Abstract | Sindrom policističnih jajnika (PCOS) je prema Steinu i Leventhalu, skup različitih znakova i simptoma. Karakterizira ga ultrazvučni izgled policističnih jajnika, oligoovulacija/anovulacija i hirzutizam. Ovaj sindrom praćen je dodatnim simptomima kao što su debljina, akne, disfunkcijska uterina krvarenja, te maskulinizacija. PCOS najčešći je endokrinološki i metabolički poremećaj u žena reproduktivne dobi te za njega ne postoji jedinstven dijagnostički test. Koriste se tri različita kriterija ( NIH, Rotterdmaski, AES) za postavljanje dijagnoze. Etiologija je vrlo složena a smatra se da na nju utječu nasljeđe, intrauterini uvjeti i okolični čimbenici. Klinička slika varira ovisno o fenotipu bolesti, dobi, te životnom stilu pacijentice, a prevladava hirzutizam, ovulatorna disfunkcija, te inzulinska rezistencija sa debljinom. Od komplikacija spominju se neplodnost, kardiovaskularne bolesti, te karcinom endometrija kao jedni od najčešćih. Liječenje je vrlo složeno i dugotrajno te zahtjeva kombinaciju medikamenata i fitopreparata, promjene načina života pa čak i kirurških intervencija. Ovaj sindrom također utječe na kvalitetu života pacijentica pa bi trebalo više pažnje posvetiti mentalnom zdravlju zbog veće prevalencije depresije i ansioznosti. Uloga medicinske sestre/tehničara važna je u podizanju svijesti i edukaciji žena. Kvalitetnom edukacijom mogu pomoći ženama da razumiju sindrom i s njim povezane čimbenike rizika kako bi spriječile dugoročne zdravstvene probleme, te samim time potaknule žene na pozitivne promjene u načinu života. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati znanja i stavove medicinskih sestara/tehničara o sindromu policističnih jajnika, te utvrditi postoji li povezanost znanja o istome s obzirom na razinu obrazovanja, duljinu radnog staža i radni sektor. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 207 ispitanika. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna povezanost u znanju medicinskih sestara/tehničara s obzirom na razinu obrazovanja ispitanika, te da ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost u znanju medicinskih sestara/tehničara s obzirom na duljinu radnog staža, te razini zdravstvene zaštite u kojoj ispitanici rade. Sve 3 navedene hipoteze (H1, H2,H3) u ovom istraživanju su potvrđene. Prosječno znanje medicinskih sestara/ tehničara ocijenjeno je sa prilično dobro, a otprilike 5% ispitanika pokazuje prilično nisku razinu znanja o temi. |
Abstract (english) | Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) according to Stein and Leventhal, is a set of different signs and symptoms. It is characterized by the ultrasound appearance of polycystic ovaries, olioovulation/anovulation and hirsutism. This syndrome is accompanied by additional symptoms such as obesity, acne, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and masculinization. PCOS is the most common endocrinological and metabolic disorder in women of reproductive age, and there is no single diagnostic test for it. Three different criteria (NIH, Rotterdam, AES) are used for diagnosis. The etiology is very complex and it is considered to be influenced by heredity, intrauterine conditions and environmental factors. The clinical picture varies depending on the disease phenotype, age, and lifestyle of the patient , and hirsutism, ovulatory dysfunction, and insulin resistance with obesity prevail. Among the complications, infertility, cardiovascular diseases, and endometrial cancer are mentioned as some of the most common. Treatment is very complex and long-term and requires a combination of medicines and phytopreparations, lifestyle changes and even surgical interventions. This syndrome also affects the quality of life of patients, so more attention should be paid to mental health due to the higher prevalence of depression and anxiety. The role of the nurse/technician is important in raising awareness and educating women. With quality education, they can help women understand the syndrome and its associated risk factors in order to prevent long-term health problems, and thus encourage women to make positive changes in their lifestyle. The goal of the research was to examine the knowledge and attitudes of nurses/technicians about polycystic ovary syndrome, and to determine whether there is a connection between knowledge about the same with regard to the level of education, length of service and work sector. A total of 207 respondents participated in the research. The results show that there is a statistically significant correlation in the knowledge of nurses/technicians with regard to the level of education of the respondents, and that there is no statistically significant correlation in the knowledge of nurses/technicians with regard to the length of service and the level of health care in which the respondents work. All 3 mentioned hypotheses (H1, H2, H3) were confirmed in this research. The average knowledge of nurses/technicians was rated as quite good, and approximately 5% of respondents showed a rather low level of knowledge on the subject. |