Abstract | Sport čine vježbe u kojima prevladava sportski i natjecateljski duh. Sportom se rade vježbe na fizički način, gdje svi sportaši žele postići najbolje rezultate. Bavljenje sportom može biti rekreativno, iz zabave, sport kao posao. Otprije je dokazan pozitivan učinak sporta na zdravlje. Negativna strana u sportu je to što ima puno ozljeda do kojih dolazi zbog neznanja ili zbog jeftine opreme. Nakon ozljeda uglavnom nastupa fizikalna terapija; usluga koju vodi, obavlja ili nadgleda fizioterapeut, a sastoji se od procjene, fizioterapeutske dijagnoze, planiranja, intervencije i evaluacije. Fizioterapija je jako bitna u svakom sportu, ne samo u rehabilitaciji, već i u prevenciji ozljeda. Fizioterapeut mora dobro poznavati anatomiju i fiziologiju čovjekovog tijela kako bi mogao sudjelovati u rehabilitaciji. Neki od sportova kod kojih dolazi do ozljeda gornjih ekstremiteta su; košarka, obojka, bacanje diska, bacanje koplja, bacanje kugle, bejzbol, golf. U košarci najčešće dolazi do ozljeda ramena i lakatnog zgloba; iščašenja ili istegnuća tetiva u ramenom i lakatnom zglobu. Najčešća ozljeda u odbojci je ozljeda šake. Također, često je i bolno rame. Za sportaše koji bacaju disk karakteristična je ozljeda ramena; istegnuće ili naprslina supraspinalnog mišića. Kako se kod bacanja koplja stalno ponavlja isti pokret, dolazi do sindroma prenaprezanja. Nadalje, pri bacanju kugle najčešće strada nadgrebni mišić, smješten na gornjoj strani lopatice. U bejzbolu su česte povrede nategnutosti ramena i bolova u laktu. Također, zbog hvatanja, sudara ili pada dolazi do ozljeda zapešća i šaka. Ozljeda lakta su česte ozljede u amaterskom i profesionalnom golfu. Zbog loše izvedenog udarca dolazi od ozljede ligamenata s unutarnje strane lakta ili istegnuće tetiva. |
Abstract (english) | Sport consist of exercises in which the spirit of sportmanship and competitive spirit prevails. In sport the exercises are done in a physical way, where all the sportsman want to achieve the best scores. Doing sport can be recreative, for fun and as a job. It has been proven from way before that sport has good influence on health. Negative side of sport are a lot of injuries which come from ba equipment and from ignorance. After injuries there usualy comes to physical therapy; service that is lead, done or supervised by physiotherapist and it consist of assessment, physiotherapeutic diagnosis, planning, intervention and evaluation. Physiotherapy is very important in every sport, not just in rehabilitation but also in prevention of injuries. Physiotherapest needs to know the anatomy and physiology of a human body se he can be a part of the rehabilitation. Some of the sport that comonly get injuries in upper extremities are: basketball, volleyball, discus throw, spear throw, ball throw, baseball and golf. In basketball most common is shoulder injury and elbow joint injury; tendon rupture and tendon straine in shoulder or elbow joint. Most common injury in volleyball is hand injury. Also common thing is a sore shoulder. For discur throw sportsman the most common is shoulder injury; supraspinal musce tear and strain. Because of the same movement again and again in spear throw there comes to overexertion syndrome. At ball throwing most common is supraclavicular muscle injury which is placed on the upper side of the scapula. In baseball most commoninjury is shoulder strain and elbow pain. Also because of catching, falling and crashing there are common injuries are frequent injuries in amateur and profesional golfing. From the bad openning shot commes to ligament injury on the inside of the elbow. |