Abstract | Arterijska hipertenzija je stanje trajno povišenog krvnog tlaka, vrijednosti od 140/90 mmHg i više. Često se naziva „tihim ubojicom“ jer godinama može ostati pritajena i ne izazivati simptome kod bolesnika. Krvni tlak je uobičajeno najviših vrijednosti ujutro kad se probudimo, ostaje približno isti tokom dana, a počne padati navečer. Najnižih je vrijednosti u jutarnjim satima dok još spavamo. Metodu na kojoj se temelji očitanje krvnog tlaka osmislio je Riva – Rocci te je1896. godine prvi put izvijestio o metodi na kojoj se temelji današnje mjerenje krvnog tlaka. Arterijska hipertenzija može biti esencijalna i sekundarna. Najčešći tip arterijske hipertenzije jest esencijalna, kojoj se ne zna točan uzrok. U znatno manjem broju slučajeva javlja se sekundarna hipertenzija, a u 5 do 10% slučajeva oboljenja ne može se odrediti uzrok nastanka. Otprilike jedna trećina odrasle populacije ima arterijsku hipertenziju. Prema tome, arterijska hipertenzija zauzima jedno od vodećih mjesta uzroka smrti u svijetu. Manifestira se najčešće glavoboljom u zatiljnom dijelu glave, stenokardijom, vrtoglavicom, šumovima u ušima, nesigurnosti prilikom hodanja te epistaksama. Komplikacije arterijske hipertenzije dijele se na posredne i neposredna, a najčešće se manifestiraju u kardiovaskularnom sustavu, središnjem živčanom sustavu, bubrezima i na očima. Ako se arterijska hipertenzija ne otkrije na vrijeme i ne liječi se, može značajno oštetiti tkiva i organe u tijelu. Postavljanje dijagnoze temelji se anamnestičkim podacima, kliničkom pregledu, mjerenju krvnog tlaka, pregledu očne pozadine, elektrokardiogramu (EKG – u), pregledu mokraće, mjerenju glukoze u krvi (GUK – a), mokraćne kiseline, kreatinina, natrija i kalija u krvi. Odabir vrste liječenja ovisi o rezultatima dobivenim od povijesti bolesti, liječničkom pregledu i laboratorijskim nalazima te se prilagođava svakom pacijentu individualno. Moguće je spriječiti nastanak povišenog krvnog tlaka u mnogim slučajevima. Najvažnija je prevencija nastanka bolesti i edukacija populacije o utjecaju nezdravog načina života na nastanak arterijske hipertenzije. Postoji niz čimbenika rizika koji uvelike povećavaju šansu oboljenja. Bitna aktivnost medicinske sestre i tehničara jest zdravstveni odgoj rizičnih skupina. Osobe je najvažnije podučiti da na nastanak arterijske hipertenzije uvelike utječe nezdrava prehrana, nedovoljna tjelesna aktivnost, povećani unos soli u prehrani, konzumacija cigareta te prevelika izloženost stresnim situacijama. Medicinske sestre i tehničari kao edukatori imaju zadatak pronaći razloge koji bolesnicima otežavaju pridržavanje preporuka i promjenu stila života te im pomoći u prilagodbi u cilju poboljšanja zdravstvenog stanja. |
Abstract (english) | Arterial hypertension is a state of pemanently elevated blood presure, with a value of 140/90 mmHg and more. It is often called the „silent killer“ because it can remain silent for years and not provoke any simptom sin patients. Blood presure is usually at its highest value in the morning when we wake up, after that it remains approximately the same during the day, and lastly the value starts to drop in the evening. The lowest values are in the morning while we are asleep. The method on which blood presure measurement is based was devised by Riva – Rocci and in 1896. first reported on the method on which today's blood presure measurement is based. Arterial hypertension can be essential or secondary. The most common type of high blood presure is the essential one, for which the cause is not known. In a much smaller number of cases does the secondary hypertension occur, whereas in 5 – 10% of cases the cause of the disease cannot be determined. Approximately one third of the adult population has arterial hypertension. According to that fact, arterial hypertension is one of the leading causes of death in the world. It manifests itself most often with symptoms like a headache in the back of the head, stenocardia, dizziness, ringings in the ears, insecurity when walking and epistaxis. Complications of arterial hypertension are divided into indirect and direct ones, and they most often manifest in the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, kidneys and on the eyes. If arterial hypertension is not detected in time and is not treated, it can significantly damage tissues and organs in the body. Diagnosis is based on taking a number of measurement and examinations: anamnestic data, clinical examinations, blood presure measurement, eye background examination, EKG, urine examination, BG measurement, creatine measurement, uric acid examination, and measuring the levels of pottassium and sodium in the blood. The choice of the type of treatment depends on the results obtained from the medical history, medical examination, laboratory findings and is adapted to each patient individually. It is possible to prevent the formation of arterial hypertension in many cases. The most important thing is prevetion of the disease and education of the population about the influence of an unhealthy lifestyle on the development of arterial hypertension. There are a number of risk factors which greatyl affected by an unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity, increased salt intake in the diet, consumption of cigarettes and excessive exposure to stressful situations. Nurses and tehnicians, as educators, have the task of finding reasons that make it difficult for patients to adhere to recommendations and change their lifestyle, and to help them adapt in order to improve their health. |