Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje teorijski koncept novoga proizvoda i uvođenja novoga proizvoda na tržište te na temelju istraživanja u obliku fokus grupe ispituje potencijal uvođenja novog proizvoda u kategoriji bujona. Naime, na tržištu se svakodnevno javljaju novi proizvodi zbog snažne konkurencije i borbe za svakog potrošača, a poduzeća moraju udovoljiti zahtjevnom tržištu za koje je važna brzina plasmana novog proizvoda na tržište, kvaliteta novih proizvoda i brzina osvajanja tržišta. Novi proizvodi su proizvodi koji se svojim karakteristikama razlikuju od ostalih proizvoda na tržišu i koje potrošači prepoznaju kao nove proizvode, a rezultat su akvizicije ili razvoja potpuno novih proizvoda. Razlikuje se šest kategorija novih proizvoda na tržištu: proizvodi novi u svijetu, nove proizvodne linije, dodaci postojećim proizvodnim linijama, poboljšanja i revizije postojećih proizvoda, repozicionirani proizvodi i proizvodi s manjim troškovima. Novi proizvodi prolaze etapu razvoja koja se sastoji od šest faza: faze generiranja ideja, razvoja novog koncepta, testiranja koncepta, razvoja i dizajna proizvoda, testiranja prototipa i komercijalizacije. Svaki proizvod funkcionira kao živo biće i ima svoj vijek trajanja koji se opisuje životnim ciklusom proizvoda, a cilj poduzeća je što više produljiti fazu zrelosti u kojoj je proizvod na vrhunci. Ali da bi proizvod uopće došao u fazu zrelosti, potrošači ga moraju prepoznati i prihvatiti. Proces u kojemu potrošači prihvaćaju proizvod plasiran na tržište zove se difuzija proizvoda. Ovisno o tome koliko se brzo proizvod usvaja i širi na tržištu postoji pet kategorija potrošača: inovatori, rani usvajači, rana većina, kasna većina i neodlučni. Poduzeća često diversificiraju proizvodni asortiman, proširuju ga novim proizvodima da bi kompletirala svoju ponudu, potpunije zadovoljila potrebe potrošača, povećala si konkurentsku sposobnost, ostvarila bolji uspjeh u poslovanju te povećala proizvodnost, ekonomičnost i profitabilnost, smanjila rizik prodaje i povećala iskorištenost proizvodnih kapaciteta. Podravka d.d. je primjer poduzeća koje često proširuje svoj proizvodni asortiman, a u radu je pokazan primjer proširivanja proizvodnog asortimana novim proizvodima u kategoriji bujona. Cilj rada je opisati teorijski koncept razvoja novoga proizvoda te treba li poduzeće Podravka d.d. lansirati na tržište novi proizvod u kategoriji bujona. |
Abstract (english) | This graduate thesis investigates the theoretical concept of a new product and the introduction of a new product to the market, and on the basis of research in the form of a focus group examines the potential of introducing a new product in the broth category. Namely, new products appear on the market every day due to strong competition and the struggle for every consumer, and companies must satisfy a demanding market for which the speed of placing a new product on the market, the quality of new products and the speed of market conquest are important. New products are products whose characteristics differ from other products on the market and which consumers recognize as new products, and are the result of the acquisition or development of completely new products. There are six categories of new products on the market: products new to the world, new product lines, additions to existing product lines, improvements and revisions of existing products, repositioned products and products with lower costs. New products go through a development stage consisting of six stages: idea generation stage, new concept development, concept testing, product development and design, prototype testing and commercialization. Each product functions as a living being and has its own life cycle, which is described by the product's life cycle, and the company's goal is to extend as much as possible the maturity phase in which the product is at its peak. But in order for the product to even reach maturity, consumers must recognize and accept it. The process of consumer acceptance of a marketed product is called product diffusion. Depending on how quickly a product is adopted and spread in the market there are five categories of consumers: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and undecided. Companies often diversify their product range, expand it with new products in order to complete their offer, more fully satisfy the needs of consumers, increase their competitive ability, achieve better success in business and increase productivity, economy and profitability, reduce the risk of sales and increase the utilization of production capacities. Podravka d.d. is an example of a company that often expands its product range, and the paper shows an example of expanding the product range with new products in the broth category. The aim of the paper is to describe the theoretical concept of new product development and whether the company Podravka d.d. should to launch a new product in the broth category. |