Title Dizajn ambalaže Limited edition Royal Franck čajeva
Title (english) Packaging design of Limited edition Royal Franck teas
Author Helena Sivonjić
Mentor Luka Daniel Borčić (mentor)
Committee member Niko Mihaljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Daniel Borčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Kuduz (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Koprivnica) (Department of Media Design) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART
Abstract Ovaj završni rad fokusira se na dizajn ambalaže za limitiranu seriju Franck čajeva u tri različita okusa: jagoda, borovnica i kruška. Osnovni cilj ovog dizajna je demonstrirati kako svakodnevni proizvod poput čaja može biti transformiran u luksuzan i poseban proizvod. Ambalaža svake vrste čaja ne samo da odgovara okusu koji predstavlja, već koristi vizualne elemente i boje specifične za jagodu, borovnicu i krušku, naglašavajući jedinstvenost i ekskluzivnost svakog proizvoda. Dizajn je koncipiran tako da potrošačima prenese dojam sofisticiranosti i zadovoljstva, čineći iskustvo ispijanja čaja posebnim ritualom.
Iz perspektive dizajnerske prakse, važno je shvatiti da ambalaža danas nije samo zaštitni omotač proizvoda; ona je moćan komunikacijski alat koji stvara vezu između brenda i potrošača. U ovom specifičnom slučaju, cilj nije samo privući pažnju na policama, već i uspostaviti emocionalnu povezanost s proizvodom, koji se percipira kao više od običnog napitka.
Proces dizajniranja ove ambalaže zahtijevao je detaljnu analizu i promišljanje vizualnih simbola i boja koje izazivaju asocijacije na okuse jagode, borovnice i kruške. Pažljiv odabir boja, tekstura i tipografije igra ključnu ulogu u stvaranju dojma luksuza i ekskluzivnosti. Svaki element dizajna pomno je integriran kako bi se postigla skladna i prepoznatljiva vizualna identifikacija proizvoda, koja ne samo da odražava kvalitetu čaja, već i dodatno unapređuje percepciju brenda u cjelini.
Dizajniranje ambalaže koja uspješno komunicira ovakve vrijednosti zahtijeva duboko razumijevanje ne samo estetike, već i psihologije potrošača. Kroz ovaj rad, istražiti ću kako vizualni elementi mogu prenijeti priču i stvoriti emocionalni odgovor kod potrošača, čineći proizvod ne samo funkcionalnim, već i estetski privlačnim.
Abstract (english) This thesis focuses on the packaging design for a limited edition of Franck teas in three different flavors: strawberry, blueberry, and pear. The primary goal of this design is to demonstrate how an everyday product like tea can be transformed into a luxurious and special item. The packaging for each type of tea not only corresponds to the flavor it represents but also uses visual elements and colors specific to strawberry, blueberry, and pear, emphasizing the uniqueness and exclusivity of each product. The design is conceived to convey a sense of sophistication and pleasure to consumers, making the tea-drinking experience a special ritual.
From a design practice perspective, it is important to understand that packaging today is not just a protective covering for the product; it is a powerful communication tool that creates a connection between the brand and the consumer. In this specific case, the goal is not only to attract attention on the shelves but also to establish an emotional connection with the product, which is perceived as more than just an ordinary beverage.
The process of designing this packaging required a detailed analysis and thoughtful consideration of visual symbols and colors that evoke associations with the flavors of strawberry, blueberry, and pear. The careful selection of colors, textures, and typography plays a key role in creating a sense of luxury and exclusivity. Each design element is carefully integrated to achieve a harmonious and recognizable visual identity for the product, which not only reflects the quality of the tea but also enhances the overall perception of the brand.
Designing packaging that successfully communicates these values requires a deep understanding not only of aesthetics but also of consumer psychology. Through this thesis, I will explore how visual elements can tell a story and create an emotional response in consumers, making the product not only functional but also aesthetically appealing.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:856365
Study programme Title: Media design Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medijskog dizajna (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medijskog dizajna)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-03-07 09:33:01