Title Uloga revizora u sprječavanju pranja novca i financiranja terorizma
Title (english) The role of auditor in preventing money laundering and financing of terrorism
Author Igor Blažeković
Mentor Ivana Martinčević (mentor)
Committee member Krešimir Buntak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Martinčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Sesar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Koprivnica) (Department of Business and Management) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Accounting
Abstract Pranje novca je postupak kojim počinitelji tih kaznenih djela prikrivaju stvarno porijeklo i vlasništvo nad sredstvima poput novca, druge imovine ili pravima stečenih kriminalnim radnjama, kako bi ih na kraju uveli u zakoniti gospodarski sustav. Cilj je sredstva ostvarena na nezakoniti način, postupkom pranja novca pretvoriti u sredstva s zakonitim izvorom, ostanu li neotkriveni, perači novca mogu uţivati u plodu svoje kriminalne aktivnosti. Proces kroz koji se odvija pranje novca sastoji se od tri osnovne faze, a to su: faza polaganja, faza oplemenjivanja i faza integracije. Faze se ne moraju odvijati tim redoslijedom veću su moguće i meĎufaze kao novi načini pranja novca. Nakon što počinitelji uspiju prikriti sredstva ostvarena na nezakoniti način, mogu krenuti u financiranje terorizma odnosno terorističkih organizacija. Financiranje terorizma predstavlja pruţanje financijske potpore u bilo kojem obliku, pojedincima ili terorističkim organizacijama zbog počinjenja terorističkog kaznenog djela. Terorističkim organizacijama je bitno prikrivanje načina korištenja sredstava koje se koriste u nezakonite svrhe i izvora tih sredstava kako bi takve radnje ostale neotkrivene. Financiranje terorizma i pranje novca koriste slične tehnike prikrivanja korištenja sredstava, pa zakoni protiv pranja novca ne obuhvaćaju samo sredstva terorizma koja dolaze iz legalnih izvora, nego i tehnike prikrivanja sredstava koja su namijenjena za terorističke svrhe. Financiranje terorizma i pranje novca mogu imati dugotrajne i snaţne socijalne i ekonomske posljedice, posebno za drţave u razvoju i na drţave s nedovoljno snaţnim financijskim sustavima. Da bi se spriječile negativne posljedice veoma je bitna uloga revizora, revizorskih društava, računovoĎa i poreznih savjetnika. Revizori i ostali obveznici u sprječavanju pranja novca i financiranja terorizma imaju posebne propisane mjere sukladno Zakonu o sprječavanju pranja novca i financiranja terorizma kroz koje provode odreĎene postupke, analize, procjene rizika kako bi na vrijeme otkrili i spriječili pranje novca i financiranje terorizma. Revizori, porezni savjetnici i računovoĎe duţni su obavijestiti Ured za sprječavanje pranja novca o transakcijama i osobama u vezi kojih postoje razlozi za sumnju na pranje novca i financiranje terorizma. Kontrolu i nadzor nad provoĎenjem mjera koje provode revizorska društva, samostalni revizori, osobe koje obavljaju računovodstvene usluge i usluge poreznog savjetovanja ima Financijski inspektorat Ministarstva financija. Kako je pranje novca i financiranje terorizma globalni problem postoje meĎunarodne institucije koje intenzivno suraĎuju i poduzimaju akcije kako bi spriječile taj problem.
Abstract (english) Money laundering is a procedure where perpetrators of those criminal offenses conceal the real origin and ownership of funds such as money, other assets or rights acquired through criminal acts to bring them into the legitimate economic system. The purpose of money laundering is to convert the funds acquired in an illegal way into funds with a legitimate source. When undetected, money launderers can enjoy the fruits of their illegal activity. The process of money laundering consists of three basic phases, namely: the deposition phase, the refining phase and the integration phase. These phases do not have to take place in that order, but intermediate stages are also possible as new ways of money laundering. Once the perpetrators succeed in concealing the illegally acquired funds, they can start funding terrorism or terrorist organizations. Financing terrorism represents the provision of financial support in any form to individuals or terrorist organizations with the aim of committing a terrorist act. For terrorist organizations it is important to conceal the use of resources used for illegal purposes and the sources of such funds so that such acts remain undetected. Financing terrorism and money laundering use similar techniques to conceal the use of funds, so anti-money laundering laws do not cover only terrorist resources coming from legal sources, but also the techniques of concealing money intended for terrorist purposes. Financing terrorism and money laundering can have long-lasting and powerful social and economic consequences, especially for developing countries and for countries with insufficiently developed financial systems. The role of auditors, audit firms, accountants and tax consultants is of crucial importance in preventing the negative consequences. Auditors and other authorities responsible for the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism have special statutory measures in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act through which they conduct certain procedures, analyses, risk assessments in order to detect and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. Auditors, tax consultants and accountants are obliged to notify the Office for Money Laundering Prevention of transactions and people that are subject to suspicion of money laundering or the financing of terrorism. The Financial Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance controls and oversees the implementation of measures carried out by audit firms, independent auditors, individuals performing accounting services and tax advisory services. As money laundering and terrorist financing is a global problem, there are international institutions that collaborate closely with each other and take actions to prevent this problem.
financiranje terorizma
pranje novca.
Keywords (english)
financing of terrorism
money laundering.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:676646
Study programme Title: Business and Management in the Media Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) poslovanja i menadžmenta u medijima (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) poslovanja i menadžmenta u medijima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-09-04 09:58:45