Title Sestrinska skrb za pacijenta sa kroničnom ranom u djelatnosti zdravstvene njege u kući
Title (english) Nursing care for a patient with a chronic wound in home health care
Author Marija Pintarić
Mentor Vesna Sertić (mentor)
Committee member Melita Sajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Sertić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Vincek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Danas se kronične rane smatraju značajnim izazovom, kako za pacijente tako i za medicinsko osoblje, s posljedicama koje se osjete u cijelom zdravstvenom sustavu. Definiramo kronične rane kao one rane koje ne zacjeljuju u periodu od 6 do 8 tjedana. Kronične rane mogu se podijeliti na tipične i atipične. U većini slučajeva, tipične kronične rane uključuju venske i arterijske ulkuse, dijabetičko stopalo i dekubitus. Kronične rane predstavljaju svakodnevni izazov sa kojim se medicinske sestre redovito suočavaju, te se u današnje vrijeme mogu kvalitetno zbrinjavati kod kuće bolesnika. Ustanove za zdravstvenu njegu u kući provode njegu bolesnika, pri čemu medicinska sestra/ tehničar započinju s procjenom rane koristeći svoje znanje i iskustvo. Pravilna procjena predstavlja temelj koji omogućuje kontinuirano praćenje stanja kronične rane tijekom cijelog razdoblja kućne njege. Proces zdravstvene njege kod pacijenata s kroničnim ranama usmjeren je na preventivne mjere i intervencije koje smanjuju probleme koji utječu na ukupno psihofizičko zdravlje pacijenta. S obzirom na dugotrajnost, sve kronične rane narušavaju kvalitetu života pacijenata, smanjujući njihovu sposobnost obavljanja svakodnevnih aktivnosti i radnu sposobnost. Pacijentima s kroničnim ranama često je potrebna pomoć u obavljanju svakodnevnih aktivnosti, što često zahtijeva angažman obitelji. Cilj rada svake medicinske sestre koja provodi zdravstvenu njegu u kući je poticanje bolesnika na što veću samostalnost u zadovoljavanju osnovnih ljudskih potreba kako bi unaprijedili i očuvali kvalitetu života svakog pojedinca. Unatoč napretku medicine i tehnologije, liječenje i izlječenje kroničnih rana donose mnoge probleme, a troškovi liječenja kroničnih rana nisu zanemarivi u odnosu na neke druge bolesti i vrlo je važno na koji način i kojim materijalima će se rane tretirati.
Ovaj rad nastoji opisati vrste kroničnih rana, faze cijeljenja rane, organizaciju rada zdravstvene njege u kući, ulogu i kompetencije medicinskih sestara i tehničara u kućnoj zdravstvenoj njezi, metode liječenja kroničnih rana u kući bolesnika, kvalitetu života bolesnika s kroničnom ranom, te naglasiti važnost multidisciplinarnog pristupa u liječenju dekubitusa kroz prikaz slučaja.
Abstract (english) Today, chronic wounds are considered a significant challenge, both for patients and medical staff, with consequences that are felt throughout the healthcare system. We define chronic wounds as those wounds that do not heal within a period of 6 to 8 weeks. Chronic wounds can be divided into typical and atypical. In most cases, typical chronic wounds include venous and arterial ulcers, diabetic foot and pressure ulcers. Chronic wounds are a daily challenge that nurses regularly face, and nowadays they can be treated with quality care at the patient's home. Home health care facilities provide patient care, where the nurse/technician begins the wound assessment using their knowledge and experience. Correct assessment is the foundation that enables continuous monitoring of the condition of a chronic wound during the entire period of home care. The health care process for patients with chronic wounds is focused on preventive measures and interventions that reduce problems that affect the overall psychophysical health of the patient. Considering the long duration, all chronic wounds impair the patients' quality of life, reducing their ability to perform daily activities and their ability to work. Patients with chronic wounds often need help with daily activities, which often requires family involvement. The goal of the work of every nurse who provides health care at home is to encourage patients to be as independent as possible in meeting basic human needs in order to improve and preserve the quality of life of each individual. Despite the progress of medicine and technology, the treatment and healing of chronic wounds bring many problems, and the costs of treating chronic wounds are not negligible compared to some other diseases, and it is very important how and with what materials the wounds will be treated.
This paper attempts to describe the types of chronic wounds, the stages of wound healing, the organization of home health care work, the role and competencies of nurses and technicians in home health care, methods of treating chronic wounds in the patient's home, the quality of life of patients with chronic wounds, and to emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in the treatment of pressure ulcers through a case report.
kronična rana
Keywords (english)
chronic wound
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:306698
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-19 12:14:12