Abstract | Kronicne nezarazne bolest1 koje se jos nazivaju i bolestima zivotnog stila u suvremeno doba biljeze izniman porast te zbog toga predstavljaju jedan od vode6ih zdravstvenih problema danasnjice. One su do svog izrazaja dosle produljenjem zivotnog vijeka stanovnistva. S obzirom na to da moderni stil zivljenja podrazumijeva nedovoljan odmor, nedostatak sna, nepravilnu prehranu, nedostatnu tjelesnu aktivnost, izlozenost stresu te pretjeranu konzumaciju alkoholnih i duhanskih proizvoda, ana navedene cimbenike moguce je djelovatl u velikoj mjeri, osobita se vafuost ptidaje prevenciji kronicnih bolestl i ocuvanju kvalitete zivota kako bi se sprijecili nezeljeni ishodi poput prerane smrtnostl, invalidnosti i gubitka radne funkcije stanovnistva. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija procjenjuje da ce do 2030. godine broj smrtnih slucajeva od kronicnih bolesti biti oko 52 milijuna godisnje. Medu najces6ima se nalaze kardiovaskularne, zlo6udne, respiratorne bolesti te secema bolest. Gotovo polovica smrtnih slucajeva od kronicnih bolesti uzrokovana je nekom vrstom kardiovaskularnog oboljenja, a faktori rizika koji se dovode u vezu s tim su pusenje, prekomjeran unos alkohola, tjelesna neaktivnost , hipertenzija , hiperlipoproteinemija. Medunarodna dijabeticka federacija procjenjuje da je u svijetu 2019. godine bilo 463 milijuna oboljelih od dijabetesa, a broj oboljelih bit ce u porastu ako se ne provedu nufue preventivne mjere. Moderna istrazivanja sve cesce ispituju kvalitetu zivota, a ona je izrazito narusena u bolesnika koji boluju od kronicnih bolesti. Kako bi se kvaliteta zivota ocuvala, naglasak se stavlja na provodenje preventivnih mjera na primarnoj, sekundarnoj i tercijarnoj razini , a djecu je vee od najranije dobi vafuo uciti stjecanju pozit1vnih zdravstvenih navika koje ce njegovatl tijekom zivota i na taj naCin maksimalno umanjiti rizik od nastanka
kronicne bolesti. u sklopu zavrsnog rada provedeno je istrazivanje kojim se zelio ispitatl nacin
zivota opce populacije na podmcju Republike Hrvatske, ucestalost provodenja preventivnih mjera te prisutnost faktora rizika za kronicne nezarazne bolesti. Pretpostavilo se da ne postoji statisticki znacajna razlika u zastupljenosti zdravih zivotnih navika ispitanika u odnosu na njihova demografska obiljezja te da je razina informiranosti o kronicnim bolestima veta u onih ispitanika koji sami boluju od kronicne bolesti ili u obitelji imaju nekog tko boluje od kronicne bolesti. Nadalje, ispitivao se utjecaj neadekvatnih prehrambenih navika, sedentarnog naCina zivota te izlozenost1 stresnim cimbenicima na razvoj rizika za nastanak kronicne nezarazne bolesti. Rezultat1 su pokazali da muskarci imaju bolje zivotne navike od zena te da postoji znacajna razlika u odnosu selo - grad, ljudi koji zive na selu imaju zdravije zivotne navike. Takoder, informiranost o kronicnim bolestima i mjerama prevencije veca je u onih koji vee boluju od kronicnih bolesti ili u obitelji imaju osobu s kronicnom boles6u, a oni sudionici ankete koji su manje informirani o kronicnim bolestima, ucestalije identificiraju osobne zdravstvene poremecaje. Stil Zivota izrazito potencira razvoj rizicnih faktora za nastanak kronicnih bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Chronic non-infectious diseases, which are also known as lifestyle diseases, have a tremendous rise in modem times and therefore represent one of today's leading health problems. They came to their fore by extending the life expectancy of the population. Since modem lifestyle implies a lack of rest, lack of sleep, improper nutrition, insufficient physical activity, exposure to stress and excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco products, and these factors can be greatly affected, special attention is given to the prevention of chronic diseases and the preservation of quality of life in order to prevent undesirable outcomes such as premature mortality , disability and loss of working function of the population. The World Health Organisation estimates that by 2030 the number of deaths from chronic diseases will be around 52 m111ion annually. The most common are cardiovascular, malignant, respiratOty and diabetes. Almost half of the deaths from chronic diseases are caused by some type of cardiovascular disease, and the associated risk factors are smoking, excessive alcohol intake, physical inactivity, hypertension, hyperlipoproteinaemia. The International Diabetic Federation estimates that there were 463 million diabetes patients in the world in 2019, and that the number of patients will increase if the necessary preventive measures are not implemented. Modem research increasingly examines the quality of life, which is severely damaged in patients with chronic diseases. In order to preserve the quality of life, the emphasis is placed on the implementation of preventive measures at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, and from the earliest age it is important to teach children how to acquire positive health habits that they \vill nurture during their lifetime, thus minimising the risk of chronic diseases. As patt of the final work, a study was carried out aimed at examining the way of life of the general population in the tenitory of the Republic of Croatia, the frequency of implementation of preventive measures and the presence of risk factors for chronic non-infectious diseases. It was assumed that there was no statistically significant difference in the proportion of healthy living habits of subjects in relation to their demographic characteristics and that the level of information about chronic diseases was higher in those subjects with chronic disease only or in the family with someone with chronic disease. Futhermore, the influence of inadequate eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and exposure to stress factors on the development of risk for chronic non-infectious diseases were examined. The results showed that men have better habits of living than women and that there is a significant difference between the village and the city, people living in the village have healthier habits of living. Also, information about chronic diseases and prevention measures is higher in those who already suffer from chronic diseases or have a person with chronic disease in family, and those who are less informed about chronic diseases often identify personal health disorders. The lifestyle strongly potentiates the development of tisk factors for the emergence of chronic diseases. |