Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se analizom stavova i razine znanja studenata zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih struka o procijepljenosti protiv humanog papiloma virusa (HPV). HPV se smatra najčešćom spolno prenosivom infekcijom, a uzrokuje različite vrste karcinoma, uključujući rak vrata maternice, penisa, vagine i orofaringealnih regija. Čimbenici rizika za HPV infekciju uključuju rani početak spolne aktivnosti, veći broj spolnih partnera, nezaštićene spolne odnose, nisku razinu obrazovanja, pušenje, te smanjeni imunitet. Liječenje HPV infekcija uključuje razne metode, ovisno o prirodi lezija. Kod benignih lezija, poput genitalnih bradavica, liječenje može uključivati krioterapiju, elektrokauterizaciju i kemijske metode. Prevencija HPV-a obuhvaća cijepljenje kao najučinkovitiji oblik zaštite od najopasnijih sojeva virusa. Cijepljenje protiv HPV-a je dostupno u Republici Hrvatskoj od 2015. godine, besplatno za učenike osnovnih i srednjih škola te za sve osobe do 25 godina. Uz cijepljenje, preporučuju se redoviti pregledi i testiranje, poput PAPA testa, kako bi se pravovremeno otkrile moguće promjene izazvane HPV infekcijom. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koliko su studenti informirani o HPV-u, koji su njihovi stavovi prema cijepljenju te kolika je stvarna procijepljenost među njima. Istraživanje je provedeno online anketnim upitnikom kojeg je ispunio 261 student, podijeljen u dvije skupine: studenti zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih struka. Rezultati su pokazali da studenti zdravstvenih struka imaju bolju informiranost i višu razinu znanja o HPV-u i cijepljenju u usporedbi s kolegama iz nezdravstvenih struka. Međutim, bez obzira na relativno visoku razinu informiranosti, većina studenata pokazuje negativan stav prema cijepljenju – samo manji dio njih je cijepljen, a mnogi necijepljeni studenti ne planiraju to učiniti u budućnosti. |
Abstract (english) | This final paper deals with the analysis of the attitudes and level of knowledge of students of health and non-health professions about vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is considered the most common sexually transmitted infection, and causes various types of cancer, including cancer of the cervix, penis, vagina, and oropharyngeal regions. HPV Risk include early onset of sexual activity, greater number of sexual partners, unprotected sex, low level of education, smoking, and reduced immunity. Treatment of HPV infections includes various methods, depending on the nature of the lesions. For benign lesions, such as genital warts, treatment may include cryotherapy, electrocautery, and chemical methods. HPV prevention includes vaccination as the most effective form of protection against the most dangerous strains of the virus. Vaccination against HPV has been available in the Republic of Croatia since 2015, free of charge for primary and secondary school students and for all persons up to 25 years of age. In addition to vaccination, regular examinations and testing, such as the PAPA test, are recommended in order to timely detect possible changes caused by HPV infection. The objective of the research was to determine how informed the students are about HPV, what their attitudes are towards vaccination, and the actual vaccination rate among them. The research was conducted through a questionnaire on a sample of 261 students, divided into two groups: students of health and non-health professions. The results showed that students of health professions have better information and a higher level of knowledge about HPV and vaccination compared to their colleagues from non-health professions. However, regardless of the relatively high level of information, most students show a negative attitude towards vaccination - only a small part of them have been vaccinated, and many unvaccinated students do not plan to do so in the future. |