Abstract | CILJ: Cilj istraţivanja je bio ispitati razinu znanja i stavova stanovnika Sisačko-moslavčke ţupanije o humanom papiloma virusu (HPV) infekciji i cijepljenju protiv HPV-a, te ispitati razlike u znanju prema stupnju obrazovanja, u stavovima prema spolu te utvrditi postoje li razlike u znanju izmeĎu stanovnika urbane i ruralne sredine.
METODE: U presječno istraţivanje bili su uključeni stanovnici Sisačko-moslavačke ţupanije koji su dobrovoljno i anonimno sudjelovali u ispunjavanju ankete distribuirane putem Facebooka tijekom lipnja i srpnja 2023. Upitnik se sastoji od četiri dijela s ukupno 32 pitanja: pet pitanja o sociodemografskim podacima, četiri pitanja o spolnoj aktivnosti, 16 pitanja o znanju, sedam pitanja o mišljenjima i stavovima o HPV-u, koja su ocjenjivana Likertovom skalom od 1 do 5, gdje 1 označava najslabije znanje, a 5 odlično.
REZULTATI: U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo 248 ispitanika, od kojih je 216 ţena (87,1%) i 32 muškarca (12,9%). Više od dvije trećine ispitanika (69,4%) je u braku te ţivi u urbanoj sredini (66,9%). Otprilike polovica ispitanika (49,6%) ima niţu ili srednju stručnu spremu, dok su ostali ispitanici s višom ili visokom stručnom spremom te doktoratom. Stanovnici s višim stupnjem obrazovanja imali su više znanja o HPV infekciji od stanovnika s niţim stupnjem obrazovanja. Stavovi stanovnika Sisačko-moslavčke ţupanije o cijepljenju protiv HPV-a su pozitivniji naspram stavova stanovnika Sisačko-moslavačke ţupanije.
STATISTIČKA OBRADA PODATAKA: Po završetku istraţivanja, anketom prikupljeni podatci obraĎeni su u programskom paketu IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0. (SPSS, Chicago, IL, SAD). Prikupljeni podatci prikazani su kroz tablice, grafikone i dijagrame, s pripadajućim opisima i zaključcima. Osim korištenja deskriptivne statistike za opisivanje podataka, postavljene hipoteze testirane su kroz metode inferencijalne statistike. Sve tri hipoteze testirane su t-testom za nezavisne uzorke.
ZAKLJUČAK: Ispitanici s višim stupnjem obrazovanja imaju više znanja o HPV-u, stanovnici ispitane ţupanije prema cijepljenju protiv HPV-a su pozitivni, ne postoji razlika u znanju ovisno o području stanovanja. Općenito, postoji potreba za pojačanim edukacijama o cijepljenju i prevenciji HPV-a. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research was to examine the level of knowledge and attitudes of the inhabitants of Sisak-Moslavina County about human papilloma virus (HPV) infections and HPV vaccination, and to examine differences in knowledge according to level of education, in attitudes according to gender, and to determine whether there are differences in knowledge between urban and rural residents.
METHODS: In the cross-sectional study, residents of the Sisak-Moslavina County were included who voluntarily and anonymously participated in filling out surveys distributed via Facebook during June and July 2023. The questionnaire consists of four parts with a total of 32 questions: five questions about sociodemographic data, four questions about outdoor activity, 16 questions about knowledge, seven questions about thoughts and attitudes about HPV, which were rated on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the weakest knowledge and 5 excellent.
RESULTS: 248 respondents participated in the research, of which 216 were women (87.1%) and 32 were men (12.9%). More than two-thirds of respondents (69.4%) are married and live in urban areas (66.9%). Approximately half of the respondents (49.6%) have a lower or secondary education, while the rest of the respondents have a higher or higher education and a doctorate. Residents with a higher level of education had more knowledge about HPV infection than residents with a lower level of education. The attitudes of the inhabitants of the Sisak-Moslavina County about HPV vaccination are positive compared to the attitudes of the inhabitants of the Sisak-Moslavina County.
STATISTICAL DATA PROCESSING: Upon completion of the research, the data collected by the survey were processed in the IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 software package. (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). The collected data are presented through tables, graphs and diagrams, with corresponding descriptions and conclusions. In addition to using descriptive statistics to describe the data, the set hypotheses were tested through the methods of inferential statistics. All three hypotheses were tested with the t-test for independent samples. CONCLUSION: Respondents with a higher level of education have more knowledge about HPV, residents of the surveyed county are positive according to vaccination against HPV, there is no difference in knowledge depending on the area of residence. In general, there is a need for increased education about HPV vaccination and prevention. |