Abstract | Donedavno se celijakija smatrala rijetkom bolešću u bijele djece i prvenstveno su je karakterizirali gastrointestinalni problemi. Današnja su saznanja različita, pa se danas smatra uobičajenom, autoimunom bolešću, koja se moţe javiti kod ljudi svih dobnih, rasnih i etničkih skupina. Dakle, celijakija je jedna od najčešćih kroničnih gastroenteroloških, dječjih i sistemskih bolesti. Klasifikaciju celijakije moţemo promatrati s nekoliko aspekata, kao klasični oblik bolesti, zatim kao atipičnu bolest, te kao asimptomatsku (tihu) bolest i kao latentnu bolest. Treba napomenuti da postoji čitav spektar različitih simptoma ove bolesti. Dakle, neki od simptoma celijakije u djetinjstvu su sljedeći: kronični proljev, povraćanje, povećani volumen trbuha, gubitak teţine, umor, mlitavi mišići itd., Dok simptomi u odrasloj dobi uključuju sljedeće: gubitak kilograma, proljev, anoreksija, mučnina, povraćanje, anksioznost, depresija i niz drugih općih, gastrointestinalnih, metaboličkih i endokrinih, mišićno-koštanih, neuroloških / psihijatrijskih i reproduktivnih i koţnih simptoma. Što se tiče dijagnoze celijakije, nakon identificiranja pacijenta kod kojeg se sumnja na ovu bolest, potrebno je provesti početno testiranje kod onih pacijenata koji u svakodnevnoj prehrani koriste hranu bez glutena. Početno ispitivanje provodi se serološkim metodama. Rano dijagnosticiranje moţe spriječiti komplikacije ove bolesti, a jedina terapija je prehrana bez glutena. |
Abstract (english) | Until recently, celiac disease was considered a rare disease in white children and was primarily characterized by gastrointestinal problems. Today's knowledge is different, so today it is considered a common, autoimmune disease, which can occur in all of peoples age, racial and ethnic groups. Thus, celiac disease is one of the most common chronic gastroenterological, childhood, and systemic diseases. The classification of celiac disease can be viewed from several aspects, as a classic form of the disease, then as an atypical disease, asymptomatic (silent) disease and as a latent disease. It should be noted that there is a whole range of different symptoms of this disease. Thus, some of the symptoms of childhood celiac disease are as follows: chronic diarrhea, vomiting, increased abdominal volume, weight loss, fatigue, flabby muscles, etc., while symptoms in adulthood include the following: weight loss, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, anxiety , depression and a range of other general, gastrointestinal, metabolic and endocrine, musculoskeletal, neurological / psychiatric and reproductive and skin symptoms. Regarding the diagnosis of celiac disease, after identifying the patient in whom this disease is suspected, it is necessary to conduct initial testing in those patients who use gluten-free foods in their daily diet. Initial testing is performed by serological methods. Early diagnosis can prevent complications of this disease, and the only therapy is a gluten-free diet. |