Title Uloga medicinske sestre u organizaciji prehrane u domu za starije osobe
Title (english) The role of nurses in the organization of eating at the home for the elderly
Author Anita Šikica
Mentor Natalija Uršulin-Trstenjak (mentor)
Committee member Melita Sajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Uršulin-Trstenjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2017-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Starenje je sastavni dio života organizma koje se javlja zajedno sa smanjenjem životnih funkcija te završava smrću. Visoka medicinska skrb, kvalitetni uvjeti života i moderna tehnologija u zadnjih pedesetak godina objektivno su produžili život ljudi i znatno ublažili sve neugodne pojave starosti. Pravilna prehrana starijih ljudi uz primjerenu tjelesnu aktivnost povoljno djeluje na rad organa i organskih sustava, a osobito pomaže očuvanju mišićne mase i usporavanju degenerativnih procesa, što pridonosi boljoj tjelesnoj i duševnoj kondiciji, funkcionalnoj sposobnosti te prevenciji niza kroničnih bolesti. Prehrana starijih osoba uključuje specifičnosti koje se odnose na ukupno zdravstveno stanje te na fiziološke promjene u funkcionalnom statusu. Napredovanjem procesa starenja javljaju se promjene u usnoj šupljini i funkciji gastrointestinalnog trakta te utječu na smanjenu apsorpciju i iskoristivost pojedinih nutrijenata i povećani rizik od malapsorpcije. S povećanjem životne dobi dolazi do smanjenja osjeta okusa i mirisa, što može imati negativan učinak na prehranu i stanje uhranjenosti starijih ljudi. Pravilna prehrana jedan je od najvažnijih čimbenika i preduvjet za normalno funkcioniranje organizma starijih ljudi. Stanje koje nastaje zbog utjecaja određene bolesti na bolesnika i bolesnik ne želi ili ne može pravilno i redovito uzimati obroke. Glavni cilj ovog sestrinskog problema je da će bolesnik uzimati obroke u potpunosti, samostalno ili uz pomoć medicinskog osoblja i obitelji. Kako bi bolesnik pravilno i pravovremeno uzimao obroke potrebno je: strpljiv pristup prema bolesniku, osigurati hranu koju bolesnik voli i smije jesti, lijepo servirati hranu, omogućiti serviranje tople hrane, pomoć pri rezanju hrane, pomoć prilikom hranjenja ukoliko je potrebno, raspitati se kod obitelji o namirnicama koje pacijent voli, potaknuti obitelj da pomogne bolesniku u poticanju ili samom hranjenju. Pozitivno evaluiran sestrinski problem bio bi kad bi bolesnik pravilno i redovito uzimao obroke samostalno ili uz pomoć.
Abstract (english) Aging is an integral part of life, it occurs together with the reduction of other functions and ends with death. Quality medical care, living conditions and modern technology have over the past fifty years prolonged the life expectancy of people and greatly alleviated all the unpleasant phenomena of aging. Proper nutrition of older people with appropriate physical activity have a beneficial effect on the function of organs and organic systems, in particular it helps to preserve muscle mass and slows down degenerative processes, contributing to improved physical and mental fitness, functional ability and the prevention of a number of chronic diseases. Elderly nutrition includes specifics related to overall health and physiological changes in the functional status. As a consequence of aging there are changes that occur in the oral cavity and functions of the gastrointestinal tract that affect the reduced absorption and utilization of certain nutrients and increase the risk of malabsorption. With the increase in life expectancy, there is a reduction in the sense of taste and smell, which can have a negative impact on the dietary and nutritional status of older people. Proper nutrition is one of the most important factors and prerequisite for the normal functioning of older people. There is also a large number of conditions that arise due to certain diseases and alter the patients desire to eat, ergo the patient does not want or cannot take meals. The main goal of this nursing problem is that the patient will take the meals completely, independently or with the help of medical staff and family. In order for the patient to take the meals properly and in time, it is necessary to : build a relationship based on trust and patience, provide the patient with food that he likes and can eat, provide warm meals, help the patient (cut their food, feeding them if needed), ask a family members which foods the patient likes, encourage them to help a patient in motivating or feeding them. A positively evaluated nursing problem would be if the patient takes the meals regularly and timely, independent or with help.
dom za starije
medicinska sestra
Keywords (english)
nursing home
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:147642
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-01-18 18:28:31