Title Rak jajnika i uloga medicinske sestre u zbrinjavanju onkološkog pacijenta
Title (english) Ovarian cancer and the role of oncology nurse in cancer patient care
Author Marija Arapović
Mentor Valentina Novak (mentor)
Committee member Ino Husedžinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Novak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rosana Ribić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Rak jajnika po učestalosti čini čak 4% zloćudnih bolesti koje se javljaju u žena. Istraživanjima
se zaključilo da je pojavnost raka jajnika puno veća u razvijenim zemljama nego u onim koje to
nisu te da se rizik od oboljenja povećava sa starosnom dobi žene. Utvrđeno je da je najveći problem
ove dijagnoze njeno kasno otkrivanje, točnije patogeneza, kao i svi čimbenici rizika za razvoj
bolesti nisu do kraja poznati.
Ženski su spolni organi ustrojeni tako da ženi omogućuju začetak i razvoj zametka te rođenje
djeteta. Jajnici su, kao i svaki organ, vrlo bitni u ženinom spolnom sustavu pa se sve više povećava
zainteresiranost zdravstva za pronalazak načina prevencije i što ranije otkrivanje ove bolesti.
Početni su simptomi osjećaj napuhanosti, lagani bolovi, nelagoda u trbuhu i osjećaj punoće u
trbuhu. Oni bi trebali biti crveno svijetlo za posjet ginekologu, no nažalost, većina će žena
zanemariti navedene simptome te ih pripisati nekoj drugoj prolaznoj bolesti. Malignomi su
najčešći kod žena koje su između 40 i 65 godina starosti te razlikujemo nekoliko skupina tumora,
uključujući epitelni tumor, tumori spolnih stanica, novotvorevine specijalizirane strome jajnika i
metastatski tumori. Kao i kod svake bolesti, tako i kod raka jajnika postoje čimbenici rizika koji
mogu povećati ili smanjiti vjerojatnost nastanka raka. Rađanje, dojenje te oralna kontracepcija
smanjuju vjerojatnost pojave bolesti, dok žene koje uzimaju lijekove za poticanje ovulacije imaju
veću vjerojatnost nastanka bolesti nego one koje ih nisu koristile, a neplodne su.
Medicinska je sestra vrlo važan faktor tijekom dijagnostike i liječenja onkoloških pacijenata.
Tijekom cijelog procesa provede najviše vremena s njim što znači da je visoko stručna, moralno
kvalitetna te ima visok stupanj empatije za pacijenta i njegovu obitelj. Uključuje ga u sve terapijske
postupke, educira ga o zdravstvenoj njezi te prva uočava nastanak novih simptoma ili pogoršanje
već postojećih. Medicinska je sestra također na raspolaganju cijeloj obitelji, odgovara na njihova
pitanja i nejasnoće jer karcinom nije bolest jedne osobe već je bolest svih ljudi koju ju okružuju.
Abstract (english) Ovarian cancer makes up 4% of the malignant diseases in women. Research shows that
occurrence of ovarian cancer is more common in the developed countries (as opposed to the nondeveloped
countries), and that the risk of getting it increases with woman's age. It has been proven
that main problem of the diagnosis is the late detection, specifically pathogenesis, and the fact that
not all the risk factors for developing the illness are known.
Female genital organs are formed in a way that allows conceiving, developing the embryo and
giving birth to a baby. Just as other organs, ovaries too are extremly important in a female
reproductive system which is why the health care has been increasingly interested in trying to find
the ways of discovering the cancer sooner and preventing it. The initial symptoms include light
pain, stomach discomfort, feeling bloated and feeling full. While those should act as the red light
for visiting s gynecologist. Most woman unfortunately ignore the symptoms and think of them as
belonging to another, temporary illness. Malignoms are the most common in woman between the
ages 40 and 60, and one can differentiate between plenty tumor groups, such as epithel tumors,
germ cell tumors, sex cord-stromal tumors and metastatic tumors. As with every disease, there are
risk factors that can increase or decrease the probability of developing ovarian cancer. Giving
birth, nursing and oral contraceptives decrease the probability of getting cancer (compared to those
woman who are infertile and don't use fertility drugs).
A nurse is an extremely important factor during the process of diagnosing and treating
oncological patients. She is a highly competent and moral person with high level of emathy for the
patient and his family as she is the one who spends the most time with patient during the entire
process. She inculdes the patient in all the therapeutic procedures, educates him or her on the health
care and spots new symptoms emerging or the existing symptoms worsening. Also, the nurse is
available to the whole family and answer their questions as cancer is not an illness that affects only
one person, but also all of those who surround him or her.
spolni sustav
rak jajnika
uloga medicinske sestre
onkološki pacijenti
Keywords (english)
reproductive system
ovarian cancer
the role of nurse
oncology patient
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:453805
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-10-25 12:21:18