Title Očuvanje kulturne baštine kroz razvoj ruralnog turizma
Title (english) Preservation of cultural heritage through the development of rural tourism
Author Barbara Golub
Mentor Marina Gregorić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Rončević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gregorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darijo Čerepinko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2021-10-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Materijalna i nematerijalna baština predstavljaju neizostavnu komponentu ruralnog turizma.
Sukladno tome, razvoj takvog oblika turizma gotovo je nemoguć bez kulturnih elemenata. Ljudi
i njihov način života, stvaralaštvo, kulturni izričaj i običaji nekog mjesta privlače turiste u
destinaciju u jednakoj mjeri kao i njene prirodne ljepote. Osim toga, kultura može biti i važan
čimbenik u procesu brendiranja destinacije što potvrđuju i brojni primjeri destinacija koje su se
uspjele istaknuti na međunarodnom turističkom tržištu zahvaljujući svojim kulturnim,
povijesnim i sličnim resursima. Temeljem toga, moguće je zaključiti izravnu povezanost
ruralnog i kulturnog turizma kao specifičnih oblika turizma. Budući da ruralna područja
karakteriziraju depopulacija i napuštanje tradicionalnih djelatnosti, razvoj turizma donosi
ekonomska i društvena rješenja za takva područja. Korištenje kulture u turističke svrhe, kao i
valorizacija iste, štiti brojne tradicionalne elemente od zaborava te potiče mlađe generacije na
obnavljanje mnogih starih zanata i znanja. S druge strane, novi turistički trendovi ukazuju na
porast putovanja u ruralne turističke destinacije, osobito za vrijeme trajanja pandemije virusa
COVID-19 kada su turisti u potrazi za mirnim i nenapučenim destinacijama. Sukladno
navedenome, predmet diplomskog rada je analiza karakteristika i važnosti ruralne kulturnopovijesne
baštine, načina njenog očuvanja te turistička valorizacija iste. Ciljevi rada su utvrditi
važnost kulturne baštine za razvoj turizma na ruralnim područjima, istaknuti povezanosti
između kulturnog i ruralnog turizma te naglasiti potrebu za očuvanjem i zaštitom kulturnopovijesnih
vrijednosti takvih područja. Za istraživanje su korištene povijesna metoda, metoda
analize, metoda deskripcije te metoda intervjua. Doprinos rada očituje se kroz prikaz dokazane
potrebe za ulaganjima u kulturno-povijesnu baštinu ruralnih područja te analize trenutnog stanja
temeljenog na ispitivanju dviju turističkih zajednica čiji prostor obiluje kulturnim resursima.
Abstract (english) Tangible and intangible heritage is an indispensable component of rural tourism. Therefore, the
development of such a form of tourism is almost impossible without cultural elements. The
people and their way of life, the creativity, cultural expression and customs of a place attract
tourists as much as its natural beauty. Moreover, culture can be an important factor in the
process of destination branding, which is confirmed by numerous examples of destinations that
have managed to stand out on the international tourism market thanks to their cultural, historical
and similar resources. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a direct link between rural
tourism and cultural tourism as specific forms of tourism. Since rural areas are characterized by
depopulation and abandonment of traditional activities, the development of tourism brings
economic and social solutions to these areas. The use of culture for tourism purposes, as well
as its valorization, saves many traditional elements from oblivion and encourages the younger
generation to renew many old crafts and knowledge. On the other hand, new tourism trends
indicate an increase in travel to rural destinations, especially during the COVID -19 virus
pandemic when tourists are looking for quiet and unpopulated destinations. Against this
background, this thesis analyzes the characteristics and significance of rural cultural and
historical heritage, the possibilities of its preservation and its valorization for tourism. The aim
of the paper was to identify the importance of cultural heritage for the development of tourism
in rural areas, to highlight the links between cultural and rural tourism, and to emphasize the
need to preserve and protect the cultural and historical values of such areas. Historical methods,
analytical methods, descriptive methods and interview methods were used for the study. The
contribution of the work manifests itself in the presentation of the proven need for investment
in the cultural and historical heritage of rural areas and in the analysis of the current situation
through the study of the initiation of tourist boards whose space is rich in cultural resources.
kulturna baština
kulturni turizam
ruralni turizam
ruralno područje
Keywords (english)
cultural heritage
cultural tourism
rural tourism
rural area
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:506641
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-03-22 14:04:40