Abstract | Arterijska hipertenzija (AH) spada u jedan od najčešćih preventabilnih uzroka
prijevremenog umiranja u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Brojna istraživanja potvrđuju da AH kao zasebna
bolest ili kao čimbenik rizika za razvoj KVB (kardiovaskularna bolesti) i CVB (cerebrovaskularna
bolest), predstavlja jedan od najvećih javnozdravstvenih problema današnjice u razvijenim i
nerazvijenim zemljama. Provedena Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) procjena opterećenjima
bolesti svrstava AH na treće mjesto od deset najčešćih čimbenika rizika za godine izgubljenog
života zbog preranog mortaliteta ili poremećene kvalitete života. Prema rezultatima kliničkih
istraživanja 2011. godine, vodeći uzrok smrti u Hrvatskoj su KVB s oko 49% učestalošću, a AH se
drži najvažnijim rizičnim čimbenikom za razvijanje tih bolesti. To potvrđuje činjenica da je 50%
oboljelih od akutnog srčanog infarkta imalo AH. Kod oboljelih od CVB čak 2/3 oboljelih imalo je
hipertenziju. Prevalencija AH u Hrvatskoj prema rezultatima studije „Epidemiologija arterijske
hipertenzije u Hrvatskoj i svijetu“ (EH-UH) češća je kod žena i iznosi zajedno ukupno 37,5%. Iako
su žene u Hrvatskoj prosječno nižeg obrazovanja i mjesečnih primanja, a višeg Indeksa tjelesne
mase (ITM), svjesnije su od muškaraca, češće se liječe i postižu bolju kontrolu arterijskog tlaka
(AT) u odnosu na muškarce (27,4% vs. 21,9%).. Svjesnost o AH u Hrvatskoj je visoka, iznosi
72,6% i viša je nego u nekim europskim zemljama, viša je u žena i raste s dobi. U Hrvatskoj je
59% hipertoničara (HT) liječeno antihipertenzivima, a kod 19,4% postignuta je kontrola AT. U
našoj populaciji, kao i u većini drugih, prevalencija AH raste s dobi u oba spola. Zabilježene su i
regionalne razlike u prevalenciji AH, te je prevalencija AH nešto niža u mediteranskoj regiji
(mediteranska 35% vs. kontinentalna regija 38%).
Učinkovite intervencije za smanjenje AH, podizanje nacionalne svijesti, prikladna rješenja i
prevencija imaju značajan učinak na smanjenje AH i posljedične bolesti, a time i na zdrastveno
stanje Hrvatskog stanovništva u cjelini. |
Abstract (english) | Arterial hypertension (AH) belongs to the one of the most common preventable causes of
premature death in Croatia and abroad. Numerous studies confirm that AH, as a separate disease or
as a risk factor for the development of CVD (Cardiovascular Disease) and CVI (Cerebrovascular
Insult), present one of the biggest public health problems today in developed and developing
countries. Conducted Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) assessment of disease burden ranks
AH in third place of the ten most common risk factors for the lost years of life due to premature
mortality or disturbed quality of life. According to the results of clinical trials in 2011, the leading
cause of death in Croatia are CVD with approximately 49% frequency, and AH is associated with
the most important factor for the development of these diseases. According to the results of clinical
trials in 2011, the leading cause of death in Croatia are CVD with approximately 49% frequency,
and AH is associated with the most important factor for the development of these diseases. This is
confirmed by the fact that 50% of patients with acute myocardial infarction had AH. Even 2/3 of
CVD patients had hypertension. The prevalence of AH in Croatia, according to the study
"Epidemiology of arterial hypertension in Croatia and the world" (EH-UH) is more common in
women and in total amounts 37.5%. Although women in Croatia in average has lower education
and monthly income, and higher body mass index (BMI), they are more aware than men, tend to be
treated and achieve better control of blood pressure (BP) than men (27.4% vs. 21 , 9%) . Awareness
of AH in Croatia is high, it amounts 72.6% and it is higher than in some European countries, it is
higher in women and increases with age. In Croatia, 59% of patients with hypertension (HT) is
treated with antihypertensive agents, and in 19.4% was achieved BP control. In our population, as
in most others, the prevalence of AH increases with age in both sexes. There have been regional
differences in the prevalence of AH, and it is proven that the prevalence of AH is lower in the
Mediterranean region (Mediterranean region 35% vs. Continental region 38%).
Effective interventions to reduce AH, raising of national awareness, appropriate solutions
and prevention have a significant impact on the reduction of AH and consequential diseases, and
with that on the health conditions of Croatian population as a whole. |