Abstract | Ovim radom „Strategije razvoja poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj“ daje se povijesni pregled raznih autora koji su definirali pojmove poduzetništvo i poduzetnik te im odredili funkcije. S poduzetništvom se u radu upoznajemo kroz osnovna obilježja kako bi se moglo bolje razumjeti poduzetnički svijet. U radu se objašnjava koje bi sve vještine i osobine poduzetnik trebao imati kako bi pothvat uspješno pokrenuo i unaprijedio te kako bi postao još bolji. U tu svrhu obrađena je i tema etika i društvena odgovornost poduzetnika te obrazovanje za poduzetništvo koje je vrlo važno za napredak i budućnost poduzetništva.
Kroz rad je poduzetništvo u Republici Hrvatskoj opisano kroz pravne oblike, klasifikaciju, funkcije, poduzetničku infrastrukturu, utjecaj koji poduzetništvo ima na nacionalnu ekonomiju zemlje te ekonomske pokazatelje i statistiku. Objašnjena je uloga države i institucije koje potiču razvoj poduzetništva te mjere poticaja koje država trenutno provodi.
Cilj rada je opisati poduzetništvo kao okosnicu gospodarskog prosperiteta države a značaj se stavlja na opis poduzetnika, poduzetničkih aktivnosti i poticajnih politika koje provodi Vlada Republike Hrvatske.
Provedeno je istraživanje sa 202 ispitanika s ciljem dobivanja primarnih podataka o potrebnoj osobini samopouzdanja i podrške od okoline kod inicijative za pokretanje poduzetničkog pothvata kao i preprekama u razvoju poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj a najčešće su to nedostatak poticaja i porezno opterećenje. Temeljem istraživanja utvrđeno je da za pokretanje poduzetničke aktivnosti treba imati samopouzdanje te država treba puno više poticati i voditi brigu o poduzetništvu kako bi se osnažio rast i razvoj zemlje. U radu je stavljen naglasak na nedostatnost poduzetničke inicijative i nedostatnost podrške od strane države u vidu infrastrukture, obrazovanja i promocije o poduzetništvu. U narednom razdoblju Strategija i Nacionalni plan oporavka dobar su temelj za daljnji razvoj i pokušaj da se poduzetničke aktivnosti poboljšaju a sve u cilju nacionalnog oporavka gospodarstva i blagostanja u ekonomiji za sve građane naše zemlje. |
Abstract (english) | This paper "Strategies for the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia" provides a historical overview of various authors who defined the terms entrepreneurship and entrepreneur and determined their functions. In our work, we get to know entrepreneurship through its basic features in order to better understand the entrepreneurial world. The paper explains which skills and qualities an entrepreneur should have in order to successfully launch and develop a business and to become even better. For this purpose, the topic of ethics and social responsibility of entrepreneurs and education for entrepreneurship, which is very important for the progress and future of entrepreneurship, was also covered.
Through the paper, entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia is described through legal forms, classification, functions, entrepreneurial infrastructure, the impact that entrepreneurship has on the country's national economy, and economic indicators and statistics. The role of the state and institutions that encourage the development of entrepreneurship and the incentive measures currently implemented by the state are explained.
The aim of the paper is to describe entrepreneurship as the backbone of the country's economic prosperity, and the importance is placed on the description of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial activities and incentive policies implemented by the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
A survey with 202 respondents has been carried out with the aim of obtaining primary data on the necessary characteristics of self-confidence and support from the environment for the initiative to start an entrepreneurial venture, as well as obstacles in the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia, the most common of which are the lack of incentives and the tax burden. Based on the research, it was determined that to start an entrepreneurial activity, you need to have self-confidence, and the state should encourage and take care of entrepreneurship much more in order to strengthen the growth and development of the country. The paper emphasizes the insufficiency of entrepreneurial initiative and the insufficiency of support from the state in the form of infrastructure, education and promotion of entrepreneurship. In the coming period, the Strategy and the National Recovery Plan are a good basis for further development and an attempt to improve entrepreneurial activities, all with the aim of national economic recovery and well-being in the economy for all citizens of our country. |