Abstract | Maligne bolesti danas su svjetski javnozdravstveni problem. U Republici Hrvatskoj druge su po vodećim uzrocima smrtnosti, kako kod odraslih, tako i kod mlađih osoba. Maligna bolest je naziv za grupu bolesti koja može zahvatiti jedan organ ili više njih, a nastaje gubitkom normalnog fiziološkog mehanizma stanice. Liječenje maligne bolesti odvija se u više terapijskih postupaka. Ukoliko je moguće, prvo se izvodi radikalni operacijski zahvat gdje se otklanja tumorska novotvorevina, a nakon oporavka od operacijskog zahvata najčešće slijedi kemoterapija i radioterapija. Prilikom liječenja, može doći do raznih komplikacija i nuspojava, stoga je medicinska sestra/tehničar izuzetno važna komponenta u liječenju. Medicinska sestra/tehničar provode najviše vremena sa pacijentom, a isto tako uključuju ga u provedbu zdravstvene njege, prilikom koje utvrđuju potrebe kako bi osobi oboljeloj od maligne bolesti mogli pružiti adekvatnu skrb. Osim samog pacijenta, važna je i komunikacija sa obitelji. Pacijent koji osjeća privrženost, sigurnost i brižnost od strane obitelji lakše se nosi sa fizičkim posljedicama maligne bolesti. Ukoliko obitelj funkcionira „zdravo“, lakše će se nositi sa vijesti da je članu obitelji dijagnosticirana maligna, neizlječiva bolest i njezine posljedice. Dinamika obitelji često se može promijeniti, ovisno o tome koji član obitelji ima malignu bolest. Isto tako, osoba koja je oboljela od maligne bolesti, a i članovi obitelji, moraju proći proces žalovanja kako bi prihvatili novonastalu situaciju. Često dolazi do ljutnje, depresije i cjenkanja s Bogom, no smatra se kako je izvor negativnih emocija u tom trenutku upravo duševna bol, koja je istovremeno važna kako bi došlo do prihvaćanja maligne bolesti.
Cilj ovog istraživanja jest uvidjeti kako se obitelj osjećala prilikom saznanja dijagnoze, što smatraju najtežim u procesu liječenja, jesu li počeli više prakticirati religiju, jesu li se njihove obiteljske navike promijenile i na koji način, kako su se osjećali kada su saznali za smrt bliske osobe, te žale li za nekim propuštenim prilikama. Istraživanje je provedeno uz pomoć polustrukturiranog intervjua, u razdoblju od 27.07.2023. do 16.08.2023. na području Varaždinske županije. Ispitanici su označeni slovima A, B, C, D, E i F kako bi ostali anonimni. Iz rezultata jasno je da se prilikom susretanja sa dijagnozom maligne bolesti većina ispitanika osjećalo zaprepašteno i žalosno, najteže prilikom liječenja bile su nuspojave i nedovoljna informiranost. Troje ispitanika smatra da je preuzelo više odgovornosti s obzirom na bolest člana obitelji, dok dvoje prakticira religiju više nego prije, te je samo jedan ispitanik bio pripremljen na gubitak bliske osobe s obzirom na tijek bolesti. Dvoje ispitanika žali za propuštenim prilikama sa bliskom osobom, poput manjka komunikacije i nerazriješenih obiteljskih odnosa. |
Abstract (english) | Malignant diseases are a global public health problem today. In the Republic of Croatia, they are the second leading cause of death, both in adults and in younger people. Malignant disease is the name for a group of diseases that can affect one or more organs, and is caused by the loss of the normal physiological mechanism of the cell. The treatment of a malignant disease takes place in several therapeutic procedures. If possible, a radical surgical procedure is performed first, where the tumor neoplasm is removed, and after recovery from the surgical procedure, chemotherapy and radiotherapy usually follows. During the treatment, various complications and side effects can occur, therefore the nurse/technician is an extremely important component in the treatment. The nurse/technician spends the most time with the patient, and they also involve him in the implementation of health care, during which they determine the needs in order to be able to provide adequate care to a person suffering from a malignant disease. In addition to the patient himself, communication with the family is also important. A patient who feels affection, security and care from his family can more easily cope with the physical consequences of a malignant disease. If the family functions are "healthy", it will be easier to deal with the news that a family member has been diagnosed with a malignant, incurable disease and its consequences. Family dynamics can often change, depending on which family member has the malignancy. In the same way, a person suffering from a malignant disease, as well as family members, must go through the mourning process in order to accept the new situation. There is often anger, depression and bargaining with God, but it is believed that the source of negative emotions at that moment is precisely mental pain, which is also important in order to achieve acceptance.
The aim of this research is to find out how the family felt when they found out the diagnosis, what they consider the most difficult in the treatment process, whether they started to practice religion more, whether their family habits have changed, how they felt when they learned about the death of a loved one, and whether they regret some missed opportunities. The research was conducted with the help of a semi-structured interview, in the period from July 27, 2023. until August 16, 2023. in the area of Varaždin County. The respondents are marked with the letters A, B, C, D, E and F in order to remain anonymous. It is clear from the results that most of the respondents felt stunned when faced with the diagnosis of a malignant disease, the most difficult during the treatment were the side effects and lack of information. Three respondents believe that they have taken more responsibility due to the illness of a family member, while two practice religion more than before, and only one respondent was prepared for the loss of a close person due to the course of the disease. Two respondents regret missed opportunities with a close person, such as lack of communication and unresolved family relationships. |