Abstract | Kronične bolesti jetre, pa tako i ciroza jetre, kao zadnji stadij istih, predstavljaju velik javnozdravstveni problem u svijetu, unatoč tome što većina njih može biti tretirana i prevenirana.
Ciroza jetre je definirana prisustvom anatomskih abnormalnosti u njezinoj građi. Može nastati zbog mnogih različitih uzroka, zbog čega ju je često teško dijagnosticirati. Najčešći uzrok ciroze u zapadnim zemljama je alkoholno oboljenje jetre, nakon čega slijede kronični virusni hepatitis, lijekovi, vaskularni, autoimuni i metabolički poremećaji. Kliničke manifestacije su slične, bez obzira na podrijetlo, a dominiraju posljedice portalne hipertenzije, a to su ascites, varikoziteti jednjaka i splenomegalija. Ostale komplikacije koje se odnose na cirozu su: spontani bakterijski peritonitis, portalna encefalopaija, infekcije, hepatorenalni sindrom, hepatocelularni karcinom i dr. Liječenje ciroze jetre sastoji se od niza nefarmakoloških, farmakoloških,te terapijskih postupaka. U terapijsku svrhu izvodi se paracenteza, a u liječenju terminalne faze bolesti jedina zadovoljavajuća metoda je transplatacija jetre.
Cilj ovog rada bio je definirati cirozu jetre, opisati anatomiju, fiziologiju te patofiziologiju jetre. U radu su također definirani etiološki čimbenici bolesti i učestalost njihova pojavljivanja. Opisana je klinička slika, dijagnoza bolesti i liječenje. Najvažniji dio rada obuhvaćaju sestrinske dijagnoze i intervencije te edukacija i preventivne aktivnosti medicinske sestre. U radu se spominje i problematika etiketiranja bolesnika oboljelih od ciroze. |
Abstract (english) | Chronic liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis, as their last stage, are a major public health problem in the world, despite the fact that most of them can be treated and prevented. Liver cirrhosis is defined by the presence of certain anatomic abnormalities of liver structure. Cirrhosis can arise from many diverse causes, and thats why she is often difficult to diagnose. The most common cause of cirrhosis in Western countries is alcoholic liver disease, followed by chronic viral hepatitis, medications,vascular, autoimmune and metabolic disorders. The clinical manifestations are similar, regardless of origin, and are dominated by consequences of portal hypertension such as ascites, esophageal varices, and splenomegaly. Other complications related to cirrhosis are: spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, portal encephalopathy, infection, hepatorenal syndrome, hepatocellular carcinoma etc. Treatment of liver cirrhosis consists of a series of nonpharmacological, pharmacological and therapeutic procedures. Paracentesis is performed for therapeutic purposes, and in the treatment of the terminal phase of the disease, the only satisfactory method is liver transplantation.
The aim was to define liver cirrhosis and describe anatomy, physiology and liver pathophysiology. The etiological factors of the disease and the frequency of their occurrence are also defined in the paper. Clinical picture, disease diagnosis and treatment are described. The most important part of the paper include nurses diagnosis, interventions, education and preventive activities of nurses. The paper also mentions the issues of labeling patients suffering from cirrhosis. |