Abstract | Adolescencija je period u životu između djetinjstva i odrasle osobe, to je vrlo važan proces u razvoju osobe. U Hrvatskoj je prosječna dob stupanja u spolne odnose od 16 do 17 godina. Ono što se želi postići je prevencija rizičnog seksualnog ponašanja. Vrlo često se mladi upuštaju u rizična spolna ponašanja koja mogu dovesti do neželjene trudnoće ili razvoja spolno prenosivih bolesti. Na spolni život adolescenata utječe niz čimbenika, a to su: individualni čimbenici, utjecaj obitelji, utjecaj vršnjaka, utjecaj medija, utjecaj alkohola i droge.
Kontracepcija se opisuje kao oblik zaštite u svrhu izbjegavanja neželjene trudnoće i spolno prenosivih bolesti. Potrebno je naglasiti da niti jedna kontracepcija ne štiti 100% od trudnoće. Adolescentima treba pružiti edukaciju i savjetovanje o kontracepciji kako bi mogli odabrati onu vrstu koja im najbolje odgovara. Škola pruža određenu edukaciju i podršku, trebala bi ju kontinuirano pružati kroz promicanje spolnog zdravlja. Obrazovanje o spolnosti poboljšati će korištenje kontracepcije, ono mora biti kontinuirano, planirano i prilagođeno dobi. Danas je dostupan niz kontracepcijskih metoda, dijele se na prirodnu kontracepciju, hormonske metode, kemijske i barijerne metode, kombinirane i sterilizacija. Različiti čimbenici će utjecati na metodu odabira kontracepcije. Rizična ponašanja i ne korištenje metoda kontracepcija pridonosi riziku od razvoja spolno prenosivih bolesti. Spolno prenosive bolesti kod adolescenata mogu uzrokovati niz poteškoća koje mogu ostavit trajne posljedice na mladi organizam.
Medicinska sestra ima značajnu ulogu u promociji zdravlja adolescenata. Ona pruža informacije i provodi zdravstveni odgoj adolescenata i zajednice. Prepoznaje poteškoće i probleme u zajednici te na temelju problema pruža adekvatnu edukaciju. Ona pruža informacije o kontracepciji, odgovornom spolnom ponašanju i prevenciji i ranom otkrivanju spolno prenosivih bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Adolescence represents a period in life between childhood and adulthood, which is a very important process in a person’s development. In Croatia, the average age of sexual intercourse is between 16 and 17 years of age; therefore, the prevention of risky sexual behaviour is of utmost importance. Very often, young people engage in risky sexual behaviours that can lead to undesired pregnancies or the rise of sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore, adolescent sex life is influenced by a plethora of different factors, such as: individual and family influences, peer influence, media influence, alcohol and drug influence, etc.
Contraception can be defined as a form of protection for the purpose of avoiding undesired pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that no contraceptive offers 100% protection. Thus, adolescents should be provided with contraceptive education and counselling so that they can choose the type that suits them best. The school provides some education and support, but this should be provided continuously through the promotion of sexual health. Sex education will improve the use of contraception; it also has to be continuous, planned and age-appropriate. Today, a number of contraceptive methods are available, divided into natural contraception, hormonal methods, chemical and barrier methods, combined methods and sterilization. Various factors will affect the final selection regarding the exact method of contraception. Risky behaviours and avoidance of contraceptive methods contribute to the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases, which can subsequently result in a myriad of complications with lasting effects on the young organism.
Consequently, the nursing professional has a significant role in promoting adolescent health. He/she is responsible for providing information and conducting adolescent and community health education, but also has to recognize difficulties and problems in the community and provide adequate problem-based education. Finally, he/she should provide information on contraception, responsible sexual behaviour, as well as the prevention and early detection of sexually transmitted diseases. |