Title Sigurnost bolesnika u zdravstvenom sustavu
Title (english) Patient safety in the health care system
Author Valentina Vincek
Mentor Marijana Neuberg (mentor)
Committee member Karlo Houra (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Milas (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-10-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Sigurnost u zdravstvenom sustavu s bolesnikom u središtu, predstavlja ideal kvalitetne zdravstvene skrbi. Sam koncept tek je počeo dobivati na važnosti, a javio se kao odgovor na relativno nisku svijest o učestalosti i važnosti prevencije neželjenih događaja u sustavu zdravstvene skrbi. Iako postoje jasne definicije o standardima kvalitete zdravstvene zaštite, još uvijek kultura sigurnosti bolesnika unutar zdravstvenih institucija i organizacija nije u potpunosti razvijena, što uvelike utječe na sigurnost bolesnika kao jednu od najpouzdanijih mjera kvalitete zdravstvenog sustava. Svrha rada je istražiti pojavnost neželjenih događaja, učestalost prijave neželjenih događaja te smatraju li zdravstveni djelatnici da je bolesnik na njihovom odjelu siguran i poduzima li se sve kako bi se on osjećao sigurnim. Korištena je kvantitativna metoda istraživanja, a za dobivanje podataka putem Google Forms obrasca korišten je upitnik o kulturi sigurnosti bolesnika u bolnici. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 209 sudionika od toga 90,4% (189) pripadnica ženskog spola i 9,6% (20) pripadnika muškog spola. Prikupljeni podaci su analizirani i obrađeni putem Programskog paketa za društvena istraživanja.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako je najveći postotak sudionika (98,1%) na svojem trenutnom radnom mjestu u direktnom kontaktu sa bolesnikom, a prema stupnju obrazovanja najviše je bilo prvostupnik/ca sestrinstva i to 53,6%. Više od 2/3 sudionika je „opterećeno“ brojem radnih sati u tjednu te je samo 47,8% sudionika prijavilo jedan ili više neželjenih događaja zadnjih 12 mjeseci. Sudionici vode brigu o sigurnosti bolesnika, ali isto tako nastoje biti „pri ruci“ svojim kolegama/icama. Iako se pretpostavljalo da će i demografska obilježja imati značajan utjecaj na ocjenu sigurnosti bolesnika u zdravstvenim ustanovama, rezultati pokazuju da godine radnog straža ne utječu na ocjenu sigurnosti bolesnika.
Zaključno je konstatirano da većina sudionika ocjenjuje sigurnost bolesnika kao vrlo visoku odnosno odličnu, te da se s povećanjem stupnja obrazovanja smanjuje ocjena sigurnosti bolesnika.
Sigurnost bolesnika u zdravstvenim ustanova iziskuje stalno usavršavanje sustava i osoblja. Ključ uspjeha leži u spoznaji da se kvaliteta pružane zdravstvene zaštite očituje na kvaliteti bolesnikove sigurnosti. Samo malim pomakom u zdravstvom sustavu zasigurno će se i sigurnost bolesnika podići na višu razinu.
Abstract (english) Safety in the healthcare system, with the patient in focus, presents an ideal of high-quality healthcare. The concept itself has only started gaining importance. It appeared as an answer to a relatively low level of awareness of the frequency and importance of prevention of unwanted events in the healthcare system. Despite clear definitions on the standards of healthcare quality, the culture of patient safety within healthcare institutions and organizations is not fully developed yet, which greatly affects patient safety as one of the most reliable healthcare system quality indicators.
The purpose of this paper was to examine the prevalence of unwanted events, the frequency of unwanted events being reported and whether healthcare workers believe that patients are safe in their units and if everything is being done to make them feel safe.
Quantitative research method was used for obtaining results. The data was obtained via Google Forms, using a questionnaire on the patient safety culture in hospitals. It was conducted on 209 participants. 90,4% (189) respondents were females and 9,6% (20) participants were male. Their answers were analyzed with the Social studies software package.
The results showed that the biggest percentage of the respondents (98,1%) came into direct contact with the patients in their current workplaces. Most of the respondents (53,6%) were Bachelors of Nursing. More than 2/3 of the respondents were „overwhelmed“ by the number of working hours in one week. Only 47,8% of the respondents reported one or more unwanted events in the last 12 months. The respondents take care of patient safety but are also trying to be there for their colleagues. Although it was assumed that the demographics will have a significant effect on safety assessment, the results have shown that the number of years of work experience does not affect the safety level assessment.
It was concluded that the majority of the respondents consider patient safety level to be very high to excellent. Also, the results have shown that safety level assessment decreases with the rise in the respondents' education level.
Patient safety in healthcare institutions requires constant improvement of the system and the personnel. The key to success lies in knowing that healthcare quality is reflected in the quality of the patient safety system. Even a small step forward will surely raise patient safety to a higher level.
sigurnost bolesnika
zdravstveni sustav
medicinska sestra
zdravstvena ustanova
Keywords (english)
patient safety
healthcare system
healthcare institution
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:916577
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-02-12 13:02:25