Abstract | U radu je opisan utjecaj održivog razvoja na trendove u transportu i logistici općenito i na primjeru tvrtke DeutschMann d.o.o. sa sjedištem u Varaždinu. Tvrtka se bavi cestovnim prijevozom robe, a sukladno zakonu organizira i izvršava međunarodne prijevoze robe i aktivna je na prostoru Europe, Bliskog istoka, Sjeverne Afrike i Središnje Azije. Najveći dio aktivnosti tvrtke odvija se u okviru EU. Opisan je nastanak održivog razvoja, problema i rješenja koja se pojavljuju u današnjim uvjetima poslovanja s obzirom na promjenjiva tržišta i sve veći pritisak globalizacije. Kako u svakoj industriji tako i logističkoj, postoji nepisano pravilo: promjenjive sile su uvijek na dijelu, mijenjajući način na koji organizacije razmišljaju o tehnologiji, posluju i planiraju budućnost. Postoje različiti čimbenici koje treba razmotriti, kao što su nove tehnologije koje treba istražiti i koristiti u našu korist, kao i promjenjivi propisi koji zahtijevaju nove strategije i taktike za usklađenost. Da bi postigle prednosti i ostale konkurentne, logističke tvrtke moraju biti u tijeku s relevantnim i novim trendovima prilagođavajući se i kupcima. Prema tome, agilnost lanca opskrbe uz koji još vežemo kvalitetnu uslugu i efikasnost, postaje najvažniji dio suvremene logistike. Osim toga, sve veća važnost dodaje se načinima kojima se nastoji smanjiti negativan utjecaj transporta na okoliš s obzirom da cestovni promet stvara najveći udio emisija u prometu u odnosu na druge vrste prometa. Ti načini uključuju korištenje alternativnih goriva, poput vodika, biogoriva i električne energije čija primjena postaje sve šira i može se potvrditi primjerima iz prakse što je u ovom slučaju tvrtka DeutschMann d.o.o. Zelenim lancem opskrbe, zelenim transportom, provođenjem društvenog odgovornog poslovanja i provođenjem održivog razvoja tvrtka DeutschMann osigurava konstantni rast i razvoj poduzeća. Provedeni intervju sa direktorom tvrtke otkriva načine kojima postižu svoj uspjeh, a njegova svrha je dokazati ključ njihovog poslovanja i daljnje zelene ciljeve koje žele postići u budućnosti. |
Abstract (english) | The paper describes the impact of sustainable development on trends in transport and logistics in general and on the example of DeutschMann d.o.o., based in Varazdin. The company deals with the road transport of goods, and in accordance with the law organises and performs international transport of goods and is active in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Most of the company's activities take place within the EU. It describes the emergence of sustainable development, problems and solutions occurring in today's operating conditions, given the changing markets and the increasing pressure of globalisation. As in every industry including logistics, there is an unwritten rule: changing forces are always in part, changing the way organizations think about technology, do business and plan the future. There are various factors to consider, such as new technologies to be explored and used for our benefit, as well as changing regulation requiring new compliance strategies and tactics. In order to achieve advantages and other competing companies, logistics companies have to keep up with relevant and new trends by adapting to customers as well. Therefore, the agility of the supply chain, to which we still link quality service and efficiency, becomes the most important part of modern logistics. In addition, increasing importance is added to ways aimed at reducing the negative impact of transport on the environment, as road transport generates the highest share of transport emissions compared to other modes of transport. These methods include the use of alternative fuels, such as hydrogen, biofuels and electricity, the use of which is becoming increasingly widespread and can be confirmed by examples from practice, which in this case is DeutschMann d.o.o. With the green supply chain, green transport, social responsible business and sustainable development, DeutschMann ensures constant growth and development of the company. The conducted interview with the company director reveals the ways in which they achieve their success, and its purpose is to prove the key to their business and further green goals they want to achieve in the future. |