Abstract | Sackett i suradnici praksu utemeljenu na dokazima (EBP) definiraju kao savjesnu upotrebu trenutno najboljih dokaza u donošenju odluka u skrbi za pacijenta. Praksa utemeljena na dokazima još se nije uspjela afirmirati u sestrinstvu Republike Hrvatske, shodno tome puno je nepoznanica vezano za uvjerenja medicinskih sestara kao i ostalih faktora koji utječu na razinu njene implementacije u kliničkoj praksi. Pretpostavlja se kako pozitivna uvjerenja i prepoznavanje vrijednosti EBP u kliničkoj skrbi rezultira njenom većom implementacijom.
Presječno istraživanje „Praksa utemeljena na dokazima – uvjerenja i implementacija“ provedeno je online putem Google Forms aplikacije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 207 medicinskih sestara, a njihovi odgovori prikupljeni su od 21.6.2020. do 27.6.2020. godine. Pitanja su bila podijeljena u 3 kategorije; (1) Opći demografski podaci; (2) EBP ljestvica implementacije i (3) EBP ljestvica uvjerenja. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da medicinske sestre imaju pozitivne uvjerenje prema EBP ali je provode u slabijoj mjeri.
Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da na učestalost implementacije EBP utječe razina obrazovanja, edukacija i radno mjesto ispitanika. Najmanja učestalost implementacije zabilježena je kod ispitanika sa SSS a najveća kod onih s VSS, kod ispitanika bez edukacije o EBP u posljednjih 12 mjeseci (seminari, radionice) zabilježena je najmanja učestalost implementacije, a najveća kod onih s najvećim brojem edukacija. Najmanja učestalost implementacije bilježi se kod medicinskih sestara/tehničara opće njege, a najveća kod glavnih sestara. Ispitanici različitog spola, životne dobi, radnog staža statistički se značajno ne razlikuju s obzirom na učestalost implementacije EBP.
Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da na uvjerenja o EBP utječe razina obrazovanja, životna dob i radno mjesto ispitanika. Kod ispitanika za završenom SSS zabilježeno je najslabije prihvaćanje uvjerenja o EBP, veće je kod VŠS a najveće kod VSS. Najmlađi ispitanici najmanje prihvaćaju uvjerenja, a najstariji najviše. Najmanje prihvaćanje uvjerenja zabilježeno je kod medicinskih sestara/tehničara opće njege. Ispitanici se s obzirom na spol, radni staž i i broj edukacija (seminari, radionice) statistički značajno ne razlikuju s obzirom na prihvaćanje uvjerenja o EBP. Istraživanjem je također potvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna povezanost između učestalosti implementacije EBP i uvjerenja zdravstvenih djelatnika o EBP. Pouzdanost u istraživanju korištenih skala je velika. Izvedena je analiza pouzdanosti dviju skala, a koeficijent pouzdanosti α za tvrdnje u vezi implementacije EBP iznosi 0,97 dok koeficijent pouzdanosti α za tvrdnje u vezi uvjerenja EBP iznosi 0,91. Može se zaključiti da je pouzdanost skala visoka. |
Abstract (english) | Sackett et al. define evidence-based practice (EBP) as the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. Evidence-based practice in nursing has not yet been fully established in Croatia, so there are many unknowns regarding the beliefs, as well as many other factors that affect the level EBP application in clinical practice. Positive beliefs and recognition of the value of EBP is assumed to result in its greater application.
The cross-sectional study “Evidence based practice - beliefs and implementation” was conducted online using Google Forms. A total of 207 nurses participated in the research, and their answers were collected from between June 21 and June 27, 2020. The questions were divided into 3 categories: (1) general demographic data; (2) the EBP implementation scale and (3) and the EBP belief scale. The results of the research imply that nurses have positive attitudes regarding EBP, but apply it to a lesser extent.
The research showed that the frequency of EBP application is influenced by the level of formal education, training (workshops, seminars) and the workplace of the respondents. The lowest frequency of implementation was recorded in respondents with secondary education, and the highest in those with higher education (Master's degree); furthermore, respondents without any EBP training in the last 12 months (seminars, workshops) had the lowest frequency of EBP implementation, while the highest frequency was in those with the most training in the last 12 months. The lowest frequency of EBP implementation was recorded among nurses with only a secondary degree of education, and the highest among head nurses. Respondents of different sex, age, length of employment do not differ significantly with respect to the frequency of EBP use.
This research has shown that EBP beliefs are influenced by the level of education, age and the workplace. Respondents with only a completed secondary degree education were the least likely to accept EBP attitudes, acceptance grew with the level of education and was the highest among nurses with a Master's degree. The younger respondents accepted beliefs the least, and the older respondents accepted them the most. The lowest acceptance of attitudes was recorded among nurses with only a secondary degree of education. Respondents do not differ significantly with regard to gender, work experience and the number of trainings (seminars, workshops) with regard to the acceptance of EBP attitudes. The study also confirmed that there is a statistically significant correlation between the frequency of EBP implementation and the participants’ beliefs about EBP. Reliability in researching the scales used is great. A reliability analysis of the two scales was performed, and the reliability coefficient α for claims related to EBP implementation was 0.97, while the reliability coefficient α for claims related to EBP beliefs was 0.91. In conclusion, the reliability of the here used scales is high. |