Abstract | Predmet rada su odnosi s javnošću u Ministarstvu unutarnjih poslova, odnosno uloga odnosa s javnošću u policiji. Prema Zakonu o policiji, pojam policije definiran je: „policija je središnja služba Ministarstva koja obavlja poslove određene zakonom i drugim propisima, policija građanima pruža zaštitu njihovih temeljnih ustavnih prava i sloboda i zaštitu drugih Ustavom Republike Hrvatske zaštićenih vrijednosti“. Moderna policija, izgrađena na suradnji i javnosti rada, može se izgraditi na način da se uvedu promjene u radu odnosa s javnošću, koji je prvenstveno zadužen za kvalitetu komuniciranja s javnošću, bilo unutarnjom bilo vanjskom, a time i za izgradnju dobrog imidža ministarstva i policije. Javnost rada policije, kao i drugih službi Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, u svim demokratskim, modernim državama, temeljno je načelo. Policija je javni servis građana, kojem je zaštitna uloga pretpostavljena nadzornoj, a proaktivan pristup važniji od reaktivnog. Policija mora sebe graditi u suradnji sa društvom, javnošću, a što će postići izgrađenim odnosima s javnošću. Kroz rad, predstaviti će se odnosi s javnošću u policiji, njihov značaj i uloga. Istražiti će se zadovoljstvo građana odnosima s javnošću policije, sa posebnim naglaskom na slogan „Sigurnost i povjerenje“. |
Abstract (english) | The subject of this study deals with the public relations within the Ministry of the Interior or the role of public relations in the police. According to the Police Law, the term police is defined as follows:“Police is the central service of the Ministry performing tasks defined by the law and other regulations, the police offer protection of constitutional rights and freedoms to the citizens as well as the protection of other protected values by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia“. Modern police, based on cooperation and public tasks, can be developed better by introducing changes in public relations affairs primarily assigned to inner and outer quality communication with public, thus building a good image of the Ministry and the police. According to the definition from various sources „ public relations are the function of the management which establishes and maintains useful relations on both sides between the Ministry and different parts of the entire public because the success of the Ministry or the police depends upon public assessment, acceptance, understanding and trust.“ The publicity of the police work as well as the work of other services of the Ministry of the Interior in all democratic and modern states is the basic principle. The police that implements the modern way of work are the public service to the citizens. Such police keep protective role over control and proactive approach over reactive one. In order to keep marching along this path, the police must, according to the best practices of the European Union countries, develop themselves through division of powers or through cooperation with entire social community or entire public which can be achieved through quality relationships with the public. Through this study the author will present relationships with the public within the police and their role and meaning, and research how are the citizens pleased with the relations of the public toward the police with a special emphasis to the motto or tag line „ „Safety and confidence“. |