Abstract | Lumbosakralna bol je degenerativna promjena na kralježnici uzrokovana najčešće zbog čimbenika rizika, no tu se još ubrajaju traume kao što je to hernija diska i slično. Njezina patologija nije toliko komplicirana, no može za posljedicu neliječenja imati vrlo loš ishod. Sama bolnost se kroz kliničke testove (vizualno analogna skala boli, indeks sagitalne gibljivosti kralježnice, test istezanja femoralnog živca, Slump test, Laseguev test i manualni mišićni test) lako dijagnosticira. Liječi se prema fazama u kojima se pacijent nalazi, odnosno radi li se o akutnoj ili kroničnoj fazi bolesti. U liječenju značajnu ulogu ima fizioterapeut koji provodi terapijske vježbe i primjenjuje fizikalne čimbenike. Vrlo bitne vježbe koje se provode su vježbe istezanja, vježbe jačanja, ekstenzijske vježbe, vježbe prema McKenziu i stabilizacijske vježbe. Kod elektroprocedura najviše se spominju elektromišićna stimulacija, ultrazvuk, interferentne struje, laser, transkutana elektronervna stimulacija, dijadinamske struje, magnetoterapija, hidroterapija i balneoterapija. Provedena fizioterapija u konačnici ima velikog učinka na smanjenje boli, ali i povećanju izvođenja svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Osim provođenja fizioterapijskih postupaka fizioterapeut provodi i edukaciju pacijenta koja značajno pomaže u brzini i kvaliteti oporavka, odnosno smanjenju progresije bolesti i mogućnosti pojave recidiva. |
Abstract (english) | Lumbosacral pain is a degenerative change in the spine caused most often by risk factors, but trauma and similar factors are also included. It is pathology is not so complicated, but it can have a very bad outcome as a result of non-treatment. The disease it self is easily diagnosed through clinical tests (visual analogue pain scale, sagittal spine mobility index, femoral nerve stretching test, Slump test, Lasegue test and manual muscle test). It is treated aceording to the stages in which is the patient, that is, whether it is an acute or chronic phase of the disease. In the treatment, an inportent role is played by a physioterapist who performs terapeutic exercises and electrotherapy. Very important exercises that are performed are stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, extension exercises, McKenzie exercises and stabilization exercises. The most mentioned electroprocedures are electromuscular stimulation, ultrasound, interference currents, laser, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, diadynamic currents, magnetotherapy, hydrotherapy and balneotherapy Completed phisical therapy ultimately has a great effect on reducing pain, but also on inceasing the performance of daily activities. In addition to carrging out physiotherapy procedures, the physiotherapist also carries out patient education, which significantly helps in the speed and quality of recovery, i.e. in reducing the progression of the disease, that is, reducing the progression of the disease and the possibility of recurrence. |