Abstract | U ovome završnome radu pričat će se o centru grada Ivanca. Kroz ovaj rad će se navesti i prikazati postojeće stanje centra grada Ivanca. Navesti će se problemi koji se javljaju u samom centru grada Ivanca u kojemu cirkulira veliki broj ljudi i vozila. Ideja je da se centar grada pretvori u zonu smirenog prometa i da se dio centra grada zatvori za prometovanje vozilima odnosno da se pretvori u pješačku zonu. Na taj način bi se postiglo puno ugodniji i sigurniji način prometovanja ali i sredinu kojom prolazi i živi veliki broj ljudi pretvorili u ugodnije mjesto. Na ovaj način bi se potaknulo ljude odnosno stanovnike grada Ivanca ali i okolnih mjesta da počinju koristiti neke druge vrste prijevoza kao što su: bicikli, teretni bicikli, električni bicikli, manja električna vozila ali i električni automobili. Na taj način broj vozila koja se pokreću na dizel, benzin, plin i tome slično znatno smanjio u centru grada. Na taj način bi se smanjilo ispuštanje štetnih plinova, isto tako smanjila bi se razina buke u samom centru. Urbana logistika smatra da bi centar svakog grada trebao biti više posvećen pješacima i vozilima koja ne buće kako bi ljudi mogli više uživati ali i mirnije i kvalitetnije raditi barem u centru grada. Sam centar grada Ivanca je dosta bučno mjesto i mjesto gdje na dnevnoj bazi prolazi velik broj motornih vozila koja izazivaju prometne čepove u samome centru grada. Takve stvari potiču bijes kod vozača motornih vozila i manjak njihove koncentracije a time dolazi do smanjene sigurnosti svih sudionika u prometu a najviše pješaka. Uvođenjem novih promjena povećala bi se sigurnost svih sudionika u prometu a posebice pješaka kojih je najviše u centru grada. Osim sigurnosti prometa ljude bi se potaknulo i na neke nove načine putovanja ne samo po centru grada nego i po cijelome gradu. Pa će se tako navesti problemi ali i njihova rješenja dobivamo uvođenjem ovim promjenama. Ovim načinom prometovanja pospješio bi se način prometovanja ali i života ne samo u centru nego i u cijelom gradu Ivancu. |
Abstract (english) | In this final paper, the city center of Ivanec will be discussed. The paper will describe and present the current state of the city center. It will address the problems that arise in the city center of Ivanec, where a large number of people and vehicles circulate. The idea is to transform the city center into a traffic-calmed zone and to close off part of the center to vehicle traffic, turning it into a pedestrian zone. This would create a much more pleasant and safer environment for traffic, as well as make the area, where many people live and pass through, a more enjoyable place. This approach would encourage the residents of Ivanec and the surrounding areas to begin using alternative modes of transportation, such as bicycles, cargo bikes, electric bicycles, small electric vehicles, and electric cars. In this way, the number of vehicles powered by diesel, gasoline, gas, and similar fuels would significantly decrease in the city center. Consequently, the emission of harmful gases would be reduced, and noise levels in the center would also decrease. Urban logistics suggests that the center of every city should be more dedicated to pedestrians and quiet vehicles, so that people can enjoy the area more and work in a calmer and higher-quality environment, at least in the city center. The very center of Ivanec is quite a noisy place, where a large number of motor vehicles pass through daily, causing traffic jams. Such conditions lead to driver frustration and decreased concentration, which in turn reduces the safety of all traffic participants, especially pedestrians. The introduction of these changes would increase the safety of all traffic participants, particularly pedestrians, who are most numerous in the city center. In addition to improving traffic safety, people would be encouraged to adopt new ways of traveling, not only within the city center but throughout the entire city of Ivanec. The paper will outline the problems and their solutions that can be achieved through the implementation of these changes. This approach to traffic would improve not only traffic flow but also the quality of life in the city center and throughout the entire city of Ivanec. |