Title Maligna oboljenja glave i vrata
Title (english) Malignant tumors of the head and neck
Author Ivan Habula
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Josip Pavan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Sajko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2018-10-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Uzrokovane rizičnim čimbenicima u stanici čovjeka događaju se promjene nazvane mutacijama. Posljedica mutacija je promjena genskog zapisa stanice i posljedično nekontroliranog rasta i umnožavanja stanice. Iz zdravih stanica zloćudnom pretvorbom nastaju maligna oboljenja. Incidencija pojave malignih oboljenja glave i vrata ovisi o dobi, spolu i rizičnim čimbenicima. Maligna oboljenja glave manifestiraju se otalgijom, epistaksom, limfoadenopatijom, dispnejom, stridorom i ostalim simptomima navedenim u radu. Pojava jednog ili više simptoma zahtijeva dijagnostičku obradu pacijenta. Kombinacijom kliničkog pregleda, laboratorijskih i instrumentalnih pretraga utvrđuje se točna dijagnoza bolesti. Put pacijenta do dijagnoze nije lak jer zahtijeva složenu obradu više specijalističkih stručnjaka. Oblik liječenja ovisi o općem stanju pacijenta, njegovoj dobi i stadiju bolesti. Terapijski postupci obuhvaćaju kirurški zahvat, radioterapiju i kemoterapiju, no pacijent može biti podvrgnut i ostalim oblicima liječenja kao što je liječenje malim molekulama, hipertermija, hormonska terapija, genska terapija, laserska terapija i ostalo. Proces liječenja je dugotrajan i uz posljedice bolesti pacijentu donosi niz promjena koje utječu na njegovo psihofizičko zdravlje. Sestrinskom skrbi pacijentu i njegovoj obitelji olakšavamo život sa zloćudnom dijagnozom. Medicinska sestra utvrđuje potrebe za zdravstvenom njegom, educira pacijenta i njegovu obitelj o bolesti i prilagodbi načinu života na bolest. Pravovremenim uočavanjem pacijentovih promjena i problema medicinska sestra može adekvatno reagirati i spriječiti daljnje komplikacije. Bez obzira na prognozu malignog oboljenja glave i vrata pacijent se rehabilitira i pruža mu se što kvalitetniji nastavak života.
Abstract (english) Changes happening in human body cells caused by risk factors are called mutations. Consequences od mutations are alterations of genetic code and result of that is abnormal and excessive cell growth. Healthy cells slowly transform into cancerous causing malingnat diseases. Incidence of malignant tumors of head and neck depends on age, sex and risk factors. Malingnant tumors of the head manifest with earache, nose bleed, lymphadenopathy, dysphnoia, stridor and other symphtomes mentioned in elaboration. Presence of one or more symphtomes demands diagnostic workup of the patient. Combining clinical examination, laboratory tests and instumental examinatons helps to make an exact diagnosis. Road to diagnosis is very difficult for patients because it demands complicated workup by several specialists. Form of treatment depends on patients general condition, age and stage of cancer. Basic therapeutic interventions includes surgical procedure, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Other therapeutic inteventions that a patient can subject to are molecular therapy, hyperthermia, hormonal therapy, genetic therapy, laser therapy and the rest. Treatment process is long-lasting and brings a series of changes that affect the patient and his psychophysical health. With nursing care we make life easier for the patient and his family. Nurse identifies the needs for health care, educate the patient and his family about the disease and adjustments of their lifestyle with malignant illnes. By timely observation nurse can respond adequately to changes of patients condition or problems and then prevent further complications. Regardless of the prognosis of head and neck malignant illnes, patient needs to be rehabilitated and we need to provide him an even better quality of life.
maligno oboljenje
sestrinska skrb
Keywords (english)
malignant illness
nursing care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:867201
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-22 18:05:14