Abstract | Trčanje je jedno od najčešćih aktivnosti te uz hodanje predstavlja osnovni oblik kretanja i izvrstan način za zadovoljavanje osnovne biološke potrebe čovjeka. Dostupno je cijeloj populaciji, a predstavlja jednu od najučinkovitijih, najekonomičnijih i najjednostavnijih tjelesnih aktivnosti. Spoznajom „zdravog života“ trčanje dobiva sve veću popularnost i postaje apsolutni hit današnjice. Naime, ono prevenira debljinu, bolesti srca, visoki krvni tlak i dijabetes tipa 2, smanjuje rizik od srčanog udara, povećava kardiorespiratorni kapacitet, poboljšava cirkulaciju i funkciju cijelog organizma, a uz to, promiče zdrave stilove života. No, jedan od najčešćih razloga za opuštanje u takvu tjelesnu aktivnost jest postizanje zadovoljavajućeg izgleda. Trčanje kao i ostali sport ima dvije strane medalje, odnosno pozitivnu i negativnu, a to su ozljede. Ozljede mogu nastati različitim načinima te različitim uzrocima. Najčešći razlog je neadekvatno zagrijavanje, nepravilna tehnika trčanja te neadekvatna oprema. Uganuće gležnja, plantarni fascitis, sindrom Ahilove tetive, trkačka potkoljenica, trkačko koljeno i sindrom prenaprezanja najčešće su ozljede u trkača. Prevencija je jedna od najvažnijih metoda u procesu sprječavanja ozljeda. Fizioterapeut predstavlja bitnu kariku u timu sportaša. Naime, edukacija trkača o pravilnoj tehnici i načinu trčanja te upoznavanje s mogućim rizicima koji pridonose ozljeđivanju, prvi je korak u prevenciji ozljeda trkača. Zadaća fizioterapeuta je osvještavanje trkača o važnosti zagrijavanja i istezanja, korištenju adekvatne opreme, postavljanju realnih i dostižnih ciljeva, ne zanemarivanju energetske potrebe organizma, prepoznavanju rizičnih čimbenika te adekvatnim reagiranjem na bol. Osim toga, važnost fizioterapeuta je u holističkom pristupu trkaču, stoga plan treninga mora sadržavati vježbe jakosti i snage, mišićne izdržljivosti, vježbe fleksibilnosti, propriocepcije i balansa, vježbe pravilnog hoda te vježbe za poboljšanje držanja tijela, a sve to u cilju prevencije ozljeda i što uspješnijeg trčanja.
U radu je provedeno anketno istraživanje o specifičnosti trkača kojim se dobio uvid u najčešće ozljede trkača, duljini sputavanja ozljede u nastavku trčanja, karakteru trkača i njihovim stavovima prema zagrijavanju, istezanju, dodatnim aktivnostima, ali i energetskom unosu ispitanika i djelovanju trčanja na njihovu psihu. |
Abstract (english) | Running is one of the most frequent activities, and alongside walking it represents the basic form of movement and an excellent way to meet the basic biological needs of a person. It is accessible to the entire population and represents one of the most efficient, economical, and simplest physical activities. With the knowledge of “healthy life”, running gets more and more popularity and nowadays it is becoming an absolute hit. It prevents thickness, heart diseases, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, reduces the risk of heart attack, increases cardiorespiratory capacity, improves circulation and function of the entire body, and also promotes a healthy lifestyle. However, one of the most common reasons to take up such physical activity is to achieve a satisfactory appearance. Running, as well as other sports, has two sides of the medal, that is, positive and negative, and these are injuries. Injuries can occur in different ways and with different causes. The most common reason is an inadequate warm-up, improper running technique, and inadequate equipment. Ankle sprain, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendon syndrome, running shin, racing knee, and overstressing syndrome are the most common injuries among runners. Prevention is one of the most important methods in the process of preventing injuries. The physiotherapist represents an important part of the athletes' team. Namely, the first step in preventing runner injuries is educating the runners about the proper technique and manner of running and getting acquainted with the possible risks that contribute to injuries. The task of the physiotherapist is to educate the runners about the importance of warming up and stretching, the use of adequate equipment, setting realistic and attainable goals, not neglecting the energy needs of the body, recognizing risk factors, and adequately responding to pain. In addition, the importance of the physiotherapist is in the holistic approach to the runner, so the training plan must contain exercises of strength, muscle endurance, exercises of flexibility, proprioception and balance, exercises of correct walking and exercises for improvement of body posture, all to prevent injuries and contribute to more successful running.
A survey on the specificity of runners was conducted in the paper, providing an insight into the most frequent injuries of runners, the length of restraining injuries in the continuation of runs, the character of runners and their attitudes towards warming, stretching, and additional activities, but also the energy input of examinees and the effect of running on their psyche. |