Abstract | Predmet završnog rada je kreiranje brenda i digitalne kampanje na primjeru projekta
Neuro Impulse. Neuro Impulse je audio vizualni projekt koji donosi elektroničku glazbu na
prekrasna mjesta u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj te prikazuje lokalne umjetnike odnosno dj-eve
i njihov jedinstveni stil miksanja glazbe. Projekt se počeo pisati u veljači 2021., a realizacija
projekta je krenula u rujnu 2021. godine te je trajala do kraja prosinca iste godine.
Digitalni marketing je ovog desetljeća jači nego ikada. On obuhvaća sve vrste
promocija poduzeća, proizvoda ili usluga koje se pružaju preko različitih digitalnih kanala.
Kada govorimo o digitalnim kanalimo mislimo na društvene mreže, plaćene web oglase, web
stranice i e-mail marketing. Naglim rastom informatičke tehnologije digitalni marketing
postaje iznimno popularan alat za dobivanje klijenata i širenja tvrtki na određenim tržištima.
Iz tog razloga mnoge velike svijetske kompanije su odlučile oglašavati se isključivo preko
kanala digitalnog marketinga. U današnje vrijeme je digitalni marketing definitivno
najjednostavniji i najisplativiji način oglašavanja koji se nudi. Veliki broj ljudi provodi
iznimno puno vremena na internetu na društvenim mrežama te su upravo one plodno tlo za
digitalni marketing.
U završnom radu će se opisati nastanak projekta Neuro Impulse od pisanja do
realizacije, analizirati će se tržište elektroničke glazbe, odrediti će se pravilne metode
distribucije i ciljana skupina. Opisati će se strategija oglašavanja, njezini kratkoročni i
dugoročni ciljevi. Iznesti će se pozicija projekta na tržištu te ciljevi digitalne kampanje.
Analizirati će se kreativna digitalna rješenja u obliku videa, fotografija i oglasa koja su
služila za dobivanje pregleda i pretplatnika na youtube kanalu projekta. |
Abstract (english) | The subject of the final paper is the creating of a brand and a digital campaign based
on the example of the Neuro Impulse. Neuro Impulse is an audio visual project that brings
electronic music to beautiful places in northwestern Croatia and showcases local artists or
DJ-s and their unique style of the mixing music. The project began to be written in February
2021., and the implementation of the project started in September 2021., and lasted until the
end of December of the same year.
Digital marketing is stronger than ever this decade. It includes all types of company,
product or service promotions that are provided through various digital channels. When we
talk about digital channels, we mean social networks, paid web ads, websites and email
marketing. With the rapid growth of information technology, digital marketing is becoming
an extremely popular tool for obtaining clients and expanding companies in certain markets.
For this reason, many large global companies have decided to advertiseDigital marketing is
stronger than ever this decade. It includes all types of company, product or service
promotions that are provided through various digital channels. When we talk about digital
channels, we mean social networks, paid web ads, websites and email marketing. With the
rapid growth of information technology, digital marketing is becoming an extremely popular
tool for obtaining clients and expanding companies in certain markets. For this reason, many
large global companies have decided to advertise exclusively through digital marketing
channels. Nowadays, digital marketing is definitely the simplest and most cost-effective way
of advertising that is offered. A large number of people spend an extremely large amount of
time online on social networks, and they are precisely the fertile ground for digital marketing.
exclusively through digital marketing channels. Nowadays, digital marketing is definitely the
simplest and most cost-effective way of advertising that is offered. A large number of people
spend an extremely large amount of time online on social networks, and they are precisely
the fertile ground for digital marketing.
In the final paper, the creation of the Neuro Impulse project will be described from
writing to realization, the electronic music market will be analyzed, proper distribution methods and the target group will be determined. The advertising strategy, its short-term and
long-term goals will be described. The position of the project on the market and the goals of
the digital campaign will be presented. Creative digital solutions in the form of videos,
photos and In the final paper, the creation of the Neuro Impulse project will be described
from writing to realization, the electronic music market will be analyzed, proper distribution
methods and the target group will be determined. The advertising strategy, its short-term and
long-term goals will be described. The position of the project on the market and the goals of
the digital campaign will be presented. Creative digital solutions in the form of videos,
photos and ads that served to get views and subscribers on the project's YouTube channel will
be analyzed. |