Title Percepcija i prijava neželjenih događaja iz perspektive medicinskih sestara/tehničara
Title (english) Perception and reporting of adverse events from the perspective of nurses/technicians
Author Iva Vujasin
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivo Dumić-Čule (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Rasprave o sigurnosti pacijenata u bolnicama predstavljaju globalni trend i toj
temi često pristupaju u medijima. Unatoč svim pomacima u kontekstu sigurnosti
pacijenata, ljudska pogreška je jedna od činjenica koja se ističe. Često, prijavljene
pogreške koje uključuju zdravstvene djelatnike u bolnicama, u tisku i medijima, uzrokuju
veliki društveni pritisak. Za uključeno osoblje, nedostatak razumijevanja o pogreškama
može izazvati osjećaje srama, krivnje i straha, obzirom da jaka kaznena kultura još uvijek
postoji u nekim institucijama što također doprinosi izostavljanju takvih epizoda. Za
zdravstvene djelatnike, pojava nepovoljnih događaja mogu izazvati razne probleme, s
obzirom na emocionalni stres, etičke zapovijedi i zakonske kazne na koje su izloženi.
Stoga, ulaganja u kulturu sigurnosti važni su kroz širenje koncepta sigurnosti pacijenata
i raspravu o nuspojavama bez kažnjavanja. S upravljačke točke gledišta, upravitelji
zdravstvenih ustanova moraju shvatiti da su neželjeni događaji često izravno povezani s
kvarom sustava, umjesto nemarom ili nekompetentnošću. Dakle, umjesto traženja
krivaca, potrebno je identificirati postojeće slabosti u procesu te usvojiti preventivne
Svijest o pogreškama u zdravstvenoj skrbi naglo je porasla posljednjih godina, a
ogromna sredstva su mobilizirana za mjerenje i smanjenje štete. Trenutačne preporuke
za poboljšanje zanemarile su troškove prevencije. Sadašnja proliferacija sigurnosnih
ciljeva i potrebnih ili preporučenih sigurnih praksi prijeti nadjačati kapacitet bolnica za
sigurnu provedbu promjena, no isplativost većine predloženih poboljšanja ostaje
nepoznata. Bolnice su složeni sustavi koji uvelike ovise o ljudskom učinku, stoga
poboljšanje bolničke sigurnosti nije jednostavno. Svake promjene se moraju provesti uz
razumijevanje inženjeringa ljudskih faktora i znanosti o sigurnosti, a čak i dobre promjene
mogu stvoriti neočekivane nove opasnosti. Povećane sigurnosne mjere smanjuju
neželjene događaje koji se mogu spriječiti, ali općenito nameću izravne troškove (za
provedbu sigurnosnih mjera opreza) i skrivene troškove (u obliku kašnjenja, novih
pogrešaka ili izgubljenih prilika negdje drugdje). Savršena sigurnost nije uvijek moguća,
a gotovo savršena sigurnost može nametnuti neprihvatljivo visoke troškove.
Abstract (english) Discussions about patient safety in hospitals represent a global trend and the topic
is often approached in the media. Despite all the advances in the context of patient safety,
human error is one fact that stands out. Often, reported errors involving healthcare
professionals in hospitals in the press and media cause a lot of social pressure. For the
staff involved, the lack of understanding about the mistakes can cause feelings of shame,
guilt and fear, given that a strong punitive culture still exists in some institutions which
also contributes to the omission of such episodes. For healthcare professionals, the
occurrence of adverse events can cause various problems, considering the emotional
stress, ethical commands and legal penalties to which they are exposed. Therefore,
investing in a safety culture is important through spreading the concept of patient safety
and discussing side effects without punishment. From a management point of view,
managers of healthcare facilities must realize that adverse events are often directly related
to system failure, rather than negligence or incompetence. Therefore, instead of looking
for the culprits, it is necessary to identify existing weaknesses in the process and adopt
preventive measures.
Awareness of errors in health care has skyrocketed in recent years, and enormous
resources have been mobilized to measure and reduce harm. Current recommendations
for improvement have ignored the costs of prevention. The current proliferation of safety
goals and required or recommended safe practices threatens to overwhelm a hospital's
capacity to safely implement change, but the cost-effectiveness of most proposed
improvements remains unknown. Hospitals are complex systems that depend heavily on
human performance, so improving hospital safety is not simple. Any changes should be
implemented with an understanding of human factors engineering and safety science, and
even good changes can create unexpected new hazards. Increased security measures
reduce preventable adverse events, but generally impose direct costs (for implementing
security precautions) and hidden costs (in the form of delays, new errors, or lost
opportunities elsewhere). Perfect security is not always possible, and near-perfect security
can impose unacceptably high costs.
ljudska pogreška
zdravstveni djelatnici
Keywords (english)
human error
healthcare workers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:705802
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-27 11:28:39