Abstract | Obitelj je, kao osnovna jedinica društvene zajednice, u svim društvima važna
institucija i zauzima vrlo visoko mjesto na ljestvici životnih vrijednosti. Obitelj je sustav čiji
su članovi neovisni, gdje je svaki član pod utjecajem sustava u cjelini, a istovremeno utječe na
zdravlje i funkcioniranje sustava. Tako zdravlje/ bolest pojedinca utječe na obitelj i obrnuto,
obiteljska struktura utječe na zdravlje/bolest pojedinca.
Zdravlje se može odrediti kao stanje ravnoteže, a bolest kao stanje narušene ravnoteže
organizma. Bolest je stanje koje onesposobi osobu u određenom opsegu i vremenu. Na svakog
čovjeka utječe pogoršanje zdravlja, ali neće svaka osoba na bolest odgovoriti jednako.
Reakcija osobe ovisi o više faktora, među njima i o osnovnoj strukturi ličnosti, o razdoblju
života u kome se ona nalazi, o vrsti bolesti, o sustavu podrške koju oboljela osoba ima za
vrijeme bolesti.
Kada dođe do bolesti, osobe se okreću drugim ljudima za pomoć, obično obitelji ili užem
krugu prijatelja. Bolest ne ostavlja trag samo na pojedinca, svaki čovjek dio je neke obitelji pa
tako bolest utječe na sve članove. Bolest mijenja aktualnu obiteljsku situaciju samom
činjenicom da se jedan član obitelji razbolio. Obitelj prestaje funkcionirati na svoje
uobičajene načine, članovi obitelji su pod pritiskom, preplavljeni tjeskobom, teško im je
rješavati nadolazeće probleme i uspostaviti prioritete. Dok akutna, odnosno kratkotrajna
bolesna stanja ne remete bitno odnose unutar obitelji, pojava teške, dugotrajne ili kronične,
neizlječive bolesti može značajno ili trajno promijeniti odnose i uloge unutar obitelji kao i
tijek življenja. |
Abstract (english) | Family is the basic unit of the social community, and as such it is an important
institution in every society and it ranks very high on the scale of values. Family is a system
comprised of independent members, where every member is influenced by the system as a
whole, but where every member simultaneously influences the wellbeing and the functioning
of the system. Thus the health/illness of an individual influences the family and vice versa, the
family influences the health/illness of an individual.
Health can be defined as a state of harmony, and illness can be defined as a disrupted state of
harmony in human organism. Illness is a condition which disables a person to a certain extent
and during a certain period of time. Every person is prone to being ill, but not every person
reacts equally on illness. Reaction will depend on various factors, including basic personality
structure, the age at which the illness occurs, the type of illness, and the support system that
the person has during the illness.
When a person becomes ill, it seeks support in other people, usually in family members or
close friends. Illness does not only leave a mark on the person affected by it, but the illness
affects the entire family because every ill person is a part of a certain family. The mere fact
that one member of the family is ill changes the current family situation. The family ceases to
function the way it used to do, family members are under pressure and overwhelmed with
anxiety, and it is extremely difficult for them to deal with the upcoming problems and set their
priorities. The occurrence of an acute, namely a short-term illness does not significantly
disrupt relationships within the family, whilst the occurrence of a serious, long-term or
chronic, terminal illness can significantly or permanently change the relationships and
distribution of roles among the family members, as well as the course of their lives. |