Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu ćemo razraditi teme o anoreksiji i bulimiji nervozi te
iskrivljenoj slici vlastitoga tijela. Na mnoga ponašanja djeteta, koja mogu biti
rezultat nekih psihičkih i kulturoloških čimbenika, a na koja najviše može
djelovati također i okolina- utječe također i sama intuicija djeteta, no nekim
djelom i stečeni obrasci ponašanja. Psihosomatski problemi se mogu javiti još u
vrlo ranom djetinjstvu, te je sa roditeljske strane vrlo važno uočavanje
odstupanja obrasca ponašanja od uobičajenoga, a kako bi se pravovremeno i
pravovaljano moglo reagirati sa strane medicinske struke. Najvažniji je zapravo
taj prvi kontakt majke i djeteta, koji se ostvaruje odmah po rođenju, kada majka
stavi dijete na svoja prsa.
Sa odrastanjem, u prvim mjesecima djetetovog života najvažniju ulogu
upoznavanja sa hranjenjem imaju usta. Sisanje prstiju i stavljanje ruku u usta je
prvo što beba učini nakon poroda. Nadalje, tijekom odrastanja i razvijanja, dijete
svakodnevno upoznaje dijelove svoga tijela, prepoznaje okolinu oko sebe, te
postaje svjestan radnji koje se odvijaju oko njega. U adolescentnoj dobi, pri
razvijanju socijalnih vještina i svakodnevnoj socijalizaciji, djevojka ili dječak žele
biti prihvaćeni sa strane svojih prijatelja, a kako se slika vitkoga tijela u
današnjici prezentira putem raznih medija kao ideal ljepote, odabiru razne dijete
i mršavljenja u nadi da će biti društveno bolje prihvaćeni.
U mnogim literaturama se nalazi povezanost obolijevanja od anoreksije i
bulimije nervoze u slučajevima gdje je majka svakodnevno anksiozna, te gdje
emocionalno nije prisutna u krugu svoje obitelji. Tijekom odrastanja i razvitka
vlastitih stavova, mnogi adolescenti pokušavaju pobjeći od obiteljske
svakodnevnice, te se nerijetko suprotstavljaju svemu što obiteljska pravila
nalažu i radnjama koje se od njih očekuje. No, može se reći da su u
adolescentnoj dobi, poneka suprotstavljanja i buntovno ponašanje normalni u
krugu obitelji, no vrlo često dolazi do gubitka samokontrole i dolazi do
iskrivljene slike o vlastitom tijelu. U razvojnoj fazi djetinjstva u kojoj se dijete
samostalno potvrđuje kao odrasla i odgovorna osoba su suprotstavljanja posve
normalan proces odrastanja i formiranja osobnosti. Obolijevanje od anoreksije i bulimije nervoze, najviše pogađaju obitelji u kojima su hrana i obiteljska
druženja uz večere od iznimne važnosti, te pojava takve bolesti u obiteljskom
krugu, takve roditelje najviše i pogađa. Nastanak poremećaja također mogu
uzrokovati i socijalni faktori. Suvremeni svijet i društvo, kroz razne medije
propagiraju vitku liniju kao najuzvišeniji cilj i najvažniji kriterij ljepote, a ujedno
ne vodeći brigu o samome zdravlju. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, we will elaborate on the topics of anorexia and bulimia nervosa
and disturbed body-image. Feeding-related activities and behaviors are partly
instinctive and innate, and partly acquired. They are influenced by a number of
psychological, social and cultural factors. At this time, various psychosomatic
problems begin to develop, which have their origins in early childhood.
Immediately after the birth of a child, a special mother-child relationship
develops. In the beginning, the mother is just a person who feeds and the
relationship with her is not developed. After the birth of a child, the most
important is the first contact between the mother and the newborn, the child
reacts to the food (milk) that comes from the mother's breast. Already in the first
few days of a child's life, when it is taken in his hands, it turns towards the chest
of the person holding it, not distinguishing between a man and a woman. After
only two months of age, the child begins to react to the presence of adults who
approach him when he cries because he is hungry.
As he grows older, in the first months of a child's life, the mouth plays the
most important role in learning about feeding. Sucking fingers and putting hands
in mouth is the first thing a baby does after birth. As he develops further, the
child becomes more and more acquainted with the parts of his body. By putting
the fingers or toes in his mouth, he begins to organize an image of his own
body. Apart from the parts of his body, he will put everything near him in his
mouth. The desire to feel accepted by the environment leads the girl to choose weight loss as the easiest way to achieve security among peers, because the
obsession with slimness among young people is one of the main topics.
In anorexic girls there is a great connection with the mother, with oscillations
between strong attachment to rejection. The mothers of anorexic girls are
usually anxious people. Such mothers are overly preoccupied with feeding their
very young girls, who suck obediently and are often "fat". In adolescence, girls
come for the first time to show resistance to their mother's demands. For the
developmental stage in which the child tries to distance himself from the parents
and confirm himself as a special and responsible person, the oppositions are
completely normal. It seems that the child unconsciously finds eating precisely
as the most sensitive area of opposition to his mother. In families where food is
extremely important, anorexia will be the phenomenon that will upset parents
the most. Social factors also influence the development of the disorder. In
modern society, a slender line is propagated through the media as the highest
goal and the only criterion of beauty, without taking into account health. |