Title Uloga fizioterapeuta i prehrambene navike igrača županijskih liga Istre
Title (english) The role of physiotherapists and the eating habits of players in the county leagues of Istria
Author Ivan Čehić
Mentor Jasminka Potočnjak (mentor)
Committee member Natalija Uršulin-Trstenjak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Potočnjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Arapović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Physiotherapy) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-10-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Jedan od najomiljenijih sportova koji danas postoji je nogomet, koji ne treniraju samo muškarci, već i žene i djeca svih dobi. sport u kojem je napredak i dobar učinak prvenstveno određen fizičkom spremnošću i psihičkom stabilnošću. Nogometne ozljede i prehrana dva su aspekta igre koja se ne mogu zanemariti. Fizioterapeut, koji je prva i primarna osoba koja ponovno obučava igrača da nastavi trenirati i natjecati se, igra ključnu ulogu u prevenciji i liječenju ozljeda. Zbog sve većih zahtjeva treninga i natjecanja, ozljede donjih ekstremiteta, koje su posebno česte u nogometu, dovode igrače u opasnost. Zbog ozljeda donjih ekstremiteta, koje su u nogometu posebno česte zbog specifičnosti sportskih aktivnosti, igrači sve češće dolaze u poteškoće zbog povećanih zahtjeva treninga i natjecanja. Na velikim priredbama i međunarodnim igrama sportaši i trenersko osoblje često zadobiju teške ozljede, što čini odabir tko će se natjecati izuzetno teškim.
Prehrana danas značajno utječe na život i karijeru svakog sportaša. Sportaši imaju sve veća očekivanja i zahtjeve, što njihovo tijelo izlaže fizički napornim fazama pripreme i natjecanja. Sportaši trebaju više energije jer je puno troše tijekom tjelesne aktivnosti i jer veći postotak njihove tjelesne težine čine mišići. Jedno od trenutno najfascinantnijih područja proučavanja, koje će također biti obrađeno u ovom radu, jest prehrana sportaša.
Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je prikazati i istražiti ulogu fizioterapeuta, njegov način i sanaciju rada te samu povezanost između igrača i fizioterapeuta, odnosno ispitati i pregledati prehrambene navike igrača amaterskih liga Istre. Imaju li klubovi amaterskih liga u Istri licenciranog fizioterapeuta, imaju li igrači fizioterapeuta na raspolaganju u vrijeme ozljede te kako se igrači hrane i suplementiraju bit će istraženo i propitano anketom te prikazano u ovom završnom radu.
Ovaj završni rad trebao bi ljudima bolje približiti važnost fizioterapeuta ne samo na profesionalnom, nego i na amaterskom nivou te prikazati važnost pravilne prehrane kao jedan od preventivnih načina nastanka ozljeda nogometnih igrača.
Abstract (english) Soccer is one of the most popular sports today, which is played not only by the male part of the population, but also by women and children of all age groups. A sport in which physical fitness and psychological stability are the main elements of progress and successful performance. Nutrition and injuries in football are one of the integral parts of this game. In the prevention and remediation of injuries, the main role is played by the physiotherapist, who is the first and main person who retrains the player to continue training and competition. With the ever-increasing demands of training and competition, players find themselves more and more often in trouble caused by injuries to the lower extremities, which are especially prevalent in football due to the specificity of the sports activity. Players and coaching staff are often the target of numerous injuries at major competitions and international matches, which greatly complicates the selection of players who will compete.
Today, nutrition plays an important role in the life and career of every athlete. Given that higher goals and demands are placed on athletes day by day, the body goes through extremely exhausting preparatory and competitive phases. Athletes have a need for higher energy intake because energy consumption is high due to physical work, and in addition, basal metabolism is also higher due to a higher proportion of muscle tissue. The nutrition of athletes has become one of the most interesting topics for research today, which will also be presented in this paper.
The goal of this final paper was to present and investigate the role of the physiotherapist, his way of working and rehabilitation, as well as the connection between the players and the physiotherapist, that is, to examine and review the eating habits of the players of the amateur leagues of Istria. Whether the clubs of the amateur leagues in Istria have a licensed physiotherapist, whether the players have a physiotherapist at their disposal at the time of injury and how the players are fed and supplemented will be investigated and questioned by a survey and presented in this final paper.
This final thesis should bring people closer to the importance of physiotherapists, not only at the professional level, but also at the amateur level, and show the importance of proper nutrition as one of the preventive ways to prevent injuries in football players.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:587869
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-08 11:38:43