Abstract | Starenje je složen biološki proces karakteriziran postupnim smanjenjem fizioloških funkcija i povećanim rizikom od razvoja bolesti. Kako stanovništvo diljem svijeta ubrzano stari, potreba za razumijevanjem ovog fenomena je sve veća. Starenje je neizbježan dio ljudskog života, ali razumijevanjem bioloških, psihosocijalnih i zdravstvenih aspekata starenja, možemo stvoriti bolje uvjete za dugovječnost i kvalitetu života starijih osoba. Integrirani pristupi i inovativna rješenja ključ su adekvatne skrbi za starije osobe u budućnosti.
Kako stanovništvo Republike Hrvatske postaje sve starije tako se sve više povećava potreba za skrbi starijih osoba. Oblici skrbi starijih osoba su institucionalna skrb i izvaninstitucionalna skrb. Institucionalni oblici skrbi su domovi za odrasle osobe, domovi za psihički odrasle osobe, domovi za starije i nemoćne osobe, dok u izvaninstitucionalnu skrb spadaju gerontološki centri, gerontoservisi, gerontodomaćice, dnevni boravci za starije i udomiteljski domovi.
U RH se izvaninstitucionalna skrb još razvija te su starije osobe o kojima nema tko brinuti najčešće smještene u dom za starije i nemoćne osobe. Zbog toga se kroz ovaj rad ispituje zadovoljstvo korisnika domova te se kroz istraživanje obrađuje utjecaj razloga dolaska u dom za starije na zadovoljstvo domovima za starije. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti zadovoljstvo ispitanika ovisno o njihovom razlogu za dolazak u dom te hoće li osobe koje su same htjele doći u dom i koje su prije dolaska u dom komunicirale i sudjelovale u donošenju odluke sa svojim bližnjima biti zadovoljnije samim domom. Pitanje se postavlja hoće li razlog igrati ulogu na zadovoljstvo domom te hoće li ujedno i veliku ulogu igrati sama odluka o dolasku u dom za starije, te tko ju je donio i jesu li ispitanici bili uključeni u donošenje iste ili ne. Istraživanje koje je provedeno na 47 ispitanika, korisnika domova za starije, pokazalo je da je zadovoljstvo povezano s razlogom dolaska u dom za starije, te tko je donio odluku o preseljenju u dom i jesu li oni sudjelovali u donošenju te odluke. |
Abstract (english) | Ageing is a complex biological process characterized by a gradual decrease in physiological functions and an increased risk of developing diseases. As the population around the world is rapidly ageing, the need to understand this phenomenon is increasing. However, ageing is an inevitable part of human life, but by understanding the biological, psychosocial and health aspects of aging, we can create better conditions for the longevity and quality of life for the elderly. Integrated approaches and innovative solutions are the key to adequate care for the elderly in the future.
As the population of the Republic of Croatia is getting older, the need for elderly care is increasing. Forms of care for the elderly are institutional care and non-institutional care. Institutional forms of care are retirement home, homes for mentally ill adults, homes for the elderly and infirm, while non-institutional care includes gerontology centers, gerontoservices, gerontohomes, day care centers for the elderly and foster homes.
Since non-institutional care is still developing in the Republic of Croatia, most elderly people end up in retirement homes. For this reason, this paper only examines the satisfaction of home users, and through research, the influence of the reason for coming to a home for the elderly on satisfaction with retirement home is examined. The goal of the research was to compare the satisfaction of respondents depending on their reason for coming to the retirement home and whether people who made the decision to come to the retirement home themselves and who before coming to the retirement home communicated and participated in making decisions with their relatives would be more satisfied with the retirement home itself. The hypothesis of the research is that the reason will play a role in the satisfaction with the retirement home, and that at the same time, the decision to come to the retirement home will play a big role, and who made it and whether the respondents were involved in making it or not. Research conducted on 47 respondents, users of retirement homes, showed that satisfaction is related to the reason for coming to the retirement home, who made the decision to move to the retirement home and whether they participated in making that decision. |