Abstract | Rak dojke je najčešći zloćudni tumor i vodeći uzrok smrti zbog raka kod žena. Točna etiologija raka dojke još nije točno utvrđena, međutim smatra se da je to multifaktorska bolest koja ovisi o interakciji vanjskih (okolišnih) i unutarnjih (genetskih, hormonskih i metaboličkih) čimbenika. U dijagnostici raka dojke koristi se klinički pregled, samopregled dojki, mamografija te ultrazvučni pregled, a konačna dijagnoza se postavlja patološkim pregledom uzorka tkiva dojke. U liječenju se koristi nekoliko metoda: kirurški zahvat, radioterapija odnosno zračenje, kemoterapija, hormonska terapija i imunoterapija. Od trenutka postavljanja dijagnoze, te kroz sve oblike liječenja i oporavka provodi se rehabilitacija. Program rehabilitacije je individualan za svaku osobu, a nakon završenog liječenja potrebno je kontinuirano kontrolirati bolesnicu i usmjeriti se na otkrivanje mogućeg recidiva.
Kako je broj oboljelih od raka dojke sve veći, tako on predstavlja sve značajniji javnozdravstveni problem. Unatoč tome, otkrivanjem bolesti u ranom stadiju, mogućnost uspješnog liječenja je vrlo velika. Ranim otkrivanjem veća je i vjerojatnost za duže preživljavanje te bolju kvalitetu života oboljelih žena. Radi prevencije i ranog otkrivanja osnivaju se različite udruge, provode projekti, programi i sl. Također su različite udruge i klubovi osnivani za pomoć ženama nakon operacije, pomažu im u rehabilitaciji, poboljšanju kvalitete življenja nakon operacije te pružaju psihološku pomoć njima i njihovim obiteljima. Važnu ulogu u tome imaju svi zdravstveni djelatnici uključujući i medicinske sestre.
S ciljem da se ispita učestalost samopregleda kao preventivne metode raka dojke kod žena mlađe životne dobi i utvrdi koliko su upoznate sa samim pregledom i načinom njegovog izvođenja provedeno je istraživanje. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo dvjesto četrdeset i sedam žena, a za ispitivanje je izrađen prilagođeni upitnik. Prema rezultatima istraživanja većina ispitanica je upoznata sa samopregledom i zna čemu služi, ali samo 49,4% njih ga redovito i obavlja. Od 50,6% njih koje ga ne obavljaju 28%, odnosno 15% od ukupnog broja ne zna kako se on pravilno obavlja. Također njih 23,1% od ukupnog broja, nažalost nije upoznata s preventivnim programom ranog otkrivanja raka. Rezultati su pokazali da je potrebna kontinuirana edukacija o prevenciji i ranom otkrivanju raka dojke te da je važno što više poticati, motivirati i provoditi programe kako bi se kod što većeg broja žena stvorila navika redovitog i pravilnog provođenja samopregleda potičući tako i svijest koliko je prevencija i rano otkrivanje raka dojke važno i korisno za njihovo zdravlje. |
Abstract (english) | Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women, and at the same time the leading type of cancer which causes death. The precise etiology of breast cancer has not yet been determined, but it's believed that it is a multifactorial disease which depends on the interaction of external (environmental) and internal (genetic, hormonal and metabolic) constituents. Within the diagnostics of breast cancer, the most common used techniques are the following; clinical examination, self-examination of the breasts, mammography, and ultrasound examination. The final diagnosis is determined by a pathological sampling of breast tissue. The treatment involves different approaches: surgery, radiotherapy (radiation), chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy. Rehabilitation is performed from the moment the diagnosis is set to the situations of implementing treatment and recovery. The rehabilitation program is different for every individual person, while at the end of the treatment the patient needs to be carefully watched and monitored in order to avoid recidivism.
Since the number of people with this disease is increasing, it is becoming an essential problem to the public health system. Besides all that, with an early detection of breast cancer, the possibility of a successful treatment is very high. With an early detection, the chances of extended living and a better life quality can be realised. Because of the prevention and the early detection of breast cancer, many associations, societies, organisations and programs are being founded. Many different groups, associations, and clubs are likewise being founded in order to help women with the after-operation struggles they have to go through. After the operation, they try to achieve better life quality for the patient, and they also offer psychological advising for them and their families. The medical staff, including the nurses, plays a great part in the whole process.
This research was conducted with the goal of finding out how many young women do self-examinations, and to which point they are acquainted with the method of the examination and the way it is conducted. 247 women took part in this research, whereby a special questioner was developed for this research. The results of the research show that the majority of the questioned women are familiar with self-examination and they know what purpose it serves, but only 49,4% are conducting it. From the remaining 50,6% of women, 28% of them are not self-examining themselves. 15% of the questioned women do not know how breast cancer self-examination is implemented. Unfortunately, 23,1% of the questioned women are not acquainted with the early breast cancer detection program. Results have shown that the continuous education of breast cancer prevention and early detection need to be encouraged. Programs need to be developed and created in order to inform and motivate women to learn more, and in the end, to correctly apply the self-examination method. Women have to get conscious about the fact, that early detection and prevention of breast cancer is important and very beneficial for their general health. |