Title Iskustva pacijenta nakon Guillain-Barrè sindroma
Title (english) Experiences of the patient after Guillain-Barrè syndrome
Author Petra Plantak
Mentor Jurica Veronek (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Hećimović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Veronek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-10-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Gullain-Barré sindrom je akutna upalna demijelinizirajuća polineuropatija. Sindrom koji se ne pojavljuje toliko često, no kada se pojavi sa sobom nosi teške simptome koje mogu dovesti respiratorne insuficijencije, srčanog zatajenja pa čak i do smrti ukoliko se ne reagira na vrijeme. GBS se javlja nekoliko dana ili tjedana nakon infekcije gastrointestinalnog ili probavnog trakta. Kod pojave prvih simptoma GBS, a to su opća slabost, bol i trnci u rukama i nogama potrebno je provesti brzu dijagnostiku sindroma kako bi se što prije započelo s ciljanom i odgovarajućom terapijom koja će spriječiti pojavu težih simptoma navedenog sindroma. Dijagnoza se postavlja na temelju anamneze, elektrodijagnostičkih ispitivanja, analiza cerebrospinalnog likvora. Što se tiče liječenja GBS ne postoji jedan odgovarajući lijek koji liječi ovaj sindrom. U liječenju se najčešće koriste kortikosteroidi, intravenski imunoglobulin i plazmafereza. Cilj ovog rada bio je saznati pacijentov doživljaj same bolesti, koja su pacijentova iskustva, kakva je bila zdravstvena njega koja im je bila pružena te što bi se moglo promijeniti u samoj zdravstvenoj njezi pružene od strane medicinskih sestara. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako su pacijenti minimalno ili pak uopće nisu educirani o GBS, njegovim simptomima i mogućim komplikacijama. Oba ispitana pacijenta na početku bolesti imala su iste specifične simptome: opću slabost, trnce i bol. Zbog neupućenosti o samom sindromu kod pacijenata se javljao strah, ali i depresija i tjeskoba zbog neizvjesnosti samog ishoda sindroma. Zdravstvena njega je za njih bila zadovoljavajuća, ali navode da bi medicinske sestre mogle poraditi na komunikaciji. Rehabilitacija je dio njihova oporavka koji posebno veseli pacijente oboljele od GBS zato što svaki dan primjećuju napredak i poboljšanje njihova stanja te im to daje snagu za daljnji napredak. Kod sestrinske skrbi za pacijenta oboljelog od GBS bitno je da medicinska sestra bude educirana o sindromu i njegovim simptomima, kako bi u potpunosti mogla shvatiti pacijentove probleme i kako bi mogla sastaviti adekvatan plan zdravstvene njege. Najbitnije kod liječenja pacijenta s GBS je multidisciplinaran i holistički pristup te komunikacija između pacijenta i ostalog medicinskog osoblja.
Abstract (english) Gullain-Barré syndrome is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Syndrome that does not appear so often but when it comes with it carries severe symptoms that can lead to respiratory insufficiency, heart failure, and even death if it does not respond in time. GBS it appears several days or weeks after gastrointestinal or digestive tract infection. When the first symptoms of GBS occur, which is general weakness, pain and tingling in the hands and feet, it is necessary to carry out rapid syndrome diagnosis to initiate as soon as possible with targeted and appropriate therapy that will prevent the onset of the more severe symptoms of the syndrome. Diagnosis is based on anamnesis, electrodiagnostic tests and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. There is no appropriate drug used to treat this syndrome. Corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulins and plasma is commonly used in the treatment. The aim of this paper was to find out the patient's experience of the disease itself, which was the patient's experience, what was the health care that was provided to them and what could be changed in the nursing care provided by the nurses themselves. Research results show that patients are at least under-educated about GBS, its symptoms, and possible complications. Both patients at the beginning of the disease had the same specific symptoms: general weakness, tingling and pain. Due to the lack of awareness of the syndrome itself, there was fear and depression and anxiety due to the uncertainty of the syndrome itself. Health care was satisfactory to them, but they said that nurses could work on communication. Rehabilitation is a part of their recovery that is especially appealing to patients suffering from GBS because they are experiencing progress and improvement of their condition each day and giving them strength for further progress. For nursing care for a GBS patient, it is essential for a nurse to be educated about the syndrome and its symptoms to fully understand the patient's problems and to formulate an adequate health care plan. The most important thing in treating a patient with GBS is multidisciplinary and holistic approach and communication between the patient and other medical staff.
Guillain-Barré sindrom
klinička slika
sestrinska skrb
Keywords (english)
Guillain-Barré syndrome
clinical picture
nursing care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:073093
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-10-30 12:28:52