Abstract | Volontiranjem se doprinosi poboljšanju načina života, stječe se odgovornost te niz drugih
vrijednosti. Bez prisile, slobodna volja i darivanje svog vremena predstavljaju glavne značajke
volonterstva. Volontiranje nas uči komunikaciji i suradnji, za rad se ne očekuje nikakva nagrada
ni pohvala, već je sam osjećaj zadovoljstva da si nekom pomogao dovoljna nagrada i plaća.
Upoznavanje novih ljudi, stjecanje iskustva, osjećaji i razne potrebe potiču ljude na
volontiranje. Svaka punoljetna osoba, kao i maloljetna s navršenih 15 godina, može biti
volonter. Cilj rada je analiziranje teorijskog aspekta volontiranja te ispitivanja stavova i
mišljenja o volonterstvu studenata zdravstvenog usmjerenja te provođenje opće usporedbe u
Za potrebe ovog istraživanja kreiran je anketni upitnik proveden među 215 studenata
zdravstvenih studija u Splitu i Varaždinu. U radu je korišten način tabelarnog prikazivanja kako
bi se prezentirala struktura studenata, kao i stajališta studenata o volontiranju. Razlika u
zastupljenosti ponuđenih odgovora ispitana je χ2 testom.
U radu je prikazana provedena anonimna online anketa koja je sadržavala 20 pitanja o dobi,
spolu, obrazovanju, poznavanju volonterstva kao pojma, mišljenju ispitanika o volontiranju,
spremnost na isto te koliko njihova okolina i obitelj volontira. Namijenjena je bila kolegama
studentima Sveučilišta Sjever zdravstvenog usmjerenja i studentima Zdravstvenog studija u
Splitu. Anketa se provodila u razdoblju od 07. siječanja do 27. siječanja 2021. godine. Rezultati
ankete pokazuju da je većina studenata upoznata volonterskim radom te da su prve informacije
o volontiranju dobili u osnovnoj školi. Također, pokazalo se kako ispitanici smatraju da su
volonteri potrebni u zdravstvu te da je volonterski rad koristan za zajednicu u kojoj živimo.
U provedenom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 215 osoba. Istraživanje je provedeno putem
online ankete, a u njemu sudjelovali su studenti Sveučilišta Sjever zdravstvenog usmjerenja i
studenti Zdravstvenog studija u Splitu. U anketi je sudjelovalo 46,5% studenata Zdravstvenih
studija u Splitu i 53,5% studenata Sveučilišta Sjever. Od toga je 77,7% bilo ženskog spola i
22,3 % muškog. Većina ispitanika bila je u dobi od 21 do 31 godine. Također, većina je
ispitanika informacije o volontiranju dobila u osnovnoj školi.
Volontiranje je stil i način života povezan sa sustavom vrijednosti čovjeka. Glavne
značajke volontiranja su nesebično davanje svog vremena, stjecanje iskustva, komunikacija te
rad iz želje da se nekome pomogne. Samo volontiranje ima važnu ulogu, ali je važna i edukacija
te zaštita pojedinaca, a posebno djece, osoba s invaliditetom te starijih i nemoćnih osoba. |
Abstract (english) | Volunteering contributes to the improvement of the way of life, gains responsibility, and
lower values. Without coercion, free will, giving of one's time are the main features of
volunteering. Volunteering teaches us communication and cooperation, no reward or praise is
expected for the work, the very feeling of satisfaction, that if you help someone, there is enough
reward and salary. Meeting new people, gaining experiences, feelings and various needs
encourage people to volunteer. Any person of legal age and a minor over the age of 15 can be
a volunteer. The aim of this paper is to analyze the theoretical aspect of volunteering and to
examine the attitudes and opinions about volunteering of health students and to conduct a
general comparison in the answers.
In the empirical part of this paper, applied methods in biomedicine are used. For the
purposes of this research, a survey questionnaire was created that was proven among 215
students of health studies in Split and Varaždin. The paper uses a tabular presentation method
to present the structure of students as well as students' views on volunteering. The difference in
the representation of the offered answers of the respondents is the χ2 test.
The paper presents an online survey that contained 20 questions anonymously, general
questions about age, gender, education, knowledge of the term volunteering, opinion on
volunteering, willingness to do the same, how much their environment and family volunteer. It
was intended for fellow students of the University of the North, health specialization and
students of the Medical Study in Split. The survey was conducted in the period from January 7
to January 27, 2021. The results of the survey show that most students are familiar with
volunteer work, and that the first information was obtained in primary school. The results of
the survey show that respondents believe that volunteers are needed in health care and that
volunteer work is beneficial for the community in which we live.
215 people participated in the research. The research was proven through an online survey,
and students from the University of the North in the field of health and students from the Faculty
of Health in Split participated. 46.5% of students of Health Studies in Split and 53.5% of
students of the University of the North participated in the survey. Of these, 77.7% were female
and 22.3% male. Most of the respondents were aged 21-31. Also, most of the information on
volunteering was obtained in elementary school.
Volunteering is a style and way of life associated with a person’s value system. The main
features of volunteering are selflessly giving your time, gaining experience, communication,
working out of a desire to help someone. Volunteering itself plays an important role, but it is also important to educate and protect individuals, especially children, people with disabilities,
the elderly and the infirm. |