Title Volontiranje u dječjoj bolnici
Title (english) Volunteering at a children´s hospital
Author Marina Kuleš
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Andreja Bogdan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Canjuga (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-10-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Boravak u bolnici često je traumatski doživljaj, posebno za djecu. Ako uz to pribrojimo i razlog hospitalizacije,dolazi do mnogih emocionalnih promjena kod djeteta. Promjena rutine, nepoznata okolina, izdvajanje od vršnjačke skupine i posebno odvajanje od roditelja može kod djeteta izazvati dodatni strah i tjeskobu. Sam stres oko boravka u bolnici se ne može izbjeći, ali se određenim postupcima može ublažiti. Boravak djeteta u bolnici izaziva promjene emocija kod svih ukućana. U takvim trenucima je vrlo važan rad s roditeljima (informiranost o stanju djeteta, savjetovanje, uključivanje roditelja u njegu i liječenje). Takvim postupcima se ublažavaju njihovi problemi, a to je vrlo važno, jer se emocionalno stanje roditelja prenosi na dijete.
Uključivanje različitih aktivista uz prisutnost roditelja dodatno pomaže oporavku djeteta. Volonterske aktivnosti uključuju čitanje priča, organizacije proslave rođendana, igranje sdjetetom, pomaganje u učenju. Svojim prisustvom volonteri mnogo pomažu djelatnicima i roditeljima i vraćaju osmijeh na mnoga lica.
Cilj rada bio je istražiti informiranost ljudi o volontiranju, hospitalizaciji djece te njihovom međusobnom odnosu. Dobivenim rezultatima prikupljeni su rezultati 280 sudionika od kojih je bilo 96,8% ženskih, a 3,2% muških sudionika. Anketa je provedena pomoću anketnog upitnika putem društvenih mreža i sadržavala je 17 pitanja s ponuđenim odgovorima. Prema dobivenim rezultatima najviše sudionika bilo je u dobi između 26 i 33 godine (34,6%).
Dobiveni rezultati govore da su ispitanici upoznati sa samim pojmom volontiranja i volontera na dječjim odjelima. Imali su iskustva s hospitalizacijom, neki su bili u bolnici kao djeca, a većini ispitanika su vlastita djeca boravila u bolnici. Rezultati pokazuju da su ispitanici jako dobro prihvatili volontere i smatraju da oni imaju pozitivan utjecaj na boravak djeteta u bolnici. Volontiranje smatraju humanom djelatnošću i smatraju da nije potrebna neka posebna vještina i edukacija da se neka osoba time bavi. Istraživanje je također pokazalo da ispitanici imaju želju za volontiranjem, a mnogi nemaju vremena i priliku za tim. Oni koji su volontirali smatraju da je to jedno pozitivno i lijepo iskustvo.
Abstract (english) A hospital stay is often a traumatic experience, especially for children. If we add the reason for hospitalization, there are many emotional changes in the child. A change in routine, an unfamiliar environment, separation from a peer group and special separation from parents can cause additional fear and anxiety in a child. The stress of being in the hospital alone cannot be avoided, but it can be alleviated by certain procedures. The child's stay in the hospital causes changes in emotions in all family members. In such moments, working with parents is very important (information about the child's condition, counseling, involvement of parents in care and treatment). Such actions alleviate their problems, and this is very important, because the emotional state of the parents is transmitted to the child. Involving various activists in the presence of parents further helps the child’s recovery. Volunteer activities include reading stories, organizing birthday celebrations, playing with a child, helping with learning. With their presence, volunteers help employees and parents a lot and bring a smile back to many faces. The aim of the study was to investigate people's awareness of volunteering, hospitalization of children and their relationship. The obtained results collected the results of 280 participants, of which 96.8% were female and 3.2% male participants. The survey was conducted using a survey questionnaire via social media and contained 17 questions with offered answers. According to the obtained results, most participants were between 26 and 33 years old (34.6%). The obtained results show that the respondents are familiar with the very concept of volunteering and volunteers in children's wards. They had experience with hospitalization, some were in the hospital as children, and most of the respondents had their own children stay in the hospital. The results show that the respondents accepted the volunteers very well and believe that they have a positive impact on the child's stay in the hospital. They consider volunteering to be a humane activity and believe that no special skills or education are needed for a person to do it. Research has also shown that respondents have a desire to volunteer, and many do not have the time and opportunity to do so. Those who volunteered consider it a positive and beautiful experience.
emocionalne promjene
multidisciplinarni tim
Keywords (english)
emotional changes
multidisciplinary team
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:693820
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-15 09:11:13