Abstract | Fizikalna terapija je grana medicine u kojoj se primjenjuju različiti oblici fizikalne energije u svrhu prevencije, liječenja i rehabilitacije. Svrha rada bila je pronaći uzroke zbog kojih dolazi do puknuća Ahilove tetive, a oni mogu biti multifaktorski i još uvijek nisu u potpunosti otkriveni. Tetiva je građena od kolagenskih i elastičnih vlakana pa uslijed degeneracije i mikrotrauma može doći do puknuća no najčešći uzrok puknuća je neizravna sila prilikom skoka ili doskoka zbog nagle, neočekivane kretnje stopala prema gore. Nakon nastanka rupture javlja se jaka i intenzivna bol u stražnjem donjem dijelu potkoljenice. Onemogućeno je i stajanje na prstima, a bolesnik otežano hoda, te se na samoj tetivi može palpirati udubljenje. Također, kod pucanja Ahilove tetive čuje se zvuk poput udarca bičem. Najčešće se javlja kod osoba koje nisu sportski aktivne. Za postavljanje dijagnoze dovoljan je klinički pregled, a da bi se utvrdila točna dijagnoza potrebno je učiniti UZV i MR. Liječenje rupture Ahilove tetive je konzervativno i operacijsko. Ovisi o vrsti i opsegu rupture, vremenu proteklom od ozljede. Kod mladih aktivnih sportaša preporuča se kirurško liječenje. Od fizikalnih postupaka primjenjuje se dijadinamska struja, galvanizacija, elektrostimulacija, radiofrekvencija i visokoenergetska magnetna indukcija. Osim fizikalnih čimbenika koristi se fizioterapija pokretom kao i specijalne manualne tehnike. |
Abstract (english) | Physical therapy is a branch of medicine in which different forms of physical energy are applied for the purpose of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.The purpose of the work was to find the causes of Achilles tendon rupture, which can be multifactorial and have not yet been fully discovered. The tendon is made of collagen and elastic fibers, so it can rupture due to degeneration and microtrauma, but the most common cause of rupture is indirect force during a jump or landing due to a sudden, unexpected upward movement of the foot. After the rupture occurs, strong and intense pain occurs in the back and lower part of the lower leg. It Ialso impossible to stand on tiptoes, the patient has difficulty walking, and a dent can be palpated on the tendon itself. Also, when the Achilles tendon ruptures, a sound like whiplash is heard. Most often it occurs in people who are not active in sports. A clinical examination is sufficient to establish a diagnosis and to determine the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to do an ultrasound and an MRI. Treatment of Achilles tendon rupture s conservative and surgical. It depends on the type and extent of the rupture and the time that has passed since the injury. For young active athletes, surgical treatment is recommended. Among the physical procedures, diadynamic current, galvanization, electrostimulation, radiofrequency, and high-energy magnetic induction are used. In addition to physical factors, movement physiotherapy and special manual techniques are used. |