, hysteroscopy, clinical gynecological examination and fractional curettage are used in the diagnosis of uterine tumors. After the diagnosis is made, it is decided which therapeutic procedure will be performed. The choice of therapeutic procedure depends on the developmental stage of the cancer. Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy are progestins that are therapeutic procedures used in the treatment of uterine tumors. Teamwork is important in the process of diagnosing and treating uterine tumors. The members of the multidisciplinary team are numerous, the nurse being one of them. She spends most of her time with patients and her tasks are to prepare the patient mentally and physically for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, to prevent possible difficulties and complications, and to provide care. It is important for the nurse to be supportive of patients in the most difficult moments. Today in the Republic of Croatia there are several associations that provide psychological assistance to women suffering from malignant diseases. One of the most famous is the Association EVERYTHING for HER. |